Chapter 234
Liu Weidong didn't know who this person was who could make Chen Bing so interested.

He stayed with Chen Bing for a long time, and he knew Chen Bing very well. Chen Bing didn't even take Gao Zhihua seriously.

"Mr. Chen, can you tell me, what is this person capable of?"

"In two years, he will be the richest man in China!" Chen Bing said.

Liu Weidong was really surprised when he heard Chen Bing's words: "In two years?"

"Yes, in two years, whether our Jiahe can survive the financial crisis this time depends on him."

"Mr. Chen, can you tell me more about it?"

"This is a secret. I will only tell you one person. This person, that is, this year, is going to buy a large number of cans and go to our neighboring country to exchange for airplanes. Think about it, how many cans are needed to exchange airplanes? So, we must establish a good relationship with this person and make a fortune!"

After Chen Bing said it, Liu Weidong was completely confused. He exchanged the canned food for the plane, and even went to a neighboring country. Damn it, is this a play?

Liu Weidong didn't believe it at all.

He is not a fool, he can figure out the purchase of technology or weapons between countries, but he can't figure out how to exchange cans for airplanes in a country, and he won't believe it.

He believed that no one in the whole country would believe it except this surnamed Mou and Chen Bing.

After a short thought, Liu Weidong felt that Chen Bing was lying to him and joking with him.

"Mr. Chen, stop teasing me, what are you doing, tell me the truth."

Knowing that Liu Weidong wouldn't believe it, Chen Bing nodded slightly: "I know you won't believe it. To be honest, I don't believe it either, because it's the truth. We must seize this business opportunity this time and make money from it." We are fighting Erlele’s funding.”

"Mr. Liu, don't worry about other things, I'll take care of it myself."

Chen Bing is the top leader of the company, Liu Weidong can only obey.

"Remember, you can't tell anyone about this, do you hear me?"

"Got it, Mr. Chen."

"Canned food, in this season, belongs to the off-season sales, so the goods of various canneries are unsalable to varying degrees. Therefore, we spend a lot of money to stock up as soon as possible, as much as we have, and as much as possible."

"Mr. Chen, do we have so much money? Can the bank still give us a loan?"

After hearing this, Chen Bing frowned slightly. This is a problem.

The bank loans have a certain effect, and they cannot all be used to purchase canned food.

"Don't worry about money, I'll find a way."

Liu Weidong felt a little mysterious about the illusory things.

"Mr. Chen, be careful, there are so many liars now!"

Of course Chen Bing knows that there are many liars nowadays, but Mr. Mou is definitely not a liar in this matter. After all, he has the memory of his previous life, so as long as he follows the rules, he will definitely not suffer.

"Okay, let's go see this big man!"

Chen Bing's order could not be disobeyed, so Liu Weidong nodded and followed Chen Bing towards Yangqing Hotel.

At the entrance of Yangqing Hotel, a man who looked like a manager rushed out: "Mr. Chen, long time no see!"

He hurried forward and held Chen Bing's hand tightly.

"Mr. Chen."

"Manager Li, okay."

Chen Bing is a frequent visitor to Yangqing Hotel, and Chen Bing also put the reception of Jiahe Food Company in Yangqing Hotel, so he is very familiar with the people here, especially Manager Li.

"Mr. Chen, which private room do you want today?"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "Manager Li, take a step to speak!"

Manager Li didn't look good, why was it a bit mysterious.

He followed Chen Bing to the side: "Mr. Chen, please tell me if you have something to say, I know everything without saying anything!"

"Okay, I'll send you a box of drinks another day."

"Hehehe, then thank you, Mr. Chen."

"You say."

"Manager Li, is there a big man surnamed Mou staying in your hotel?"

"Big man?"

"What big man?"

In Chen Bing's eyes, Mr. Mou is a big shot, but in the eyes of Manager Li, he is not a big shot yet.

After all, at this time, Mr. Mou hadn't really developed yet, and his reputation wasn't that great. He won't be known to the people of Huaxia until he succeeded in changing his canned food to an airplane.

Chen Bing said Mr. Mou's name.

Manager Li nodded: "Okay, Mr. Chen, just wait a moment, I'll check it for you!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly.

Grandma, in this world, you must have friends everywhere, otherwise, you can't do anything.

After a while, Manager Li came over: "Mr. Chen, in suite 666."

Chen Bing nodded slightly, ready to leave.

At this time, that Manager Li said: "Mr. Chen, why don't you go up rashly now?"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "There's nothing wrong with it." He now remembered that Mr. Mou hadn't really developed yet. As the boss of Jiahe Foods, the visit by a local local snake was to give him face, and he would definitely be grateful.

Chen Bing looked at Manager Li: "Manager Li, I'm sorry to bother you, please be busy. I will settle the rest myself."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he quickly ran towards 666 with Liu Weidong.

Yangqing is a relatively backward place. In 89, the Yangqing Hotel did not have elevators.

Chen Bing and Liu Weidong climbed up to the sixth floor.

Damn it, Chen Bing, who was used to taking elevators in his previous life, climbed six floors suddenly, out of breath. He turned his head and glanced at Liu Weidong: "This Liu Weidong is really powerful, he is not out of breath at all."

"Mr. Liu, are you not tired?"

Liu Weidong didn't know how to say: "What's so tiring going upstairs, I'm not tired!"

"It's fine if you're not tired, why am I so tired?"

Liu Weidong couldn't figure out why Chen Bing was so tired.

Two people stood at the door of Room 666 and knocked lightly on the door.


a woman's voice.

"Hello, is this Mr. Mou's room?"

Chen Bing asked.

A woman opened the door and stared at Chen Bing.



She has fair skin, tall figure, and fashionable dress. She is really a fashionable girl!

She must be Mr. Mou's secretary.

"Who are you? The other party is a bit domineering.

"Hello, my name is Chen Bing, the boss of Jiahe Food Company. I heard that Mr. Mou came to Yangqing. As a landlord, hehehe, I should do my best as a landlord!"

When the woman heard about Chen Bing's identity, a smile appeared on her face: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Mou is sleeping, wait a moment, I'll report to you!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly.

Liu Weidong stared at the secretary without blinking.

Chen Bing was a little funny.

"Mr. Liu, what are you looking at?"

"Didn't see anything?"

Liu Weidong's cheeks were a little red.

"Hehehe, just look at it, beauty is just a painting, she looks so good-looking, she is so beautifully dressed, for what reason, it is for people to see, just look at it, don't be shy!" Chen Bing laughed twice.

(End of this chapter)

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