Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 203 Good Wife

Chapter 203 Good Wife
Yang Xue stared at Chen Bing, she didn't expect Chen Bing to be so busy.

She originally thought that Chen Bing was the boss, just like their factory manager, when he arrived at the unit, he just drank tea and read the newspaper, but this time he came with Chen Bing, and it took him a couple of days before he really saw what it means to be busy.

"Bingzi, are you so busy every day?"

Knowing that Yang Xue cared about him, Chen Bing said, "Xiaoxue, it's not like you're so busy every day. Damn it, this time it's weird. I wanted to take you out to play, but I didn't expect you to be so busy!"

Yang Xue knew that Chen Bing was trying to comfort herself: "Bingzi, no matter how busy you are, you still have to eat well. Otherwise, your body will collapse, so what do you need so much money for?"

Chen Bing fondled Yang Xue's hair.

"Thank you, you are such a good wife!"

In Chen Bing's memory, he knew quite a few women before, but they all cared about how to hug your money and never cared about your body.

Damn, I got the treasure this time.

In particular, why does he like to listen to the saying that if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken and marry a dog, follow the dog?
In the previous life, especially in 2021, there were a lot of bachelors in Huaxia Kingdom, the bride price in Huaxia Kingdom was getting higher and higher, and the divorce rate in Huaxia Kingdom was also getting higher and higher. When a woman gets married, the house, car, and tickets are the first things that are spent on the man during the marriage. Later, the two parties had to pay back the money, and the conflict intensified, resulting in a high divorce rate and high murder cases caused by divorce. Therefore, at that time, if such a beautiful woman said to that man: "Marry a chicken as a chicken Dogs follow dogs, I believe that men will definitely think that a Bodhisattva has appeared, and will definitely offer her up like a Bodhisattva."

Yang Xue was praised by Chen Bing, her face turned into embarrassment.

"Bingzi, don't praise me like that, where is Guoguo?"

Guoguo was watching TV over there. The little guy forgot everything when he saw TV. Hearing Yang Xue's words, he turned his head and asked, "Mom, what did you say bad about me just now?"

Yang Xue smiled slightly: "I told your father, you are ugly, and when your younger brother is born, he will definitely look better than you!"

Guoguo was unhappy when he heard that: "Mom, I'm not ugly, my brother is uglier than me!"

Chen Bing did not expect that at such an age, the little guy would pay so much attention to his appearance.

"Okay, okay, you look better than my brother!"

Guoguo slipped into Chen Bing's arms. If Chen Bing didn't say that she was prettier than her younger brother, the little guy would definitely fall out. Maybe she could crush Chen Bing's jaw with her little finger.

"Stop making trouble, Guoguo is the most beautiful."

Hearing Chen Bing's praise, Guoguo's face turned into a smile: "Father, I'm pretty, but my younger brother is ugly!"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "Guoguo is beautiful, my brother is also beautiful, you are all beautiful!"

Guoguo laughed so brightly after hearing this.

"Hurry up and watch TV, I'll have a conversation with your mother, and my father will be busy soon!"

As soon as Chen Bing mentioned the TV, Guoguo immediately said: "Yes, I have to go to see the calabash baby, the water baby is frozen!"

Chen Bing didn't understand all the water babies were frozen. He only remembered that there was such a cartoon as the gourd baby.

After Guoguo left, Chen Bing felt that his ears were much cleaner.

"Xiaoxue, stay here, I'll go out for a walk!" Chen Bing said.

"What are you going to do?" Yang Xue asked again.

"Go out and get some air."

"Okay, come back early, let's go eat."

Chen Bing nodded quickly.

Today his mother's smooth, his mother's not smooth, smooth, it is easy to sign the contract, not smooth, just about to take Yang Xue to climb the Great Wall for fun, and met that bastard Gao Weiguo, although he was not affected in any way , However, I was suffocated, after all, it stirred up my interest.

Chen Bing went downstairs, stood at the entrance of the hall, and was about to go to that place for recreation. At this time, a 23-year-old woman in an orange coat, high-heeled shoes, and long hair with a shawl, walked towards this very fashionable woman. .

The woman's arm was still straddling the arm of a bald man.


Chen Bing couldn't help calling out.

The woman turned her head when she heard Chen Bing's yell, and when he saw it was Chen Bing, he recalled it for a moment, his mind was confused, as if he was saying, you call me, I don't know you.

However, Chen Bing stared at her with fiery eyes.

It's clearly calling itself.

"Did you call me?" Gao Zhuo asked.

"Well, is your name Gao Zhuo?"

Chen Bing asked quickly.

"Yes, my name is Gao Zhuo."

"Are you from Haicheng?"


"Do you have a brother named Gao Hai?"

Gao Zhuo nodded again: "I have a younger brother named Gao Hai. Are you?"

When Gao Zhuo asked Chen Bing, Chen Bing suddenly realized that in his previous life, he knew Gao Zhuo 2000 years ago, ten years before now. After getting to know Gao Zhuo, he was attracted by Gao Zhuo's peerless appearance and talent. Hired to the company as the manager of the company's public relations department.

Before Gao Zhuo became the manager of the company's public relations department, it can be said that the company's development speed was not too fast. Since Gao Zhuo entered the company and served as the company's public relations department, he trained a group of talented and good-looking public relations, so the company's development can skyrocket. to describe.

She is a talent, a rare talent. I never thought that I would definitely not miss this opportunity to meet her here today, otherwise, I would regret it.

Gao Zhuo was slightly annoyed when he saw Chen Bing staring at him fieryly, but Chen Bing could tell the details of his home accurately, so he should be an acquaintance.

"who are you?"

"Chen Bing, Chairman of Jiahe Food Company!"

Gao Zhuo shook his head slightly: "I'm sorry, I don't know you!"

Chen Bing wanted to stop him, but at this moment, the bald man beside Gao Zhuo said, "What are you doing? My girlfriend already said she doesn't know you, why are you still entangled!"

Fuck me, Chen Bing thought this man was Gao Zhuo's father, but unexpectedly, he turned out to be Gao Zhuo's boyfriend!
Chen Bing couldn't believe it. Damn it, what do you mean by putting flowers on cow dung?This is.

This man is about 50 years old, the top of his head is already bald, and there are lines around his eyes. If Gao Zhuo is his daughter, Chen Bing thinks he is too old. Damn, he even said he is a girlfriend?
Wouldn't it be a waste of money for such a beautiful woman to lie on the same bed with such a man?

Chen Bing remembered that Gao Zhuo seemed to have said that her family conditions were not good. When she was in college, she was confessed by a man. He didn't ask about the specific situation. It seems that this man must be the man Gao Zhuo said was for her. The man who goes to school.

Damn, this old shameless person.

Chen Bing blocked the way: "Are you her boyfriend?"

"I'm his boyfriend!" The man wanted to push Chen Bing.

Old boyfriend, little girl, what are you doing at Yanjing Hotel?it goes without saying.

How could Chen Bing let this flower stick on the cow dung?
(End of this chapter)

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