Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 277 Persuasion

Chapter 277 Persuasion
"You said I am as beautiful as Yang Xue?" The woman continued to ask.

"Yes, if you take the initiative, Yang Xue will definitely be defeated!"

"Dongzi, you are so kind!"

"Yes, we are good friends!"

"Thank you, it's a pity that you can't be my boyfriend in this life!"

"Yeah, it's a pity, but if the two of us get married, that's the beginning of the regret. You see, your family is poor and my family is also poor and white. There is no one in it. Therefore, it is sad for the two of us to get married. Start."

"Then we won't get married, you like me and I like you, as long as you know it in your heart!"

"In the future, you will find a powerful husband for you, and I will find a powerful young lady for me. In this way, won't we both turn around?"

The girl nodded again after hearing this: "You're right, that way, we can meet again in the future, and I can lean on your shoulder when I need you!"

"Sure, whenever you want, as long as my wife doesn't see it, I can rely on you at any time!"

"Me too, as long as you don't let my husband find out, you can call me anytime, and I can come out to accompany you!"

What the hell.

Chen Bing's face turned red when he heard that, grandma, it's only been a few years since the reform and opening up, how did these people's thoughts become so dirty!
At this moment, the owner of the restaurant came out with a fish in his hand: "Boss, the braised fish is ready, you guys eat first!"

At this time, the girl named Lili said: "Boss, is our noodles ready?" '

"Come on, wait a minute, this gentleman came early, cook him a dish first, let him eat, and then make noodles for you!"

The girl nodded.

Next, the boy said to the girl: "Seize this opportunity, you must seize this opportunity, as long as you win this lead singing, all the dignitaries in the city will be watching. When the time comes, you will be waiting to join the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee!" Bar!"

When the one named Dongzi said it, that Lili opened her mouth and burst into joy.

The girl is really beautiful. When she smiles, she is full of eyebrows. However, under the beautiful appearance, there is a dirty heart hidden.

At this time, Chen Bing has no time to judge others. Hearing what these two people mean, his wife and the coach are unclear!
Although Chen Bing knew that Yang Xue was innocent, but this time when he came back by himself, Yang Xue's demeanor really confused him.


Chen Bing thought for a while, how long had he not touched Yang Xue!
It seems like a long time!
Women also need nourishment from love, and they also have emotions and desires!


It's ridiculous.

Lao Tzu was exhausted outside, and he was stealing a man for Lao Tzu at home!
Chen Bing clenched his fist and was about to smash it down, but when he saw Guoguo next to him, he lowered his fist again.

Yang Xue is not such a person, she will talk about it after she finds out.

Chen Bing asked for a lot of dishes this time, and they were all fish, so it took a lot of effort to prepare them.

I wanted to finish eating and leave quickly, but Guoguo refused to leave, and he couldn't mess with this little ancestor, so he could only be in a hurry.

That Lili and Dongzi had finished eating and left.

After an hour, they finally finished eating.

Guoguo patted her belly: "Father, today's meal is delicious!"

"Yes, baby, today's meal is delicious, I hope you don't delay because of your meal, your mother was bullied by bad guys!"

"Dad, what do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting, go find your mother quickly!"

Chen Bing didn't know where Yang Xue was singing, but Guoguo knew.

"Your mother sings there, you know?"

"I know, my mother won't let me go, so I will go secretly with Li Deyi!"

"Then you take Dad!"

"Okay, Dad, you have to buy me a doll when you come home tonight!"

"Okay, my little one!"

"Dad, you are my old baby!"

"This little girl!"

Although Guoguo is young in grade, she is very smart, and took Chen Bing to the place after a short time.

Chen Bing looked up and saw that this was a meeting room, a meeting room of a textile factory.

There are thousands of workers in the textile factory, and the meeting room is really not small.

Chen Bing and Guoguo stayed at the door without going in.

unity is strength
unity is strength
this strength is iron

this strength is steel

Harder than iron Stronger than steel
This song was so familiar to Chen Bing that he couldn't help humming it.

He hummed and stared ahead.

Yang Xue, wearing a white shirt and a bow tie, stood in front and led the singing.

A man was beating the beat facing Yang Xue.

It seems that there is nothing?
Did I think too much!

Just as Chen Bing turned to leave, the man walked up to Yang Xue, put his hands on Yang Xue's shoulders, and moved Yang Xue's position.

But, just one action.

Chen Bing just wanted to go in, but it was over immediately with just that one action.

The song continued until ten o'clock in the evening, and Guoguo fell asleep.

Chen Bing waited depressed.

Grandma, no matter the previous life or this life, I have never waited for a woman so impatiently.

It was finally over, Yang Xue and others came out.

Chen Bing was full of anger, and immediately turned and left.

Chen Bing walked out of the factory with Guoguo in his arms, and waited for Yang Xue outside the factory.

However, at this moment, Yang Xue and the coach came out.

Chen Bing saw the coach by the moonlight.

He looks 34 to [-] years old, with a fair complexion, a well-trimmed beard, and wearing overalls, and he is also very advanced.

Chen Bing saw it, grandma, this kind of man is an invisible killer of women!
At this time, they hadn't seen Chen Bing yet.

"Mr. Wang, thank you, you go back!"

"Xiaoxue, your voice is very beautiful and crisp. Let me tell you, you are the girl with the most beautiful voice I have ever seen. As long as you practice diligently according to the method I taught you, you will definitely become a singer in the future!"

Women love to be praised.

"Thank you, Coach Wang. I just want to sing well this time. As for the singer, I don't dare to think about it. Besides, I'm still at work!"

"Hehehe, Xiaoxue, you are so superficial. How much money can you earn a month? Rap is better than work!"

After Yang Xue heard this, she hurriedly said: "Although I like singing, I think my job is more secure. Coach Wang, then I'll go first, you can go back!"

After Yang Xue finished speaking, she turned to leave.

Coach Wang turned his head to look, there was no one here, and said: "Xiaoxue, it's so late, let me see you off, it's inconvenient for you to walk at night alone!"

"No, Coach Wang, I can do it alone!"

"No, I'll send you off!"

Yang Xue had no choice but to nod her head.

That depressed Chen Bing, grandma, really pissed me off!
(End of this chapter)

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