Chapter 265
"Stop!" Chen Bing yelled, restraining Yao Kai.

Yao Kai looked towards Chen Bing.

Chen Bing stood up quickly and walked towards Yao Kai.

Yang Xue supported Li Juan.

Chen Bing walked up to Li Juan and looked at Li Juan carefully, she was so beautiful.

From a distance, she has a proud figure, but from a closer look, that face is white and tender. Compared with Yang Xue, it is even worse.

No wonder Li Changtian wanted to include her.

Chen Bing stared at Yao Kai again.

Yao Kai is also a handsome guy. If these two live a good life, they can definitely be called golden boys and jade girls.

"Do you ever treat your girlfriend like this?" Chen Bing asked directly.

"Who are you, what qualifications do you have to say about me?" Yao Kai asked back.

When Yao Kai asked, he really stopped Chen Bing, and he really had nothing to do with Li Juan.


Chen Bing had an idea: "I am her elder brother, what's wrong?"

"Big brother, I didn't know she had a big brother!"

"Boy, if you don't know, I'll let you know today."

Seeing Chen Bing's appearance, Yao Kai chuckled: "Boy, don't you think you've also taken a liking to this flirt? Let me tell you, it's no use. The director of their factory has already taken a fancy to him, unless you are more powerful than Director Li." money!"

After Yao Kai finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. At this moment, Chen Bing stepped forward and grabbed him.

"Bastard, is there a man more shameless than you in this world?"

Yao Kai laughed and said, "You say I'm shameless? Tell you, I'm shameless. People live in this world, and if they don't do it for themselves, they will be destroyed by heaven and earth. Now, their factory director has taken a fancy to her. What should I do? If I don't agree, She will be laid off, if she agrees, let me tell you, I don't like being married to a scumbag!"

Chen Bing was so angry when he heard it.

"So it's a deal for you to break up!"


Yao Kai was about to leave after finishing speaking.

Seeing this, Li Juan rushed forward quickly and hugged Yao Kai's arm: "Yao Kai, don't leave me, really don't leave me, I'm really innocent."

Yao Kai stood still: "Li Juan, as I said just now, you can't afford to offend that factory director. If you offend, you will be laid off. If you don't offend, then you have to compromise. You are laid off. I won't marry you, because I can't afford to support you. I have to use my salary for myself. I have so many friends who spend money every day. But if you don't get laid off, you won't be clean. Still, I won't marry you, let's break up!"

After Yao Kai finished speaking, he was about to leave.

At this time, Li Juan sat down on the ground with a common sound, holding Yao Kai's legs: "Kaizi, I really can't do without you. Although I am beautiful, I am not young. I'm a leftover girl, Kaizi, please, please, for the sake of my kindness to you, don't separate from me, okay?"

Yao Kai kicked Li Juan away angrily: "Get out, I've told you so many times, whether you're annoying or not, remember, don't look for me in the future!"

Chen Bing was so depressed. Originally, he didn't want to do anything, but at this moment, how could he bear it!
with a snap.

Five blood-red fingerprints appeared on Yao Kai's fair face.

Yao Kai was dumbfounded, and everyone was dumbfounded.

However, before they woke up from the fingerprints of the first palm, the second palm started, and with a bang, the fingerprints of the second palm landed on Yao Kai's face again.

Yao Kai's eyes were full of gold stars, he staggered, and managed to gain a firm footing.

"You you you, who are you, why did you hit me?"

That's the case with the little boy, he has skills with his mouth, but not with his hands.

Chen Bing's move also frightened Yang Xue and Li Juan.

Yang Xue knew that Chen Bing was not the old Chen Bing, but she didn't expect that he would beat people, and beat people so fiercely.

"Yao Kai, I will make you regret it!"

Chen Bing grabbed Li Juan's arm and pulled Li Juan up: "Li Juan, there are two ways now, I will let you choose!"

"Who are you?" Li Juan asked.

"Yang Xue's husband, Chen Bing, Chairman of Jiahe Food Company!"

After Chen Bing spoke, not only Li Juan was surprised but Yao Kai was also surprised.

The reputation of Jiahe food is not ordinary, and everyone in Yangqing knows it.

"First thing, come to our company, and I heard from Xiaoxue that you graduated from technical secondary school, and you can work in our company's office, and your monthly salary can be as high as 150 yuan!"

"How much? 150 yuan?"

Li Juan now earns 75 yuan a month at the cotton spinning factory, and has not been paid for nearly half a year.

"Yes, 150 yuan."

After Chen Bing spoke, seeing that Li Juan was still hesitating, he continued: "Second, I can take you to find Li Changtian. As long as I go, Li Changtian should give me face. You won't be fired, but you won't be fired. Expulsion, someone will definitely be expelled. Based on my understanding of the textile factory, the textile factory will close down in three or four years. Therefore, if you go to my company now, it is your choice. If you can get Xiaoxue to resign, I will still Give you a raise!"

After Chen Bing spoke, Yang Xue said firmly, "I will not resign!"

Li Juan was hesitating. She knew that if she was given 150 yuan a month as Chen Bing said, she really wanted to go to Chen Bing's company.

Chen Bing said just now that he can take himself to find Li Changtian and let Li Changtian let him go, but can Chen Bing help him once, twice or three times? After this incident, he is in Li Changtian's hands, can Li Changtian let him go , I definitely can't let it go.

Even if she let it go, even if she and Li Changtian were innocent, those gossiping women in that factory would think that she was not innocent, so Li Juan was ruthless: "Mr. Chen, I choose your company!"

Li Juan's choice really surprised Yang Xue and Yao Kai.

"Li Juan, you are so stupid, Mr. Chen can keep your job, why are you still choosing a private enterprise!"

Li Juan seemed to understand suddenly, and said to Yao Kai: "Kaizi, you have finished your speech today, well, from today on, you will go your way and I will cross my single-plank bridge!"

After Yao Kai heard this, he nodded slightly: "I wish you good luck!"

Yang Xue didn't expect that she wanted Chen Bing to help Li Juan not to be laid off, but she didn't expect that Chen Bing would put Li Juan directly in her company or office.

Yang Xue was not calm anymore.

Women and women are good, that is when there is no interest.

But now, Li Juan stayed directly under her husband's nose.

Yang Xue was somewhat shocked.

Such a beautiful woman in front of her husband
Actually, Yang Xue hoped that besides herself, Chen Bing would be surrounded by pure men!
After dinner, Chen Bing called He Ying and asked Li Juan to find He Ying.

Li Juan knew that if she refused to agree to Li Changtian, she would be laid off sooner or later, so she went to see He Ying tomorrow.

After Chen Bing finished explaining, they ate something casually and left.

On the way, Yang Xue didn't say a word.

"Xiaoxue, what's the matter, you don't look happy?" Chen Bing asked.

(End of this chapter)

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