Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 261 Building a House

Chapter 261 Building a House
Building a house is hard work. When they heard that there were cans and drinks in Chen Bing's cart, they opened their mouths with joy, like flowers blooming.

When Chen Mantun and He Cuilian heard this, their faces turned green, and they were asked to do their best, but it is impossible to give such good food to others.

"Bingzi, the canned food is over there!"

Chen Bing understood Chen Mantun and He Cuilian, and said, "Let them move the trunk!"

At this time, two masters came over, brought two boxes of canned food and one box of drinks, and shouted after a while: "It's really canned food, everyone, come and eat!"

In an instant, a box of canned food was finished by those masters.

Chen Mantun and He Cuilian are so distressed!

The old couple did not expect their son to be such a prodigal.

Chen Mantun said: "Bingzi, come here!"

Chen Bing didn't know what to do, and followed Chen Mantun to the house: "Dad, what's the matter?"

"You child, why are you so generous? I have lived a long time, and you have given the whole box to the masters before I have eaten canned food?"

Only then did Chen Bing recall.

"Hehehe, don't worry, I keep it for you, and there is also a box of cans and a box of drinks for you!"

After Chen Mantun heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

"Don't be so generous in the future, otherwise, no matter how much money you make, you will lose all of it!"

Chen Bing shook his head helplessly.
After a while, Chen Bing heard the voice, who, why is it so familiar!

"It's Fangfang and Zhang Qiang"

Chen Bing frowned tightly when he heard these two people.

"Mom and Dad, is brother back?"

It was Chen Fangfang's voice.

"Mom and Dad. You are still planning to build a house!"

After Chen Fangfang asked, Zhang Qiang hurriedly said: "Dad and Mom have never built a house in their entire lives. Originally, we wanted to build a house for the elderly, but we were moved ahead of time by my brother!"

Chen Bing is most annoyed by people like Zhang Qiang, who don't do anything and love to talk.

"Zhang Qiang, you said you also want to build a house for two old people?"

Zhang Qiang nodded and said: "Yes, brother, I also talked to Fangfang about this matter, is it Fangfang!"

Chen Fangfang always protects her man, and when she heard Zhang Qiang say it, she hurriedly said, "Yes, brother, Qiangzi is good to his parents!"

Chen Bing smiled slightly, nodded and said: "Okay, just be filial, I just happen to be busy these days, Qiangzi, otherwise, the master designed this house, and the total is only [-], didn't you just say Do you want to build a house, then you can build this house!"

After Chen Bing said, he was about to leave.

This made Zhang Qiang very anxious. Grandma, I just said it casually. Unexpectedly, Chen Bing climbed up the slope, which is really not a thing.

Who is Zhang Qiang, his skin is extremely thick.

"Brother, what are you talking about? I want to build a house for my parents, but I have no funds in hand. I thought, after I make money in your factory, I will build a house for my parents, isn't it Fangfang!"

Chen Bing smiled slightly, these two couples are really interesting.

"Okay, since you're here, I'll help the family with more work. My parents are getting older, and I still have something to do, so I'll leave first!"

After Chen Bing spoke, he was about to leave.

Zhang Qiang hurriedly said: "Brother, there is something I need to discuss with you!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing said, "Say it!" '

"Brother, it's still the same thing, see if this works, we don't want officials anymore, just let me go to work in your factory!"

Chen Bing thought before that as long as Zhang Qiang didn't want the director of the sales department, he could let Zhang Qiang go back to work in the factory, but now he knew that Zhang Qiang's ambition, this time, Zhang Qiang compromised and settled for the second best. Purposeful.

Chen Bing still doesn't know what his purpose is, but he knows that Zhang Qiang is definitely not holding back any good farts.

"Qiangzi, no, I said, our factory doesn't need relatives."

"Brother, you really don't recognize my brother-in-law!"

Chen Bing said: "If you recognize me as brother, I will recognize you as brother-in-law!"

Zhang Qiang was confused, this Chen Bing is really interesting, when did he become so smart?

"Brother, you are so heartless!"

At this time, Chen Fangfang came over and said, "Brother, we have all compromised, why don't you compromise? Didn't you say before that as long as we don't want officials, you can let us work in the factory!"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "Fangfang, I know, you drunkards don't want to drink!"

Seeing Chen Bing and Chen Fangfang arguing endlessly, He Cuilian walked up to Chen Bing and said, "Bingzi, she is your sister, if you can help, please help her!"

Chen Bing shook his head again: "Mom, it's not that I don't help her, she wants too many things, there's nothing I can do!"

"Brother, what do I want? Isn't it just a director of the sales department and a director of the finance department, and there are 200 million yuan in support, isn't that a lot!"

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Are there not many of these, you are really greedy!"

Chen Bing continued: "Fangfang, everyone wants to live a good life, so they have to work hard on their own, just like me, you should know what I was like a year ago. , I did not rely on my own efforts to establish such a large enterprise within a year, so I have to struggle, and I have to struggle myself."

Zhang Qiang admired Chen Bing's ability, and said: "Brother, you are right, I also want to fight, but I am a clever woman who can't cook without rice, if you invest, I will definitely be able to do it!"

Chen Bing shook his head again: "Qiangzi, tell you, when I was preparing to start a business, my pockets were cleaner than my face, and I couldn't even solve the problem of food and clothing for Xiaoxue and Guoguo. You know, in order to solve their food and clothing problems, we What measures have been taken?"

"What measure?"

"I threatened people, I lied to people!"


"Hehehe, a bastard under Brother Gou, I forced him to give me two hundred yuan!"


Zhang Qiang is also a gangster. He knows how powerful Brother Gou is, and how powerful the bastards under Brother Gou are.

It's not easy for such a waste to threaten Brother Gou's bastard, and to force two hundred yuan from him!
"So, my money is hard-earned money, and I wouldn't give it to ordinary people!"

"Then who will you give it to? Could it be your father-in-law's family?"

Chen Bing shook his head again: "No, I will give it to my parents without hesitation, and I will give it to my wife and children without hesitation. As for you, when the time comes to beg for food, I will give it to you. Otherwise, don't try to take advantage of me! "

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he got on the Santana and left like lightning.

"Chen Bing, you bastard!" Zhang Qiang shouted from behind.

An hour later, Chen Bing returned to the city. He wanted to visit his biological parents, but he was too late to see the time. It was impossible to return on the same day. If he stayed overnight, he didn't have that much time!
(End of this chapter)

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