Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 223 The Truth

Chapter 223 The Truth
"Why?" Chen Bing asked.

“Erlele Food Lida!”

"How is this possible? Do you sell Erlele for five yuan, and Jiahe food for four yuan? But Erlele's purchase price is high, and Jiahe's purchase price is low. After this calculation, it is still Jiahe. The benefits of food, how could it be the benefits of Erlele?"

The man took a sip of Huazi, exhaled the smoke fragrantly, and several smoke rings immediately appeared on the top of his head.

"You don't know that. The boss of Erlele is smart. We sell it and give us a rebate. For example, if you pay five yuan for these few items, we will get 50.00 cents as a rebate. And this [-] cents, They draw it very clearly, let’s take our supply and marketing cooperative as an example, the rebate of [-] cents, our sales and the store, each [-]%.”

After hearing this, Chen Bing understood, grandma's, it turned out to be like this.

This Qin Dong is really amazing, he can still come up with such a showy operation.

"Brother, that Qin Dong is amazing. Although we have some private stores in Yangqing, the biggest sales are department stores and our supply and marketing cooperatives, and the sales staff of our supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores are all paid dead wages, hehe, How much is only 70 yuan per month, once their commission comes out, let me tell you, our income is huge, just one day, let me tell you, I get 20 yuan for the commission!"

"How much?" Chen Bing asked.

"20 yuan, that's not counting what my other colleagues got. It's still early, and my colleagues haven't come yet. Let me tell you, it's okay!"

What a show!
Damn, if this is the case, then these salesmen can't strongly recommend their products, and put Jiahe's products under the cutting board.

"Then you guys are amazing. After a month, you only get this commission, and you still have to get several months' salary?"

"Who's to say it's not? If this is the case, the sales are really good. Hehehehe, in another year, I will be able to eat Huazi!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing smiled slightly; "Brother, within a year, you can buy Huazi smoke now!" '

"Hey, this commission is only a few days old, and I haven't made much money yet. When I earn it, I will buy Huazi. When the time comes, I will give you a box!"

Chen Bing thanked again.

"Brother, let me ask, Jiahe canned food, Jiahe food, the distribution time has been too long, and you suddenly don't sell these things, so why don't customers want it?"

After Chen Bing asked, the other party hurriedly said: "Yes, but we told them, no, what can we do, hehehe."

Bastard, what a bastard plus three levels!

The sales at the bottom are really like this, so Jiahe is not finished yet.

Find a way.

"So many people want Jiahe's products, does it mean that Jiahe's products are good?"

When talking about Jiahe's products, the man said again: "Yes, Jiahe's products are delicious, whether it's instant noodles or honey tea, they are all good, but if we don't sell them, what can they do?"

Chen Bing nodded and said, "That's right, if you don't sell it, what can they do?"

"Then let me ask, compared with Jiahe food and Erlele food, which food is more popular among the masses?"

After Chen Bing asked, the other party thought for a while, and said after a while: "In terms of popularity, I think it should be Jiahe, but Erlele food is also good, hehehe."

After hearing this, Chen Bing nodded: "Then I understand, brother, see you another day!"

Chen Bing paid the money and walked out of the supply and marketing cooperative.

Went to a few more private stores and department stores, damn it, same result.

Chen Bing was really a little angry, this Qin Dongtai was not a fucking thing, he directly cut off his way from the bottom sales.

It seems that this old boy is really unusual.

Chen Bing was thinking of countermeasures!

How to win this battle.

He put his things in the car and quickly ran towards the company.

Chen Bing had a good rest last night and was in good spirits. Today he can discuss with Liu Weidong and the others.

When Chen Bing came to the office, Tang Min immediately came over and said, "Mr. Chen!"

"Make me a cup of tea!"

Tang Min nodded.

Chen Bing looked at Tang Min. Why does this woman look so familiar? Who does she look like?
Suddenly, Chen Bing slapped his thigh like Zhang Yuanyuan.

Seeing Chen Bing staring at him, Tang Min blushed slightly: "Mr. Chen!"

As soon as Tang Min spoke, Chen Bing woke up suddenly. The way he looked at Tang Min just now must have embarrassed Tang Min.

"Sorry, I was a little lost just now!"

"It's okay, Mr. Chen!"

Chen Bing is young and handsome, and has a career. Tang Min is also young and graduated from a prestigious university, so she is very willing to see Chen Bing.

Although she now knows that Chen Bing is a family man, she doesn't care. Second-married men know how to love women better.

It's just that Tang Min doesn't want to do anything to Chen Bing yet, she wants to take Yang Xue's position.

"Mr. Chen, what were you thinking just now?"

"A friend, let me ask you, do you know someone named Zhang Yuan?"

After Chen Bing asked, Tang Min shook his head: "Who is Zhang Yuan, do you not know him?"

"Oh, it's fine if you don't know each other."

Chen Bing stared at Tang Min again, they were too similar, Chen Bing went to Yanjing this time, and had some stories with Zhang Yuan, so Zhang Yuan's appearance was engraved in his heart, when he saw Tang Min, he felt that she She and Zhang Yuan were carved out of the same mold.

"Mr. Chen, then I'll make you some tea!"

Chen Bing nodded: "Okay, let's make some tea, and Shunjiang asked Mr. Liu and Director Yang to come to my office!"

Tang Min nodded again.

"Mr. Chen, what kind of tea do you want?"

"Dahongpao, cook it in a pot!"

"Okay, Mr. Chen!"

Chen Bing doesn't have a good purple clay teapot yet, if he had one, he would taste the Dahongpao every day.

Damn, it was good in the previous life, and it is good in this life.

Qin An's Shi Peng's purple sand pot is good, I gave it to myself, but I can't get it, the main reason is that the two are still cooperating, and because of some small things, it's a big deal to delay big things.

If there is no cooperative relationship between them, he really wants to tell Qin An that he will pay a high price to transfer the purple clay pot to himself.

However, it is impossible. Qin'an Media and Jiahe Food have more cooperation.

When he left Yanjing, Qin An said that he wanted to get a pot for himself, but he didn't know if he could get it.

However, Yanjing is different from other places. It was the imperial city in the Qing Dynasty. In that place, there are countless dignitaries, rich businessmen, and princes Baylor. There are not many treasures hidden in that house. So, if it is true It's easier to find than anywhere else!
Thinking of this, Chen Bing smiled slightly, hoping to find it for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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