Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 214 Famous

Chapter 214 Famous
"Mr. Chen, don't blame me, you are my opportunity, I really want to seize it!"

Zhang Yuan said this, and continued: "Mr. Chen, for this opportunity, I can give up my perfect body that I have maintained for many years. My boyfriend is right. In this society, what we want is money, and what we want is power."

"Then your boyfriend hasn't contacted you since he sent you the letter?" Chen Bing asked again.

"No, contacted, he is sick!"

"Get ill?"

"Yes, serious illness, only two years to live."

"He wrote me a letter in Shencheng, saying that he found a new girlfriend, just to keep me from getting involved and let me live a normal life."

Chen Bing was moved: "A good man will always think of the woman he loves when encountering such a thing."

"However, there are too few good men in this world."

Chen Bing shook his head slightly after hearing this. He is now a reborn person. He has experienced more things than ordinary people. In his previous life, he had no relatives around him. He really didn't care about life and death. But now, he has Yang Xue and Guoguo by his side. There is also the little baby in Yang Xue's stomach. To be honest, he is unwilling to leave this world, but there are some things that cannot be changed by one person's will.

If there is such a day, what will I do?
He believed that, like Yang Xue's boyfriend, he would leave everything to Yang Xue and the children, let them live happily and choose to stay away.

As soon as Zhang Yuan said this, the car came to the end.

"How?" Chen Bing quickly changed the subject.


"Mr. Chen, can you agree?"

Chen Bing said: "I promise, as long as Jiahe Company publishes this advertisement, you will be the spokesperson!"

Zhang Yuan said happily after hearing this: "Thank you Mr. Chen, then I will be yours tonight!"

After Zhang Yuan said, Chen Bing quickly refused: "Miss Zhang, I'm sorry, I asked you to speak for me, and I didn't mean to bully you." '

"To accompany you is not because you bully me, but because I am willing."

Chen Bing shook his head again: "Sorry, I have a wife."

"That man doesn't have three wives or four concubines, do you dislike me, do you think I'm watery?"

Chen Bing hurriedly said: "No, I know, you want to make money and become famous now, just to save your boyfriend, I admire you, as long as I can help you, I will definitely help you, but at this time, I will use your body As a threat, then I will not be authentic."

When Chen Bing said this, Zhang Yuan actually shed tears: "Thank you, you are a good person."

Afterwards, the two of them didn't speak any more. After talking to this point, they both understood each other, so they were not as stiff as before.

"Miss Zhang, what is this place? Is it coming soon?" Chen Bing asked.

"It's almost here, Mr. Chen, can I give you some advice?" Zhang Yuan said.

"Opinion? What opinion?"

Grandma, I am good enough to you, you still want to give advice?
"Mr. Chen, can you not call me Miss Zhang in the future, or call me Zhang Yuan, or call me Yuanyuan?"

Yuanyuan must not be called out, so it can only be called Zhang Yuan.

"Okay, then I'll call you Zhang Yuan from now on, hehehe, calling Ms. Zhang sounds so far away!"

Zhang Yuan smiled slightly.


Chen Bing followed Zhang Yuan's guidance, and a light appeared in the depths of the forest.

"This place is really deep!"

Zhang Yuan smiled slightly: "90.00% of the good things now are not causing trouble!"


"90.00% not causing trouble?"

"Yes, the entertainment venues in the downtown area are for ordinary people, but this kind of entertainment venues in the forest are for noble people."

Chen Bing agrees with this view.

"Miss Zhang"

Zhang Yuan smiled slightly: "Mr. Chen, you forgot again?"

"I'm sorry, I really forgot, Zhang Yuan, let me ask, who are the people in this entertainment place?"

"If you are rich, you are expensive!"

At this time, Zhang Yuan took out a card: "If you have money and power, you can't get in if you don't have a card. People who go here use their cards."

"Oh?" Regarding this, Chen Bing also knew that in his previous life, many clubs used cards.

At this time, an iron gate appeared, and there was a security guard next to the iron gate, and they held up a stop sign.

Chen Bing stopped the car. Damn it, you can’t be arrogant in this place. If you are arrogant, you will meet some arrogant people, kill you, and then find a place to bury you. It can be done. corpse!
Chen Bing stepped on the accelerator, and the car stopped abruptly.

"Hello, sir, show me your card!"

Damn it, in his previous life, the most common sentence he heard was when he was stopped by the traffic police: "Hello, sir, please show your driver's license." Grandma, this time, they actually said the card.

Zhang Yuan rolled down the car glass, took out the white card and handed it to the other party: "Hello, miss, please come in!"

"Let's go." Chen Bing stepped on the accelerator again, and the car drove slowly.

After walking about a mile, another iron gate appeared. This time there were more than ten security guards standing beside the iron gate.

The procedure is the same as before, and the card is also checked.

Hutouben walked slowly again.

"Miss Zhang, why are there so many checkpoints?"

"Just these two, we're coming."

"Damn it, thanks to you today, if someone else came here with them, I would really panic!"

"Why panic?" Zhang Yuan laughed.

"I'm afraid I'll be slaughtered, and then I'll dig a hole and bury it!"

After Chen Bing said, Zhang Yuan laughed immediately: "Hehehehe, I didn't expect Mr. Chen to be timid."

After Chen Bing heard this, he quickly shook his head and said, "It's not that I'm not courageous, but now I'm dragging my family along, hehehe, if something happens, my family will be in trouble!"

Zhang Yuan's nerves were once again stimulated by dragging the family.

At this time, they turned a corner, the lights were bright, and two security guards came over and asked Chen Bing to show his card.

After Zhang Yuan showed it, he saluted and asked Chen Bing to park the car in the parking space.

Chen Bing parked the car in the parking space and heaved a deep sigh of relief.

Damn, walking this way is a bit frightening.

When Chen Bing got out of the car, he was instantly stunned by the splendid scene.

The main building is a six-story building, with four-story buildings on both sides. They are connected together. The upper floor is full of lights, and several golden characters of 'Haoxin Forest Entertainment Club' appear before the eyes.

Chen Bing glanced at his feet. All of them were paved with permeable bricks. The road into the building was a mile long. Above it was an aisle surrounded by green vines. The aisle was full of colorful lights and small colorful balloons.

What's more, every two meters in the aisle, there is a stylishly dressed, beautiful looking, beautiful woman of the same height standing.

Chen Bing was stunned. Damn it, let's not talk about anything else, just these beauties in the aisle are not available in ordinary entertainment clubs.

(End of this chapter)

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