Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 257 Forest Farmhouse

Chapter 257 Forest Farmhouse

Chen Bing knew what these two women were doing from the moment they were dressed.

"Old wolf, let him and the others go out, it's important for us to talk!"

"Mr. Chen, I still want you to have fun!"

"No need, let them go out!"

After Chen Bing spoke, the old wolf said helplessly: "Okay, my big Mr. Chen."

The old wolf waved his hands at the two women: "Go out first, and come in when you bark later!"

When the two women went out, the old wolf laughed and said, "Mr. Chen, it's not easy to be sensual for making so much money, but I'm sorry for making so much money!"

"It is enough for me to have a wife!"

"Hehe, can you play around?"

"A little difficult!"

After Chen Bing spoke, the old wolf said: "Mr. Chen, I'm also a bit stuck. The medicine in Huichuntang is good!"

Chen Bing knew what the old wolf was about to say, so he hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, let's get down to business."

Chen Bing tried his best not to associate with these people.

"You want Li Changtian's information?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "You know Li Changtian so well, so you should know what I want. To be honest, I don't want Li Changtian's information, but Li Changtian's criminal information!"

When Chen Bing said this, the old wolf smiled slightly, took out a kraft paper bag from his body, and said, "Mr. Chen, you have everything you want, but Mr. Chen, this is a secret."

Chen Bing knew that the old wolf must have conditions for giving him these things, and this condition is nothing more than money.

"Tell me, how much, I will not counter-offer!"

"Mr. Chen, I don't want money, I want to cooperate with you!"

"Cooperation?" Chen Bing was shocked when he heard this.

"Cooperate in that respect?"

"I want to open a dance hall in Yangqing, hehehe, I need Mr. Chen's support!"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "No!"

The old wolf's expression changed.

"Mr. Chen, I really don't support it!"

Chen Bing shook his head: "Old Wolf, you should understand my personality, Chen Bing. In this life, I don't want to enter the entertainment industry, nor do I want to have too many contacts with underground organizations. When I associate with you, I just want to pay for it and deliver it. People like to talk straight, I hope you understand!"

After hearing this, the old wolf nodded slightly: "Very well, very well, Mr. Chen, if this is the case, then our transaction can be concluded!"

The old wolf threatened Chen Bing.

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he stood up.

"Old wolf, I don't like being threatened by others. What I asked you to do today, as long as I pay the right price, you can do it, and others can do it. I hope you think twice!"

The old wolf was still hesitating, and Chen Bing continued: "Old wolf, I know your details. You said on the surface that you are cooperating with me and asked me to support you. In fact, you want to lure me into the gang. Let me tell you clearly that I will not get involved. .Hei, I will not cooperate with you. In my life, I look at the distance and the long-term of Jiahe. I don't want to make quick money. I just want to build Jiahe into a world-famous aircraft carrier. So, ah, I will not do anything that is not good for Jiahe!"

After Chen Bing spoke, the old wolf hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, you are wrong, I will not drag you into the water!"

"Hehehehe, in that case, let's not talk about cooperation, just talk about money!"

The old wolf hesitated a little.

Chen Bing stood up slowly: "Why don't you think about it!"

The old wolf knew what Chen Bing was going to do.

"Mr. Chen, it's a long way from here to the city. You don't have a car, so it's hard to leave!"

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Old Wolf, you underestimate me too much, what do you think of my security guards?"

"How about it?"

"Tell you, they are all special forces, and my every step is under their control!"

After Chen Bing spoke, the old wolf changed color slightly.

"Also, old wolf, I know you are the leader of Yangqing's underground organization. If you want to work in the underground organization for a long time, you must understand Yangqing. You should know my relationship with Gao Zhihua, hehehe."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he walked directly outside.

Seeing this, the old wolf hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, what are you doing, why are you still angry!"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "I'm not angry, I'm just thinking, it's a pity that I can't get anything from you today!"

"Mr. Chen, I really admire you. People say you are amazing, and I know you are amazing, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Hehehe, you can't leak anything when you talk!"

"How about it, can we trade?"

In fact, the current Chen Bing really wants to take this thing over. After all, this involves whether Yang Xue will be laid off or not.

However, with his many years of business experience, he is very stable, he is very good at playing tricks with people, and his mental quality is also very strong.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I lost!" The old wolf handed the things to Chen Bing.

Chen Bing didn't answer: "How much is it?

"Hehehe, it's easy to do, no money required!"

"No, I said it, this is a deal!"

"Mr. Chen, I really have you, you are really principled!"

"That is!"

"Ten thousand!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "OK."

Chen Bing took out 2 yuan from his body and handed it to the old wolf: "Old wolf, I will give you 1 yuan, you are too bad, this thing is worth [-] yuan!"

After the transaction was successful, Chen Bing no longer needed to stay here.

"Old wolf, then you use it slowly, I'll go first!"

"Hehehe, these dishes are prepared for you today. If you don't use them, of course I won't use them. If you want to leave, I can only follow you!"

The two said wow, hehehe laughed and said, "Let's go together!"

After what happened in the previous life, Chen Bing knew that in this life, when doing things, one must not be eager for quick success, one must be careful, otherwise, if something really happens, it will be over.

Back at the company, Chen Bing immediately opened the cowhide envelope and read it page by page.

My darling, Li Changtian, this old boy, has done so many useless things over the years, enough to kill him eight times.

The bullied women and the bribes they received are all clearly recorded here.

Why did the old wolf have it?
When Chen Bing thought of this, he was shocked. During the Yongzheng period, there was a person who controlled officials from all over the country by collecting illegal evidence.

Could it be him.
When Chen Bing thought of this, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. Grandma, if this is the case, then this old wolf is too scary, and he really has to keep a certain distance from him in the future.

However, this old wolf is really efficient in handling things, and it is really a big loss to really cut off contact.

Chen Bing didn't have time to think too much now, so he made another copy of these things, then locked the old wolf's ones in the drawer, and turned to leave.

He is really distressed by Yang Xue's current appearance, so this problem must be resolved as soon as possible.

Chen Bing called Hao Yong, left the factory, and ran towards Yangqing Textile Factory.

When he came to Yangqing Textile Factory, Chen Bing went straight to Li Changtian's office.

Li Changtian's secretary wanted to stop him, but Chen Bing staggered again.

Why does he hate this kind of secretary who destroys other people's families so much?

(End of this chapter)

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