Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 200 Forgive

Chapter 200 Forgive
That Liu Weiguo didn't expect Hao Yong and Jia Hu to be so powerful: "Mr. Gao, those two boys are Lianjiazi!"

"It must be, otherwise, I wouldn't be knocked to the ground."

"Hey, my old waist!" Captain Liu shouted.

"Captain Liu, let me tell you, if you guys don't take them down for me today, then from today onwards, you won't come to work. I don't keep trash around me!"

Captain Liu and his gang have done a lot of harm to ordinary people in Yanjing because of Gao Weiguo. They heard that Chen Bing can't be dealt with today, and Gao Weiguo will not want them in the future. What should they do?
Damn, if you make trouble, your job will be ruined!

When Captain Liu remembered that his job was about to be smashed, he quickly stood up: "Brothers, let's go together, for our jobs, let's go together!"

At this time, there were more and more people around, and Chen Bing was really afraid that something would happen. It would not be a good thing to stay in the police station for a few days. In addition, Yang Xue was pregnant. Although, with Jia Hu around, Yang Xue She won't be affected, but she is afraid, if something goes wrong with the child, she will regret it to death.

Thinking of this, Chen Bing quickly stood beside Yang Xue, held Yang Xue's hand, and said, "Hao Yong, let's do it, don't show mercy, fight quickly, and we'll leave after the fight!"

Hao Yong immediately understood and rushed forward quickly. At this time, Captain Liu also stood up, led his men, and quickly surrounded Hao Yong.

This idiot, what do you mean by beating Hao Yong at this time? Why don't you pester Chen Bing? You can't even find the main enemy.

Besides, Hao Yong didn't get enough of that kick just now, it really doesn't make sense, he's so stupid.

After listening to Gao Weiguo's words, Captain Liu knew that this battle would affect their future jobs, so he shouted: "Brothers, give me your strength for a while. This battle will affect our future jobs. Mr. Gao just said , if we can't take them down today, then we won't be fooling around with Mr. Gao in the future, everyone think about it!"

After Captain Liu shouted, everyone screamed.

Fighting for jobs, they will fight desperately, but they forgot that they are facing Hao Yong, a special force with one enemy against one hundred.

These people surrounded Hao Yong.

Wow, wow, wow, but no one dared to step forward.

Chen Bing said: "Captain Hao, let's do it!" '

After Hao Yong heard this, he quickly jumped vertically, his body was at least two meters higher, and then he kicked those people on the head with a whirlwind kick.

Captain Liu was also hit on the head, and he and his men lay down on the ground like they were drunk.

The people watching were stunned. Damn, what kind of kung fu is this? With just one move, so many thick and strong men fell to the ground. Judging by the strength, these people must definitely have a concussion!
Fuck me, there are still such powerful people in the world!
Chen Bing was also dumbfounded. He knew that Hao Yong was powerful, but he didn't expect Hao Yong to be so powerful.

Gao Weiguo was also stupid. He also knew that Hao Yong was capable, but he didn't expect that Hao Yong was so powerful. He usually thought that Captain Liu and others were so powerful.

These people fell to the ground, and Chen Bing walked towards Gao Weiguo.

At this time, Gao Weiguo's mother-in-law stopped talking and protected Gao Weiguo with her hands, fearing that Chen Bing would harm Gao Weiguo.

Damn, there is still a little friendship.

"Boy, you are not my opponent, don't bully others, otherwise, I will never end with you!"

Gao Weiguo endured the pain: "Who are you, leave your name!"

"Hehehe, you don't deserve to know my name."

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded: "Mr. Chen, why are you here?"

Chen Bing turned his head and saw that it was Qin An and Zhang Yuan.

How did they come?

At this time, Gao Weiguo, who was lying on the ground, saw Qin An, his face changed drastically, and he was about to struggle to stand up, but his ankle was dislocated, and he stood up and fell down again.

"Mr. Gao, what's going on?" Qin An asked.

"Boss Qin, that kid is too cruel, did I get beaten by them?"

"What did you say, you were beaten by Mr. Chen?"

Chen Bing didn't explain, and frowned slightly.

Qin An glanced around, and when he saw the bodyguard beside Gao Weiguo, he immediately understood.

"Mr. Gao, I told you that there are people who are beyond the sky, but you just don't listen. Do you know who this is? Let me tell you, the boss of Jiahe Food Company. I told you that the biggest deal we have recently discussed It's Jiahe, you actually offended Mr. Chen, I think our future cooperation should be terminated!"

After Qin An said that, Gao Weiguo was frightened: "Mr. Qin, I don't dare to do this. I depend on you for food. Besides, I don't know Mr. Chen either!"

Gao Weiguo was able to live so comfortably because he relied on Qin'an Media. If there was no Qin'an Media, damn it, he would still have bodyguards, and he would be able to support his troubled wife and son.

Gao Weiguo crawled up to Qin An because his arms and legs were injured, "Mr. Qin, you can't, Chen and I always misunderstand, right, Mr. Chen!"

Gao Weiguo's mind changed quickly.

However, his wife seemed to dislike him, and said: "Wei Guo, what are you doing, get up quickly, it's a big deal, we won't cooperate with them!"

Gao Weiguo's wife didn't know Gao Weiguo's life these years, he thought his husband was Yanjing's indisputable boss!
"Get out, bastard, I was almost killed by you, I tell you, if Mr. Qin doesn't forgive today, I will divorce you! By the way, you still have your son!"

Gao Weiguo's wife was stunned for a moment. Damn it, this kid is going to divorce himself and his son. What would we do without him?
"Weiguo, Weiguo!" Gao Weiguo's wife lay on the ground crying.

Gao Weiguo said: "Stop shouting, quickly kneel down and beg Mr. Qin to forgive him!"

Gao Weiguo's wife was really afraid of Gao Weiguo. Hearing Gao Weiguo's words, she quickly knelt on the ground: "Mr. Qin, please, please promise Weiguo, otherwise, he will divorce me!"

This series of changes is really fucking fast.

Seeing the couple, Qin An pointed at Chen Bing: "I can't decide whether to forgive you or not. If Mr. Chen can forgive you, I will forgive you. Qin An Media will continue to cooperate with you!"

After Gao Weiguo heard this, he crawled towards Chen Bing again. The husband and wife kowtowed and bowed to Chen Bing, hoping that Chen Bing would forgive him.

Chen Bing didn't want to forgive and let these two scourges kneel down, but Yang Xue was soft-hearted, and couldn't bear to see Gao Weiguo's legs and arms injured, his wife and children kneeling in front of them.

"Bingzi, forgive them!"

Chen Bing knew that Yang Xue was kind, and it seemed that if he didn't forgive her today, Yang Xue would not bear it.

"Okay, I'll forgive you for today's matter, and hurry up to treat the injury!" Chen Bing said.

(End of this chapter)

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