Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 170 Miracle

Chapter 170 Miracle
Li Qiang thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll contact the patient's family for you to see which hospital it is."

Chen Bing thanked happily after hearing this.

Chen Bing knew that it would take some time for Li Qiang to contact him, so he went back to the ward with Hao Yong.

At this time, He Feng's wife happened to come over, and when she saw Chen Bing, her tears were like the Yellow River bursting its embankment.

"Mr. Chen, you say that He Feng is like this, how can our family live!"

He Feng's two children followed behind their mother, staring at her mother in horror.

Chen Bing could only comfort him, what else could he do.

"Don't worry, He Feng was injured to save me. I will take responsibility no matter what. Hao Yong and I went to see Dr. Li just now. Dr. Li said that he has a patient whose condition is worse than that of He Feng. However, when we arrived in the United States, well, we can walk now, so I asked the doctor to contact which hospital, after the contact, we will send He Feng to the United States for treatment, how about it?"

After Chen Bing spoke, Li Cuie, He Feng's wife, knelt down and kowtowed to Chen Bing with a plop.

Frightened, Chen Bing quickly helped her up.

"Get up, don't scare the child."

Li Cuie stood up.

"Are there any difficulties at home?"

Chen Bing asked.

Li Cuie had no job at first, but after He Feng was injured, Chen Bing asked Li Cuie to work in the factory.

"No, it's just that Chinese New Year is coming soon, the elderly in the family are getting older, and the two children are still young, and our factory does not have holidays."

"In this way, you are a special case. From today on, you will go home and come back to work after the Lantern Festival."

With tears in her eyes, Li Cuie said, "Mr. Chen, is this okay?" '

"Okay, I can do it if I say yes, the company is mine, and my word is the imperial decree."

Li Cui'e nodded quickly.

Chen Bing took out 5000 yuan from his body and stuffed it into Li Cuie's hands: "During the Chinese New Year, don't worry about it, buy more things, and have a good New Year. After the Chinese New Year, after we connect the hospitals in the United States, you may still have to accompany me." Take He Feng to America."

Li Cuie nodded again after hearing this: "Mr. Chen, you said that this big family, the old ones, the young ones, if I go to the United States, what will they do?"

Chen Bing gently stroked the heads of Li Cuie's two children: "Don't worry, after you leave, the two children and the old man will have me." '

After hearing this, Li Cuie knelt down and kowtowed again.

Chen Bing helped her up again.

After leaving the hospital, Chen Bing felt very heavy.

"Hao Yong, why don't you arrange someone from your security department to do nothing for a day and just solve the difficulties for He Feng's family."

After hearing this, Hao Yong nodded and said, "Mr. Chen, don't worry."

"It's all because of my responsibility that their family has become like this, so I have to be responsible to the end."

Hao Yong nodded again.

"After the Chinese New Year, He Feng's wife will not go to work, but she will be paid according to the salary every month."

"Okay, Mr. Chen." Hao Yong nodded again.

Back in the office, Chen Bing picked up the phone and called Yuan Ying.

Yuan Ying never dreamed that Chen Bing would call her.

"Bingzi, why did you remember to call me? Did you miss me?" Yuan Ying asked on the phone.

Hearing Yuan Ying's words, Chen Bing's bones were shattered.

"Of course I think about it, let me tell you, I can't sleep every night because of thinking about it!"

Chen Bing put the phone on the table, then went out and closed the door.

If Chen Bing and Yuan Ying's sour phone calls were heard by the people in the factory, they would immediately become an uproar. If Yang Xue heard it, it would not be too noisy.

Chen Bing didn't want to add such trouble to himself for no reason.

"Really, then I'll come back to see you!"

Yuan Ying wanted to come back, but Chen Bing was taken aback.

"You must never come back."

"So you think I'm a fake?"

"Hehehe, it's true."

Chen Bing didn't expect that he would be surrounded by Yuan Ying. It seems that lies cannot be told.

Does Chen Bing love Yuan Ying?

In fact, Chen Bing didn't know either. Anyway, he thought Yuan Ying was pretty, but if a woman would hurt Yang Xue, he would immediately cut off contact with this woman.

In Chen Bing's mind, Yuan Ying was a woman who would harm Yang Xue, so he had to stay away.

If a man loves the wild flowers and weeds outside, he should love them without affecting his family. If such wild flowers and weeds will endanger his family, he would rather not love them.

"Stop making up nonsense, tell me, what's the matter?" Yuan Ying said.

Chen Bing smiled awkwardly: "I just want to ask, how are you doing recently?"

"Okay, great, my Mr. Chen, if it's all right, I'll hang up."

When Chen Bing heard that Yuan Ying was about to hang up the phone, he hurriedly said, "Don't, don't, don't hang up, I have something to do."


"Yuan Ying, I am a security guard who has become a vegetable in order to save me. I heard that the United States has a lot of research on this disease. I want you to inquire for me first to see which hospital is more authoritative in this area. "

"So that's what happened. You should have said it earlier. Is it necessary to make such a big detour? Besides, don't I know if you love me or not?"

After Yuan Ying finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Damn it, Chen Bing also hung up the phone.

Chen Bing made a phone call. His forehead was sweating in such a cold day.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the Jiahe Cannery is still busy day and night. Chen Bing is not a black-hearted boss, he specially increased the meals, especially during this period, every meal has at least two meat dishes, especially the big meat.

After the food was increased, the workers were very happy. Damn, if there is such a food every day, why would they go home? After what year, come home, do they have such good food?

What's more, Chen Bing said that everyone can take a copy of such a good meal when they go home, so that the family members can try it out.

This makes the workers even happier. They work in the factory during the Chinese New Year. If they can bring some back home, they will let their family members celebrate the Chinese New Year too.

Chen Bing has experienced previous lives, and knows that this small favor can enhance the cohesion of the company.

The workers' demands are not high, they just want higher wages and better food, if you meet these two points, they will definitely take over the company and take over the factory.

When Chen Bing came home at night, a fragrant smell came to his nostrils.

Seeing Chen Bing coming back, Guoguo rushed forward immediately: "Dad, Dad, smell it, is it fragrant?"

Chen Bing nodded and said, "Sweet, Guoguo, why is it so fragrant?"

"Dad, Mom is cooking meat. Mom said, when the meat is cooked, get me a big bone for me to chew on!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing patted Guoguo on the head: "What a greedy cat!"

(End of this chapter)

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