Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 178 Concerns

Chapter 178 Concerns
After hearing this, Liu Weidong also nodded and said: "Mr. Chen, what you said makes sense. When a soldier enters the battlefield, he must be prepared to be shrouded in horse leather at any time. We are a shopping mall, just like a battlefield. We must be prepared to deal with plots and dangers at any time." , then what to do next?"

"I have already reported to the police and announced the matter to the media, so, next, Er Lele should take action."

Liu Weidong said: "Mr. Chen, you have to be careful. I heard that Qin Dong who is Lele is not a good person."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "I know that, Mr. Liu, no matter what happens here, Yangqing's factory cannot be messed up!"

After Chen Bing said, Liu Weidong nodded again: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, should we take the initiative?"

"How do you take the initiative to attack?"

"I think, if our salesman is beaten by Erlele's salesman, there will be a second time if the first time, I said, should we wait for the second time, if the second time they beat our salesman , Shall we treat him in the same way as he did?"

Of course Chen Bing understood Liu Weidong's words: "Shall I think about it again?"

Damn, do you really want to be black and white?

While Chen Bing and Liu Weidong were on the phone, they heard a hasty knock on the door.

Grandma, are you polite, I'm on the phone.


"Mr. Chen, it's me, Hao Yong!"

Chen Bing knew Hao Yong, Hao Yong usually knocked on the door like this, something must have happened, otherwise, he wouldn't knock on the door like this.

"My Mr. Liu, it seems that something big happened again. Our captain Hao knocked on the door."

"Mr. Chen, don't be so anxious when something happens, and deal with it calmly."

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Okay, don't worry, a little Lele won't trouble me!"

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I'll hang up first."

Chen Bing hung up the phone and stared at Hao Yong who was standing by the door: "You are in such a panic, what happened?"

Hao Yong quickly came to Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, our two salesmen were beaten again?"

Chen Bing's face became gloomy after hearing this: "What are you talking about, our salesman was beaten again?"

"I hit, this time is the same as last time, I went to a department store to shop for goods, and the salesperson of the other party came up, without asking 21, lifted the wine bottle and smashed it on the head, this time because it was a wine bottle, I was injured Very heavy, is the person unconscious?"

"How many were injured?" Chen Bing asked again.

"Two of the same injuries."

"What about the person who hit someone?" Chen Bing asked.


"Did you call the police?" Chen Bing asked again.

"Reported, the police have filed a case, but because the assailant ran away, there is no clue yet."

"Fart, the beater ran away, so their boss is here, what does Er Lele say?"

"Er Lele said that their sales are outsourced, so the beating has nothing to do with them."

Hooligans, simply hooligans, a bunch of hooligans!
Chen Bing was originally a hooligan, but he didn't expect that this time he would meet an even bigger hooligan.

"Let Yang Haimin come to see me!" Chen Bing said angrily.

Hao Yong nodded quickly.

After Hao Yong left, Chen Bing was panting heavily. Damn, since he was reborn, he has never been so useless.

Damn, what to do, what to do about this matter?
Er Lele obviously wants to use this method to force herself to withdraw from the Yangxian market. However, in the face of such commercial competition, if she withdraws from the Yangxian market, it means that she will not meet in other markets.

Erlele is now spreading to all parts of the country. To be honest, if you want not to encounter Erlele, you have to completely withdraw from the food industry and completely give up the market that Jiahe currently occupies to Erlele.

Chen Bing thought of this, and slapped the table: "Fart, if I give him all the markets, then why am I still reborn, why do I want to start a company, why don't I become a monk."

He was discussing with Liu Weidong just now, what to do, whether to fight fire with fire or not, now it seems that fire with fire must be fought, otherwise, Er Lele really doesn't know how far he will ride shit on his neck?
Despicable, shameless!
Meanness is the passport of meanness, and the epitaph of nobleness is nobility!
Many people say that the hands of entrepreneurs are full of blood smell, yes, if your hands are not full of blood smell, then you will die miserably when facing an opponent full of blood smell!

At this moment, Chen Bing heard a knock on the door, and he shouted, "Come in!"

Hao Yong and Yang Haimin, Yang Haimin's head was covered with sweat, it seemed that he had walked a long way just now.

"Mr. Chen, are you looking for me?" Yang Haimin asked quickly.

Chen Bing nodded slightly, trying to keep himself calm.

No matter in the previous life or in this life, no matter how big things happen, Chen Bing will remain calm in front of his subordinates, because he knows that his subordinates are watching him. If he messes up at this time, then they will definitely mess up. Therefore, this Sometimes, even if you don't pay attention and don't know what to do, you should keep calm.

Chen Bing sat on the sofa and pointed to the opposite sofa for Yang Haimin to sit down.

Anyway, Hao Yong was always standing in front of Chen Bing, so Chen Bing didn't force him.

Yang Haimin sat down.

"I just made the glass of water on the table, drink it!"

Yang Haimin nodded, picked up the cup, and drained the water into his stomach in one breath.

After Yang Haimin drank the water, his mood stabilized a lot.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Chen Bing asked.

Yang Haimin wiped the water stains on his mouth with his hand: "Damn it, are they beating our people again?"

Chen Bing still maintained the same demeanor as before: "I heard that their people ran away?"

Yang Haimin nodded.

"I heard that none of their people were injured?" Chen Bing asked again.

"They were not injured."

"I also heard that they are also two people?"

"Yes, they are two people!"

Hearing this, Chen Bing slapped his hand on the table: "Fart, damn it, there are two people on both sides, why can two of them put two of us into the hospital, and the two of them are intact and can run away?" , Damn, are our people trash?"

Seeing Chen Bing getting angry, Yang Haimin quickly stood up: "President Chen, they caught him by surprise!"

"Surprise? I think our people are idiots."

Yang Haimin didn't dare to speak again.

"Have you ever thought about why our people can't beat other people?" Chen Bing asked again.

"There may be concerns!"

"Probably still sure, I don't like to hear ambiguous words, I want real and certain words."

After Chen Bing spoke, Yang Haimin hurriedly said, "They must have concerns?"

"What are you worried about?" Chen Bing asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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