Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 240 Compromise

Chapter 240 Compromise
A man is a man. Chen Mantun's words moved Chen Bing very much. Why did he suddenly have a crush on this father?

I just don't know how such a father could raise a son like trash Chen Bing.

What the hell!

Seeing that they were about to leave, Chen Bing rushed forward and stopped him, saying, "Dad, you can't leave. You came to my place without any food. How can you leave!"

Chen Mantun showed his gaped teeth, hehehe laughed and said, "Bingzi, I went to your company today and saw you doing so well today. I am happy. To be honest, I am happier than ever. I was not Did I tell you, I am willing to die now. '

"Dad, our family's situation is better now. How can you say you're dead? This is how I think about it. In a few days, I will go home. When I go home, I will bring some craftsmen to clean up the yard for you. base."

Based on instilled memory, Chen Bing knew that the waste Chen Bing's house was very dilapidated.

Although the two old people are my biological parents, after all, they are the parents of the trash Chen Bing, and they occupy the body of the trash Chen Bing themselves, so they have to shoulder the responsibility of supporting Chen Bing's parents!
When Chen Mantun heard that Chen Bing was going to build him a house, his mouth burst into joy.

"Bingzi, I agree. Everyone in the village knew that you didn't do business before. Hehehehe, although you have established a business outside, but when I go home, others may not believe it, so go back and build a house. , it doesn’t matter if your mother and I can’t live together, the most important thing is to show it to the whole village.”

After Chen Mantun said, he stared at He Cuilian: "Mother Bingzi, do you think so?"

He Cuilian lived in a dilapidated house all her life, now that her old man said that she was going to build a house, she was so happy that she forgot what happened to Zhang Qiang just now.

"Bingzi, if you really want to build a house, I think you should build three rooms for the main house and three rooms for the second house."

Chen Bing nodded: "Mom, there are five rooms in the main room, three rooms on each side of the second room, and a gatehouse in the middle. The courtyard walls are all made of blue bricks. How about it, is it grand?"

After Chen Bing spoke, Chen Mantun and He Cuilian burst into joy.

"Bingzi, how much is that?"

Chen Bing laughed and said, "It doesn't cost much. In this way, you don't want to leave today. Tomorrow, I will find time to drive you back and discuss it with the craftsmen. We will start working the day after tomorrow!"

"Go, go, go!"

Chen Mantun was happy, happy and happy, and suddenly cried: "Bingzi, when I go back this time, I must kowtow twice on the ancestor's grave. I think that you can be so successful and make so much money. Ancestry has a lot to do with it!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Qiang and Chen Fangfang saw it, I'll fuck it, my parents were captured by Chen Bing so quickly.

"Mom!" Chen Fangfang said dissatisfied.

"Fangfang, your brother is in trouble now, and I will help you when your brother is no longer in trouble!" He Cuilian said, staring at Chen Bing: "Is it a soldier!"

Chen Bing smiled slightly, but did not speak.

"Xiaoxue, hold Guoguo, happy today, let's go to Yangqing Hotel."

Yang Xue was also happy, especially today. Before that, every time she went home, she would always be bullied by her mother-in-law and sister-in-law. At that time, Chen Bing would not protect her at all, but this time, for himself, Chen Bing went so far as to fight with her. Her younger sister's mother was head-on, which really caught her off guard.

"Guoguo, wake up, let's go eat!"

Yang Xue pulled Guoguo a few times, but she didn't pull it out: "Mom, I'm afraid of grandma and aunt, so tell grandma and aunt not to go!"

After hearing this, Yang Xue wanted to fight again.

Chen Bing quickly stopped him: "Why beat the child?"

He Cuilian walked up to Xiao Guoguo: "Guoguo, grandma will carry you!"

"I'm not going, I'm afraid!"

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid you'll hit my mother!"

He Cuilian blushed, "You little bastard!"

Chen Bing walked over and picked up Guoguo: "Let's go, Guoguo, when Dad comes back, I will buy you new clothes and dolls!"

Children love dolls the most. Hearing Chen Bing's words, he smiled happily: "Okay, Dad, I want a doll!"

"Okay, let's go together."

The whole family marched towards the Yangqing Hotel.

At this time, the happiest people are Chen Mantun and He Cuilian.

But Zhang Qiang and Chen Fangfang have been depressed.

They knew that there would be very little Chen Bing could help them after this time, but they had to go, if they didn't go, they would offend Chen Bing completely, and at that time, Chen Bing would not help them at all.

They can only choose to compromise, who makes them have no other people's money, who makes them ask for others!
The old couple had never been to such a big hotel, everything they saw was fresh, and everything they ate was fresh. After eating, Chen Bing arranged for the old couple to stay in the hotel, and he went back with Yang Xue and Guoguo.

If the old couple live in the house, there is really no place to live.

It seems that you have to buy a big house.

On the way back, Chen Bing thought of his parents again.

Hey, poor parents, you can come to Yangqing anytime, let me take you to Yangqing Hotel and have a good meal.

Chen Bing was holding Guoguo, Yang Xue and Chen Bing were walking together.

Today she is very happy, with joy on her face.

"Bingzi, are you happy?"

"Happy? Why are you happy?" Chen Bing asked.

"Your mother finally recognized me!"

"Hehehe, for this reason, you are my wife and the mother of my child. This is an undeniable fact, so it's okay for her not to admit it."

"Bingzi, you are so kind!"

Yang Xue tugged at Chen Bing's arm.

"Really?" Chen Bing asked.


"Hehehe, Xiaoxue, let me ask you, since I'm so good, how can you repay me?"

Although Yang Xue is smart, but she is very honest, she blinked her big eyes after hearing this: "Then how do you want to repay? I'll make you noodles with glutinous rice flour, Bingzi, I forgot to tell you, the steamed spicy pepper you love, I I also learned from my godmother, I will make it for you tomorrow morning, if you want to eat, you can do it at night!"

Chen Bing smiled hehehe, and put his mouth next to Yang Xue's ear: "Xiaoxue, I don't want steamed spicy peppers, and I don't eat simmered noodles. I will let you serve me well at night, and serve me comfortably!"

Yang Xue's face turned red after hearing this.

"Bingzi, what are you talking about, I'm so ashamed!"


Chen Bing ran forward.

Yang Xue chased after her.

Seeing Yang Xue chasing Chen Bing, Guoguo giggled.

This family is so exciting!
Early the next morning, Yang Xue prepared a meal early, Chen Bing took the two old people over, had dinner, and asked the two old people to stay at home, accompanied by Yang Xue, he went to the company to settle down, and then returned to the village.

As soon as Chen Bing entered the office, Liu Weidong walked in: "Mr. Chen, you are here!"

(End of this chapter)

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