Chapter 247 Go Back
When Chen Bing returned to the hotel, Qin An came to order dinner in person. Chen Bing had no choice but to go down and drink two glasses of wine.

After drinking two glasses of wine, Chen Bing arrived at the hotel.

Not long after Chen Bing entered the room, he heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Chen Bing asked.

"Zhang Yuan!"

Chen Bing heard Zhang Yuan and hurried to open the door.

It really was Zhang Yuan.

"Miss Zhang, why are you here, don't you want to eat?"

Zhang Yuan smiled slightly: "Mr. Chen, I don't like lively places either, let them eat."

"Okay, come in."

Zhang Yuan came in, and Chen Bing closed the door.

"Miss Zhang, sit down."

Zhang Yuan sat down: "Mr. Chen, when do you plan to go back?"

"I told you, go back tomorrow, this time I will leave Minmin to you, you sisters have a good talk."

After Zhang Yuan heard this, there were tears in her eyes: "Mr. Chen, thank you, thank you very much. After my boyfriend passed away, I thought I would never have any relatives in my life. Unexpectedly, I have a younger sister, thank you You, thank you so much!"

Chen Bing couldn't see women crying, and he couldn't see beautiful women crying. Seeing Zhang Yuan's tears, he took out a tissue and handed it to Zhang Yuan: "Don't cry, this is a happy event!"

Zhang Yuan didn't wipe away her tears, but let them flow down her nose.

What men are most afraid of is women's tears.

It's like rain hitting pear blossoms.

Chen Bing took a tissue and gently wiped Zhang Yuan's tears.

Zhang Yuan silently stared at Chen Bing.

Suddenly, Zhang Yuan hugged Chen Bing's waist with both hands.

Chen Bing froze and did not move.

However, he still had a sliver of reason: "Miss Zhang, what are you doing?"

Zhang Yuan let go of Chen Bing's waist, stood up slowly, and leaned her head on Chen Bing's chest: "Mr. Chen, can you let me lean on you?"

Chen Bing didn't make a sound.

"Mr. Chen, leaning on you, I feel much safer. Mr. Chen, since my boyfriend passed away, I feel that I am just a wisp of duckweed in this world, without roots. But, leaning on your chest, I I think I have everything, Mr. Chen, what I said is true!"

In a separate space, lonely men and widows are hugging each other, especially when the woman takes the initiative, and the girl is still peerless, how can a man bear it at this time.

Not only is Zhang Yuan beautiful, but her body smells like orchids, very fragrant.

Chen Bing was drunk, he was really drunk.

He gently put his hand on Zhang Yuan's back.

Zhang Yuan trembled all over.

"Mr. Chen, can you hold me tight?"

Chen Bing was panting heavily.

"How to hold tight?"

"Hold me tightly with your hands!"

Chen Bing couldn't help hugging Zhang Yuan with his strong arms.

"Mr. Chen, I feel very happy now!"

"Miss Zhang, with me here, you will be happier in the future!"

In the previous life, Chen Bing saw quite a few beauties. Although Zhang Yuan had a peerless appearance, it was not enough for Chen Bing to be like this.

Chen Bing's feelings for Zhang Yuan mainly arose from Zhang Yuan's feelings for his boyfriend.

Zhang Yuan loved her boyfriend so much that Chen Bing got to know this woman.

Just like Yang Xue's saying, "Marry a chicken, follow a chicken, marry a dog, follow a dog." '

"Miss Zhang, isn't it good for us?" Chen Bing said.

"Mr. Chen, I know I'm sorry Xiaoxue."

"I also feel sorry for Xiaoxue."

"But we"

Chen Bing knew what Zhang Yuan was going to say, he quickly pressed his lips on Zhang Yuan's lips, and then they both fell on the bed.

Tang Min's adoptive parents did not have children, so she was the only one. When she met Zhang Yuan and confirmed their relationship, she really loved Zhang Yuan, her sister.

Zhang Yuan said she was going to look for Chen Bing, but Tang Min couldn't wait so long after she didn't come back, so she went to look for him.

When he walked to the door of Chen Bing's room, he heard a noise inside.

She put her ear on the door, and instantly, blushing, ran downstairs.

The next day Chen Bing bid farewell to Zhang Yuandong and others, and returned to Yangqing with Gao Zhuo and ten beauties.

Chen Bing was very happy with this trip.

Chen Bing returned to Yangqing, had a casual meal with a few beauties, and then came to the company to arrange work first, and then greet the beauties in the evening.

About Gao Zhuo being the director of Yanjing Office, Chen Bing told Liu Weidong, but Gao Zhuo is the manager of the public relations department, Chen Bing has not told Liu Weidong, so he has to communicate with Liu Weidong first, and then let Liu Weidong see these beauties , otherwise, when the time comes, the chairman and the general manager disagree, so nothing will happen?

Chen Bing led several people to the door of Jiahe Food Company, and asked Hao Yong to take them to the reception room first, then Chen Bing went directly to the office, and when he arrived at the office, Chen Bing asked He Mei to call Liu Weidong to his office.

After a while, Liu Weidong walked in.

"Hehehe, Mr. Chen, you are really fast this time!"

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Yangqing is our old base camp, Er Lele has rushed over, how can I stay in Yanjing!"

Liu Weidong nodded: "Mr. Chen, we followed the method of raising prices for sales, and the effect is remarkable. However, I heard that Er Lele has also taken action, and they are also discussing price increases with those grassroots salesmen!"

Chen Bing knew this would happen. If the fight continues like this, Er Lele will surely win in the end, because his strength is at stake. Even if Yang Qing doesn't make money and loses money, but he makes money elsewhere, but Yang Qing is Best and largest source of funding.

"Do you have a good solution?" Chen Bing asked directly.

Liu Weidong frowned: "Mr. Chen, there is no good solution at the moment. If we solve the problem fundamentally, we will defeat Er Lele. However, it is basically impossible for us to defeat Er Lele in a short time!"

"What should I do?"

"We still have to start with the inherited sales. If Er Lele wants to raise the sales price at the grassroots level, then we have no choice but to follow suit!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "If you keep mentioning it like this, what will be the consequences, do you know?"

Liu Weidong is not a fool, he was a rich man in the food industry in his previous life, of course he knew: "We must be dragged down!"

"That is, we know that this method is a dead end, so why do we still use this method?"

Liu Weidong blushed.

"Mr. Chen, tell me."

"We have to find a way to grasp the pulse of grassroots sales, and let Erlele increase the sales price commission, and they will not agree."

After Chen Bing said, Liu Weidong was confused: "Mr. Chen, I can't think of such a good way!"

"The Tao is one foot tall and the devil is ten feet high. Since the normal method doesn't work, let's do something evil!"

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean?" Liu Weidong asked.

"That's what I'm going to talk to you about today, PR."

"Public relations department?" Liu Weidong asked in surprise.

"Yes, PR department, I'm going to appoint a PR manager today." Chen Bing said.

(End of this chapter)

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