Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 216 Magnetic

Chapter 216 Magnetic

At this time, a service worker walked by, and Chen Bing quickly stopped: "Hello miss, give me a cup of tea and a small fruit plate!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he pointed to the side.

The waiter smiled slightly: "Hello, please tell me your card number?"

"card number?"

Chen Bing knew it was Zhang Yuan's card.

"All our consumption is deducted from the card?"

"Isn't it okay to pay?"

"Sorry, we don't have cash transactions here."

"They're all card numbers?"


"Then let me ask, what about your cards?"

"You don't have a card?" the waiter asked in surprise.

"I came in with Zhang Yuan. I don't have a card. Can I ask, how do you get your card?"

After hearing this, the waiter said: "To apply for our card, you must be recommended by an acquaintance. If the referrer is reliable, you will be eligible to apply for the card, but the initial fee is 500 million!"

"How much?" 500 million, really shocked Chen Bing.

Grandma’s, if this is the previous life, 500 million is really not much, some clubs have card fees not to mention 500 million, 1000 million, but, grandma’s, this is 1989, why is there such a high consumption, I this time I only brought 400 million for a big event. Although it is not enough, it is not much worse, but, damn it, you charge me 500 million for a card fee.

For the first time, Chen Bing felt that he had no money, and that he was small.

In his previous life, he didn't feel this way. He was reborn. At that time, he had nothing to eat or wear. The first full meal for Yang Xue and Guoguo was money from grandma who threatened Yang Haimin, but this time, It really hit him in the face!

This further let Chen Bing know that there are heaven and man outside the sky, and there are people outside the sky!
The huge hall was full of seats. Looking at these people, Chen Bing knew that they must all have their own cards, but he had no cards.

What the hell!

Chen Bing was depressed, really depressed.

The waiter looked at Chen Bing's eyes and knew that this kid had no money, so he smiled contemptuously, turned and left.

Chen Bing knew that women in this kind of place were more realistic, working the most menial jobs, and looking down on people without money.

If there is an 80-year-old man with a lot of money, they will also jump on it, but if they meet a handsome and penniless man, they will also sneer.

Yes, this is a society of money, Chen Bing can figure it out.

However, women are too realistic.

He has a clear view of this society, but he can't see clearly the creature of woman. This creature is the most snobbish, who loves to compare and loves to see money.

This is why, in the previous life, many wage earners married their wives with the help of the whole family, went out to work, and never came back.

This caused the man to collapse, and in a fit of anger, raised a knife and killed his father-in-law's family.

Chen Bing was very depressed. He was so depressed that he couldn't even buy a cup of tea in this place.

At this moment, there was a burst of warm applause in the hall.

Chen Bing took a closer look, it was Zhang Yuan.

At this time, Zhang Yuan changed into a long skirt, which was even more beautiful.

Zhang Yuan took the stage and bowed deeply.

The moment he raised his head, he glanced roughly at the hall, as if he was searching for something.

Chen Bing knew that Zhang Yuan was looking for him.

Chen Bing quickly raised his hand and shook it towards Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan smiled slightly.

Chen Bing's move immediately caused dissatisfaction among many people.

"Boy, what hand are you shaking?"

"It seems that I know Miss Zhang."

"Mr. Li, when will you take the flowers you prepared for Miss Zhang?"

"Send it in a while."

Many people spoke, 90.00% were hostile to Chen Bing.

"My friends, sing a song "Love Song of the Red Dust" for you all."

After Zhang Yuan shouted, the huge hall burst into applause.

"Love Song in the Red Dust? "

Chen Bing couldn't be more fond of it.

In the previous life, ktv was the place where Chen Bing often went. As long as Chen Bing went, he would definitely order "Love Song in the Red Dust"

It's just that when he ordered this love song in the world of mortals, he didn't sing it himself, but everyone sang it.

That man didn't have a woman's dream, so when Chen Bing sang, everyone would sing in chorus, elevating the atmosphere of playing to a higher level.

After singing a love song in the world of mortals, the hall once again burst into thunderous applause.

"Sing one more, sing another!"

Chen Bing was also fascinated by Zhang Yuan's voice, her voice was magnetic, the kind of magnetism that people couldn't bear to leave after listening to it.

Next, Zhang Yuan sang "Wang Chunmei", "False Lovesickness", "Weiyang Lake" and "Lovesickness".

At this time, the scene was full of jubilation, directly reaching the peak.

Many people rushed onto the stage with flowers and offered them to Zhang Yuan. How could Zhang Yuan handle so many flowers? She had no choice but to put them on the stage.

Next, Zhang Yuan played a piano piece.

Zhang Yuan's show is finally over, and Zhang Yuan is finally about to step down.

Chen Bing was overjoyed, damn it, it was finally over, without Zhang Yuan, he wouldn't even be able to drink a cup of tea.

Chen Bing stood up and was about to go forward.

At this moment, a fat man walked up with a flower in his hand.

Chen Bing stood still, what the hell are you doing?
The man was wearing a jacket with a dragon painted on it. Although he was far away, Chen Bing could see clearly that the man's neck was engraved with a pattern.

When the man ran to Zhang Yuan and held up the flowers to Zhang Yuan, Chen Bing saw the gold chain around the man's neck, like a dog's bridle.

What the hell!

The man held the flower up to Zhang Yuan: "Miss Zhang, this is a flower."

Zhang Yuan took the flowers and smiled slightly: "Thank you Mr. Liu!"

"Miss Zhang, I am not absent from every performance of yours."

"Thank you."

"Brother is a rough man, to be honest, I like you!"

After Mr. Liu said that, the scene was thunderous, even more exciting than Zhang Yuan's singing just now.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Liu, have you been drinking?"

"No, I haven't had a drink for several days!"

After that President Liu finished speaking, he grabbed Zhang Yuan's hand and was about to drag him off the stage.

Zhang Yuan shouted in shock: "Mr. Liu, calm down, calm down!"

"Miss Zhang, my brother told you that I like you, I really like you, you know who my brother is, there is a coal mine, an iron mine, a gold mine, not short of money, you tell me, how much do you need, brother give it, But, there is a condition, you must go with brother now, let's go get married!"

After the man said, he let go of Zhang Yuan's hand, clasped his fists in both hands, and raised his hand towards the bottom: "Brothers, I'm sorry, I like her, and I'm going home to marry her, hehehe, but don't worry If you like to hear her sing, buddy will arrange a factory for her that day, dedicated to singing!"

Chen Bing never dreamed that such trouble would arise.

He walked quickly towards the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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