Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 173 Look at the parents

Chapter 173 Look at the parents

Although Yang Xue's voice was low, Chen Bing could still hear it clearly.

"Xiaoxue, are you impatient?" Chen Bing asked directly.

Yang Xue saw that Chen Bing's expression was not good, and said, "No, I just can't figure it out."

Chen Bing said: "Xiaoxue, the relationship between me and their family cannot be explained clearly in words. I will tell you today. Without their family, I, Chen Bing, would not be where I am today. It can also be said that without their family, I, Chen Bing, would not be here today." They have died without a burial place, for me, they are more important than my biological parents."

After Chen Bing spoke, Yang Xue said in surprise: "You said that their family saved your life, why didn't I know that?"

"Xiaoxue, there are some things you don't know, and I don't want you to know. I really don't want to recall the bloody scene."

Chen Bing's lies came as soon as he opened his mouth.

"sorry, I do not know."

"Xiaoxue, remember, the old couple are my biological parents, that is, your biological parents-in-law. Remember, you must be filial. If I live in this life, I will be filial to them and give them old age. If I die in In front of them, you will take care of them for me, and provide them with retirement until the end of their lives!"

Yang Xue had never seen Chen Bing speak like this.

"Bingzi, please don't say that. You are the heaven for me and Guoguo. Whatever you say, nothing will happen. If something happens to you, Guoguo and I will die!"

Yang Xue actually burst into tears.

Today, for Yang Xue, that is heaven, if Chen Bing is really gone that day, she doesn't know if she can survive!

Yang Xue cried, and Chen Bing hugged Yang Xue in his arms lovingly.

"Bingzi, can you stop saying such scary things in the future?"

Chen Bing stroked Yang Xue's beautiful hair: "I'm telling the truth. In this world, no one can guarantee whether you will see the sun tomorrow, so you have to be strong. When this year is over, I will open an account for you. Put 500 million in your account, if something really happened to me that day, you can live a good life with this money!"

When Chen Bing said this, Yang Xue left Chen Bing's body at once: "Bingzi, I don't allow you to say that. In this life, even if we two die, I will die before you!"

Chen Bing walked over and hugged Yang Xue tightly.

Hey, it's really bad luck for him to say such a thing.

"Okay, stop talking, stop crying, we still have to go to Shaanxi Province!"

"Bingzi, can you stop scaring me with such words? Don't worry, I will raise the godfathers and godmothers you mentioned in Shaanxi Province as my own parents."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "That's right, it's not like raising them like our biological parents. Remember, they are our biological parents. As long as you treat them well and they live happily, I will be happy."

Yang Xue nodded quickly after hearing this.

Since he bought a lot of things when he went there years ago, Chen Bing didn't buy anything this time, but just took some symbolically.

Since the departure was relatively early, Santana arrived at the door of Chen Shuanlao's house around eleven o'clock.

Chen Bing got out of the car, looked at the dilapidated gatehouse and courtyard walls, and was filled with emotion, grandma, although this place is dilapidated, he just likes it.

As soon as Santana stopped at the door, Chen Shuanlao and Gao Rongqiao rushed out.

Chen Bing hurried over: "Mom and Dad, I brought my whole family to celebrate the New Year with you!"

What happened just now was still fresh in Yang Xue's memory. She knew that to make Chen Bing happy, she had to make the two old people happy first.

"Mom and Dad, I wish you a Happy New Year!"

Chen Bing usually called her parents, but today, Yang Xue also called her parents, which made Chen Shuanlao and his wife happy: "Son, hurry in, it's cold outside!"

Chen Bing went in, kowtowed to Chen Shuanlao and Gao Rongqiao on the ground, and the two old people quickly helped him up: "My child, the ground is dirty, get up quickly!"

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Guoguo, didn't you say you want to kowtow to grandpa and grandma? Why don't you kowtow?"

After hearing this, Guoguo quickly kowtowed to her grandparents on the ground.

After kowtowing, Chen Bing took out two big red envelopes of 1000 yuan and handed them to Chen Shuanlao and Gao Rongqiao: "Mom and Dad, this is your New Year's money, pack it up!"

Knowing that he couldn't refuse, Chen Shuanlao pretended to be, took out two wads of money from his body and handed them to Yang Xue and Guoguo, saying that they were lucky money for Yang Xue and Guoguo.

Yang Xue didn't want it, she turned her head to look at Chen Bing.

Chen Bing asked her to take it, since it was his own money anyway.

"Bingzi, I heard that you are very busy, why did you come here to pay me New Year's greetings!"

"Mom and Dad, this year is very busy, and the workers in my factory don't have a holiday this year."

"Son, your mother and I have nothing to do. We are so busy, so we don't need to use it."

"It's okay, it won't affect you, I'm here to pick you up and live in Yangqing for a few days!"

After Chen Bing spoke, Chen Shuanlao hurriedly said: "No, no, absolutely not. We are rural people, and we are not used to living in the buildings in your city, so we are easy to lose."

Chen Bing saw that the two old people were unwilling to go, so he didn't push too much.

After eating, Chen Bing went back.

However, Chen Bing was very happy.

In the next few days, Chen Bing took Liu Weidong to pay New Year greetings to Gao Zhihua and others.

The days passed quickly, and the Lantern Festival passed in a blink of an eye.

For that era, the end of the Lantern Festival meant the end of the year.

On the [-]th day of the first lunar month, Jiahe Canned Food Factory held a meeting. The main topic of the meeting was to change Jiahe Canned Foods to Jiahe Foods Company, and three production lines began to operate.

Next, a groundbreaking ceremony was held.

Many celebrities from Yangqing City attended the opening ceremony, and Gao Zhihua also gave a special speech for the establishment of Jiahe Food Company!
Jiahe Food Company has canned food sales channels, Jiahe instant noodles, Jiahe ham, and Jiahe honey tea are distributed very quickly. In less than a month, they have covered the surrounding counties and cities.

The next step is the user satisfaction survey. In fact, this satisfaction survey was conducted by Chen Bing symbolically, because Jiahe instant noodles are the taste of Master Kong’s instant noodles, and Jiahe honey tea is the taste of Master Kong’s honey tea. Ham, of course, is the taste of Shuanghui. These tastes have been tested by millions of customers in previous lives, so there is absolutely no problem.

Sure enough, after the survey, the satisfaction rate reached over 90.00%.

This is not available in any product in the past. It is not bad that the general satisfaction survey can reach 60.00%. This time the satisfaction survey can reach 90.00%, which is really unexpected.

While Jiahe was selling goods in full swing, Erlele was also selling goods.

Chen Bing knew that a big battle was about to start.

At this moment, Liu Weidong came in in a panic: "Mr. Chen, something happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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