Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 269 Principal

Chapter 269 Principal

After going through his previous life, Chen Bing still knows some things inside the organization. Although the big leader makes the final decision, before the big leader makes a decision, he will definitely take the opinion of the business organizer who is in charge of this matter.

In this investment promotion, the biggest business sponsor is Qin Chang, so if Qin Chang is dealt with, the matter is half successful.

Just don't know if it can be done.

Threats and being threatened depend on psychological quality.

Chen Bing was also very disturbed. Tonight, he would either wait until Qin Chang, or wait until he was shackled by the public security organ.

Threatening public officials is against the law. Chen Bing is still very afraid of such a crime. If a black record is made, it will be very troublesome to work in the future, and it is not good for the company.

This is why Chen Bing felt melancholy when he came out of the China Merchants Office.

If you don't do this today, let alone success or failure, pass the information to Qin Chang and others, and you don't know when it will be!

Others have so much time, but I don't!
Before entering the office of the Merchants Office, Chen Bing grabbed a tongue and asked him to take him to the office of the director of the Office of the Merchants Office.

However, unexpectedly, in the end Qin Chang took him to find Director Mu.

Chen Bing took a taxi, quickly returned to the hotel, and went directly to the hotel reservation department.

"Hi, I'm your tenant of 666, and I want to arrange a table meal in your hotel tonight!"

"Hi sir, arrange that private room, what kind of cuisine will you arrange?"

"Does your hotel have private rooms with wealth!"

"Yes, Fugui Hall!"

"Okay, then this Fugui Hall, as for the cuisine, pick your signature dishes and serve twelve. If you need more, we will add them temporarily."


"Do you want a deposit?"

"No, just give me your room card!"

Chen Bing took out the room card and handed it to the other party.

The waiter wrote on the room card.

"Okay, Mr. Chen!"

"Thank you!"

Chen Bing took the room card and just entered the house when he heard a knock on the door.


"President Chen, I'm Hao Yong!"

"Wait a moment!"

Chen Bing opened the door.

"Captain Hao, come in, I have something to find you!"

"You say!"

"I'll give you a task today, check a person for me, and ask for details!"

"You say!"

"Qin Chang, the deputy director of the Suzhou Investment Promotion Office, and Mu Cong, the director!"

"Do you want it now?"

"Yes, go down and investigate immediately, use your relationship, let the detective company here investigate, remember, don't be reluctant to spend money, give me their information before six o'clock in the evening!"

Hao Yong looked at the time, it was 03:30, there were two and a half hours left.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I'll arrange it now!"

"Okay, don't be reluctant to spend money!"

Hao Yong nodded and left.

Chen Bing knows that in this society, money can turn ghosts around, as long as you pay the starting price, you can get what you want, including secrets!
After Hao Yong left, Chen Bing took out his phone and called Yang Xue.

"Little Snow."

"Bingzi, have you arrived yet?"

"Here, Guoguo, how are you?"


"Xiaoxue, I'm not here, you have to be careful, call Jia Hu if you have something to do, I have already explained to Jia Hu, Jia Hu and the three security guards of our security department are responsible for your safety, no matter it is day or night, as long as you have something, you can call them !"

"I know Bingzi, it's okay, you have to take care of yourself outside!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Don't worry about me, it's okay, I'll hang up, these two days will be very busy, I will call you from time to time!"

Yang Xue hummed and hung up the phone.

Chen Bing picked up the phone and called Liu Weidong.

"President Liu, I'm Chen Bing!"

"Mr. Chen, you are amazing, I am about to call you!"

"what's up?"

"A woman just came here, and she looks quite beautiful. You said you asked her to come to the company?"

After hearing this, Chen Bing remembered that it was Li Juan, grandma's. About Li Juan, he wanted to explain to Liu Weidong, but he forgot.

"How about it, where is the arrangement?"

"Mr. Liu, this woman is quite beautiful, I'm going to put her in the office!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing quickly shook his head and said, "No, absolutely not in the office."

"Then where should I put it? If such a beautiful woman can't be placed in a good position, it will be a waste of money!"

"Find another place!"

"Hehehe, Mr. Chen, are you willing?"

"What is there to be reluctant about?"

"Mr. Chen, according to Ms. Li, I like you very much. I think she should replace Tang Min as your secretary!"

Chen Bing was shocked when he heard this, and quickly waved his hands: "No, absolutely not, she is Xiaoxue's colleague, she came to our company, Xiaoxue knows, I don't want her to come to our company from Xiaoxue's appearance, so she must not be placed in our company." under the nose.

In this way, she used to work in the textile factory and the workshop, so let her go to the workshop. If she does a good job and is willing to work hard, she might as well be promoted to a small position! "

Since Chen Bing had an explanation, Liu Weidong quickly agreed.

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, follow your arrangement!"

"it is good."

"What are you calling today?"

"No, I just went to the Suzhou Investment Promotion Office. Grandma's is different from what we imagined!"

"what happened?"

"I thought that wherever we invest in following the country's call, any local government will support us like our ancestors. However, I didn't expect that Suzhou City is not the same as other places. Investing in Suzhou City If you line up like this, grandma, if you follow this method, you might have to wait until the Year of the Monkey!"

After hearing this, Liu Weidong quickly asked, "Mr. Chen, what should we do?"

"I made an appointment with the deputy director of the Investment Promotion Office tonight. I wonder if it will work?"

"Mr. Chen, your contacts are really unusual. You also know the deputy director of the Investment Promotion Office?"

"Go, damn it, I don't know you, you were threatened by me?"

"Threatened by you?"

"Yes, I don't know if this kid will submit or not?"

"Hehehe, you, Mr. Chen, will go out, and he will not give in!"

Liu Weidong knew how Chen Bing played cards, and he didn't play according to the rules at all. If he played against such a person, he would be unlucky. He would do everything he could to defeat you.

"Then tell me, how did you threaten others?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. Anyway, things here are not as simple as we imagined. Even if the negotiation is successful, the interest-free loan and free supply of land we want may be very difficult!"

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean!"

"You have prepared money recently. Anyway, it is imperative for Suzhou City to build a factory. As long as Suzhou City promises us to invest in building a factory and gives us land, we will start working. If it doesn't work, we will fail!"

"Unfinished? What do you mean?" Liu Weidong was terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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