Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 168 Children's Problems

Chapter 168 Children's Problems

After Yang Xue heard this, she still said the same thing: "Just let her get used to it!"

After buying new clothes for Guoguo, he had to buy them for Yang Xue, so next, Chen Bing bought new clothes for Yang Xue.

Although Yang Xue has become a mother now, she is still very young. Besides, it is natural for girls to love beauty. Chen Bing bought her new clothes, and a smile finally appeared on her face.

Chen Bing suddenly had a feeling that Yang Xue was also his daughter.

Chen Bing may have experienced a previous life. Although he is in his 20s now, according to his previous life, he is now in his 50s. Yes, if he had a daughter at that time, he would be about the same age as Yang Xue.

After buying clothes, the three of them are very happy.

Chen Bing was holding Guoguo, Yang Xue followed behind, and the employees of the department store carried things for them.

Back home, Yang Xue looked at the house full of New Year's goods and smiled happily.

"Bingzi, if this was last year, I wouldn't even dare to think about it!"

Chen Bing smiled slightly, but said nothing.

In the past, although he had memories, he couldn't remember clearly.

"Bingzi, just last year, during our New Year's Eve, I only bought half a catty of sugar because of the fruit. At that time, it was so pitiful that I couldn't even steam a pot of white steamed buns."

When Yang Xue said this, she actually cried.

Chen Bing walked over and patted Yang Xue on the back: "Don't cry, Xiaoxue, don't worry, I will never let you and Guoguo suffer again in this life!"

At this time, Guoguo didn't know what Yang Xue and Chen Bing were talking about, and just played with her new clothes.

"Bingzi, what about these things?" Yang Xue said.

"Tomorrow, you send a message to your natal family to ask your two brothers to come and move away!"

After hearing this, Yang Xue nodded quickly and said, "Okay, what about the family?"

The home Yang Xue mentioned was the home of trash Chen Bing.

"You don't care about this, I'll send someone to take it back."

Yang Xue nodded again.

"I want to go back to my mother's house. This year, my second brother is getting married. It must be very lively."

Of course Chen Bing knew what Yang Xue was thinking, and he was afraid that the two elder brothers would fight again in these years.

"No, you can go after the new year. You are going back to your natal family now, are you going to work for their family?"

After Chen Bing spoke, Yang Xue stopped talking.

"Listen to me, do whatever I tell you to do?"

Yang Xue could only nod.

In Yang Xue's eyes, Chen Bing at this time is the sky, and she will do whatever she is asked to do.

At night, Chen Bing couldn't fall asleep for a long time. At this time, Yang Xue stretched out her tender hand and held Chen Bing's hand tightly.

"Bingzi, are you asleep?" Yang Xue asked.

"Not yet, why haven't you slept yet?"

"Can't sleep. Can't you sleep too?"

"Yeah, there are too many things in the company recently. After the new year, several production lines will be launched, and the construction of factories in other places will also be put on the agenda, so I can't sleep."

Yang Xue got into Chen Bing's bed.

"Bingzi, our family has enough money now, you don't need to work so hard."

"Yes, I have enough money now. It stands to reason that I don't need to work so hard, but I still have to work hard."

"Bingzi, I want a child!" Yang Xue said.

"Child? Don't we have Guoguo?" Chen Bing asked.

"Guoguo is a girl, so she cannot inherit the incense!" Yang Xue said directly.

"You are such an old feudalist. Why can't girls inherit the incense? I think our Guoguo can inherit the incense!"

After Chen Bing spoke, Yang Xue hurriedly said: "Bingzi, I still want a boy. If I conceive now, it will be born next year. Next year is the year of the snake. Snake is a good zodiac sign. How about it, Bingzi?"

About having a child, Yang Xue said long ago, but this kind of thing can't be forced. In Chen Bing's previous life, he was never married and had no children. Now that he has Guoguo, he is already satisfied. So, if he wants another child, he The requirements are really not strong.

"This cannot be forced."

"Bingzi, just say whether you want it or not?" Yang Xue said directly.

"It's fine if you want it," Chen Bing said.

"Anything is fine."

"What I mean is to give birth as soon as you get pregnant. If you can't get pregnant, we don't force it."

After hearing this, Yang Xue hurriedly said: "No, I must conceive. You are getting richer and richer now. As the saying goes, a mother is more expensive than a child. Now I only have Guoguo and no boy. If that vixen really stalks you, What shall I do then?"

When Yang Xue said this, she wanted to cry.

Chen Bing hurriedly said: "Xiaoxue, what are you talking about, that vixen will stalk me, don't worry, no, absolutely not, I can swear to God!"

After hearing this, Yang Xue said: "I don't care, swearing is a lie, I have one purpose now, to have a son!"

Yang Xue was stunned. Ever since Chen Bing became rich, she has been stunned.

As long as Chen Bing was around, Yang Xue would torture Chen Bing every night. Chen Bing's thin body couldn't take it anymore. No, after going to Qinjiang, Chen Bing felt that he was only living like a human being, and only then was he living like a human being.

In the previous life, there were many women around Chen Bing, but when interacting with them, he could do whatever he wanted, and he could do whatever he wanted, without any pressure.

Grandma's, with Yang Xue, she is too purposeful and under pressure.

What the hell!

This may be the real reason why men are out looking for women.

"Bingzi, we have worked hard for so long, but my stomach still hasn't moved. Otherwise, let's go to the hospital tomorrow."

As soon as Yang Xue said, Chen Bing was taken aback, and she quickly waved her hands and said, "This is not okay, we are still young, and we will have plenty of opportunities in the future, so go to the hospital now, what should I do if someone hits me, saying I can't give birth Or you can't give birth!"

Yang Xuedao: "I don't care, anyway, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, after the Chinese New Year, I have to conceive a child, what do you do?"

Chen Bing was depressed. There are still such unreasonable women in the world. If they give birth to a child, they have to blame their own men.

Yang Xue put her arms around Chen Bing's arms: "Bing, please, let's go!"

As long as Yang Xue's soft voice entered Chen Bing's ears, Chen Bing would immediately disarm and surrender.

"Okay, okay, I promise you, but now the doctors are on vacation, and there is no doctor in the hospital!"

As soon as Chen Bing finished speaking, Yang Xue said, "Don't worry, there are doctors in the hospital, I asked them all."

"Have you asked all the questions?"

Yang Xue nodded: "The sister of one of my colleagues works in our hospital. If I go, I will contact my colleague and ask her sister to help us check!"

"You had a premeditated plan!" Chen Bing said with a chuckle.

"Of course, for my status in the family and for my son, what's wrong with my premeditated plan?"

"Then you will contact me tomorrow morning, let's go and have a look as soon as possible, I still have something to do!"

Yang Xue nodded quickly.

Grandma, when talking about the child, Chen Bing's body reacted, and he hugged Yang Xue tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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