Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 236 Temperament

Chapter 236 Temperament
Chen Bing nodded slightly: "What you said makes sense, you are very wronged!"

After hearing this, Mr. Mou said: "Then don't do it. How many years can a person live in a lifetime? Live according to your own temperament. Hehehe, this is the only way to be comfortable. If you make a lot of money and are not happy, then the person who lives will be happy." No taste."

Chen Bing nodded again.

Next, Mr. Mou talked a lot.

The purpose of Chen Bing's visit this time is to sell his canned food.

Chen Bing knew that in a few months, Mr. Mou would meet a businessman from He Province, and the businessman from He Province would provide him with information about the sale of airplanes in neighboring countries, and he would go to neighboring countries to investigate and negotiate, and finally negotiated. Return the canned food.

"Mr. Mou, I hope we can cooperate in the future."

"Okay, if there is a chance, we will definitely cooperate, but I don't know if we can cooperate, because, at present, I don't want to get involved in the food industry."

After hearing this, Chen Bing hurriedly said: "Thank you, maybe there is such an opportunity, Mr. Mou, our food company currently has four production lines, one for canned food, one for instant noodles, one for drinks, and one for ham. Mr. Mou, our company has four production lines. We started with canned food, so if there is any cooperation in canned food, you must think of us.”

Mr. Mou smiled slightly: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I'm definitely thinking of you!"

Then the two sides exchanged business cards.

Mr. Mou kept sending Chen Bing and Liu Weidong to the stairs.

After going downstairs, Manager Li hurried over: "President Chen, are you done?"

Chen Bing nodded.

"Mr. Chen, what kind of person is he, asking someone as big as you to meet him?"

"Hehehehe, he is a very big person. You have to take good care of him. Don't offend him. He might own Yangqing Hotel that day."

Chen Bing knew that Mr. Mou was fully capable of winning a small hotel.

Chen Bing and Liu Weidong walked out of Yangqing Hotel.

Liu Weidong asked: "Mr. Chen, this person speaks very eloquently."

Chen Bing said with a chuckle: "Of course, he is a character, a very powerful character. For thousands of years in China, he is a famous businessman. He can be called a generation of wizards!"

Liu Weidong also had a lot of experience, and said, "But, Mr. Chen, why have I never heard of his deeds?"

"Hehehe, you will hear about it in the future."

"So his great deeds have not yet been done."

Chen Bing said: "Yes, haven't done it yet?"

"Mr. Chen, the canned food you mentioned didn't dry either?"

"Yes, I didn't."

"Then how do you know what he's going to do?"

Liu Weidong stared at Chen Bing.

"I know, what I observed, as a businessman, you must have the ability to see problems."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he walked forward, and Liu Weidong hurriedly followed behind: "Mr. Chen, your ability to see problems is not the ability to see problems, but the ability to predict the future. You are a man of God!"

"Hehehehe, I'm not a god, I'm an ordinary person, an ordinary person who can make money, Mr. Liu, I said, as long as you follow me and work hard, you will be the president of Jiahe Group in the future. At that time, you will definitely be listed in Forbes. It's on the rich list."

Liu Weidong nodded slightly after hearing this, and he believed what Chen Bing said.

"Mr. Chen, what should we do now?"

"Do everything possible to produce canned food as soon as possible, and do everything possible to purchase canned food."

Liu Weidong nodded.

After Chen Bing and Liu Weidong left, they didn't go back to the company directly, but went home.

When Chen Bing walked to the door of the house, he heard the noise, the voices of a woman and a man mixed together, Chen Bing could tell from the voices that these two people were not young.

Damn, who is this? Why are you bullying Xiaoxue again.

Yesterday Chen Fangfang came to make trouble for Xiaoxue, Chen Bing was very depressed, and he came again today.

Chen Bing knew that Yang Xue was cowardly, but with himself around, he absolutely couldn't let Yang Xue be wronged.

Especially Guoguo, hey, poor child, he was frightened by the useless Chen Bing since he was a child, and now he hears people arguing and talking loudly, so he sits in the corner of the bed in fright.

Chen Bing went in quickly.

The house was full of people.

Chen Fangfang and Zhang Qiang were there, and there was a child, who was around Guoguo's age, playing with Guoguo's doll.

There were two old people in the house, both in their fifties. When Chen Bing came in, they stared at Chen Bing with anger in their eyes.

Chen Bing quickly searched his memory.

The man is Chen Mandun, the father of the trash Chen Bing, the woman is He Cuilian, the mother of the trash Chen Bing, and the child is Zhang Dongdong, the nephew of the trash Chen Bing.

When Chen Bing saw the two old men, Zhang Qiang and Chen Fangfang, what did he know instantly?
Yang Xue stood pitifully in front of the old man, with tears in her eyes. The mother of the useless Chen Bing held a broom with bumps, as if she had hit Yang Xue several times.

Because, Yang Xue touched her arm with her hand from time to time.

"Brother, you're back!" Zhang Qiang rushed forward quickly.

Chen Bing ignored Zhang Qiang, and quickly walked up to Yang Xue, took Yang Xue's arm, and the marks on the broom handle were blue and purple.

Seeing Chen Bing's movements, Yang Xue quickly pulled down her sleeves.

"Bingzi, parents are here!"

Chen Bing ignored Yang Xue's words and asked directly: "What happened to your arm?"

"It's okay, touch it!"

Before Yang Xue could finish speaking, He Cuilian said, "Don't lie, tell him that I beat you!"

Chen Bing took a deep breath of relief.

"Bingzi, parents are here!" Yang Xue said again.

"You are here!"

Chen Bing couldn't scream.

At this time, Chen Fangfang came over: "Brother, parents are here, look at your daughter-in-law, it makes parents angry."

Chen Bing knew that Yang Xue was beaten by Chen Bing's mother, He Cuilian, [-]% because of Chen Fangfang's instigation.

He didn't dare to do anything to the two old people, but Chen Fangfang dared, he was going to show his power today and told them that Yang Xue was his wife and no one was allowed to move.

It would be fine if Yang Xue acted mischievously, but why should such a kind girl be tortured by this family.

"Clap clap clap!"

The slaps are connected together, very crisp and pleasant!
After Chen Bing beat them, everyone was silenced.

Chen Fangfang covered her cheeks and was speechless for a long time. After a while, she burst into tears and plunged into He Cuilian's arms.

He Cuilian's lips trembled in anger: "Bingzi, what are you doing, she is your sister?"

Chen Bing walked over, grabbed Yang Xue's hand, and pulled Yang Xue to the bedside: "Sit down, take care of Guoguo, don't scare Guoguo!"

Although I don't want to scare Guoguo, Chen Bing's actions just now have already scared Guoguo.

Guoguo sat on the corner of the bed: "Dad, I'm afraid!"

Chen Bing glared angrily, and did not directly answer He Cuilian's words, but said: "Chen Fangfang, what are you going to do, you came to my house yesterday and made a fuss, it's not enough, you have to move the old man out today!"

(End of this chapter)

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