Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 161 Three times the salary

Chapter 161 Triple Salary

Seeing Liu Weidong's flustered look, Chen Bing knew something was going on, and pointed to the bench opposite the desk, signaling Liu Weidong to sit down.

"Mr. Chen, the workers have asked for a holiday!" Liu Weidong didn't sit down, and put his hands on Chen Bing's desk.

"Holiday, what do you mean?" Chen Bing asked.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the workers have asked to go home for the holiday!" Liu Weidong said: "However, this time of the year is the busiest time for our factory. Mr. Chen, just now, dealers from all over the country are still urging the goods, saying that they want out of stock."

Chen Bing frowned slightly.

This is a very difficult question. At this time of the year, the hearts of workers are like cats scratching. They want to go home for the New Year. Accompanying my wife, children, and parents, but at this time, the factory has to process, and no one can stand it.

Chen Bing frowned.

"Mr. Liu, let Director Yang Fang of the Production Department and Director Yang Haimin of the Sales Department come over, and we will have a short meeting."

Liu Weidong nodded slightly: "I just met Haimin, he said he just came back from Yangxian City, and he just happened to be able to have a meeting."

When Liu Weidong said this, he picked up the phone on Chen Bing's desk and called the production department: "I'm Liu Weidong, and I want Director Yang to come to Mr. Chen's office immediately for a meeting."

After Liu Weidong finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Liu Weidong hung up the phone and walked outside again. After a while, Liu Weidong walked in with Yang Haimin and Yang Fang.

When they saw Chen Bing, they all nodded slightly.

Yang Haimin looked down on Chen Bing before, but now he is completely convinced by Chen Bing's ability.

Chen Bing saw that Yang Haimin and Yang Fang had lost a lot of weight.

"You two, thank you for your hard work!" Chen Bing said.

Yang Haimin smiled innocently: "Mr. Chen, the current supply of goods is in short supply everywhere. I just came back from Yangxian City to see if I can transfer a batch of goods from Yangxian City. The supply is in short supply, Manager Zhao said, Qinmin Cannery now runs two shifts, and the workload of the workers reaches more than [-] hours a day, and the workers are now complaining."

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "Can we increase the number of workers?"

"Mr. Chen, we have enough workers now. The main reason is that the Chinese New Year is approaching, and the workers want to go home instead of staying in the factory."

Grandma, it's a fact.

Yang Fang went on to say: "Mr. Chen, it's the same on our side. Many workers asked to go home for the holidays to celebrate the New Year."

Yang Fang also lamented at this point: "Mr. Chen, the workers are suffering too much. We can understand their demands. It's almost Chinese New Year. Who doesn't want to go home to accompany their wives, children and the elderly!"

Chen Bing patted his hands on the table lightly: "What you said makes sense. It stands to reason that everyone should go home to spend time with their children and grow old. It’s the best time for our business, so why don’t we go home for the New Year’s holiday at this time, put down the business, wait until next year, the company will close down, the factory will close down, and then they will find another way out?”

When Yang Fang and Yang Haimin heard it, Chen Bing's words were a bit wrong. Yang Fang wanted to persuade Chen Bing to take the holiday and let the workers go home to spend a good year. They can work hard again next year, but from Chen Bing's words, Chen Bing Impossible to take a vacation.

Yang Fang is also a smart person, she swallowed the words abruptly.

"I'm telling you, you can't let it go. Not only can you not let it go, but you have to increase the intensity."

After Chen Bing spoke, Yang Fang hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, if you don't have a holiday, if you increase the intensity, the workers will quarrel."

Liu Weidong also said: "Yes, Mr. Chen, the workers will be arguing, what if they go on strike collectively?"

Chen Bing said: "Don't worry, they won't go on strike. Besides, I'm not afraid even if there is a strike. For our cannery, there is a shortage of everything, but no shortage of workers. Now there are many idle labor forces in rural areas. Our cannery is labor-intensive. It is a small factory with low technical content and low requirements for workers, so I am not afraid of not being able to recruit workers. Besides, the wages of workers in our Jiahe canning factory are much higher than those of workers in other factories. Don't be afraid they won't do it."

Liu Weidong and others did not expect that Chen Bing would have such high self-confidence.

"Mr. Chen, what should we do now?"

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "Director Yang, go down and tell the workers that we are a big family, and they can only be healthy when the factory is well. Now is the busiest time of the year, and they have to go home for the New Year. I can figure it out. However, it can’t be let go, absolutely can’t let it go, from today until the Lantern Festival, each worker’s daily salary is three times that of the usual one, and the salary will be paid on the same day after the work is done on the same day, whoever wants to do it, stay and follow me to earn high wages, If anyone doesn't want to do it and wants to go home for the New Year, he will be paid immediately, and after the New Year, he won't use it."

Chen Bing said simply and rudely.

After Chen Bing finished speaking, everyone opened their mouths.

Liu Weidong said: "Mr. Chen, you said you would pay three times the salary?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly.

In fact, the triple salary was stipulated by the Labor Law of the previous life, and Chen Bing just copied it.

In the late 80s and early 90s, three times the daily wages for workers during Chinese New Year was not implemented anywhere, so when Chen Bing said it, it was a blast.

"Pay three times the wages during the Chinese New Year, and write this in the company's articles of association. From now on, anyone who follows the company's articles of association and works overtime independently during the Chinese New Year holidays can get three times the salary. At that time, the worker clamored to go home for the New Year holidays, such a worker, Jiahe don’t want it.”

Everyone opened their mouths again.

"Director Yang Fang!"

The company now has Director Yang Haimin and Director Yang Fang, so Chen Bing is simply called Director Yang, and if he doesn't know which one to call, he uses his name to distinguish them.

Yang Fang hurriedly said, "Mr. Chen, give me your orders!"

"Notify the production department of this decision. If anyone else wants to go back, pay them their wages now and let them go!"

Yang Fang nodded quickly: "Mr. Chen, if you pay three times the salary every day, I can guarantee that no one is willing to go back. To be honest, including me, I don't want to go back either. Isn't it just for a year? I can't live there. Similarly, if you earn three times your salary, how much can you buy for your family!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing laughed and said: "What you said is very reasonable, then you go down and do the work of the production department as soon as possible, so that they understand that the company is their home, and the company is not giving them a holiday now, it is really a last resort."

Yang Fang nodded again.

(End of this chapter)

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