Chapter 281 Talk
Seeing Chen Bing lost in thought, Liu Weidong asked, "Mr. Chen, what's the matter? Do you still let Wei Donghu go?"

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "Well, let Wei Donghu come first!"

Liu Weidong nodded.

"Director He!" Chen Bing shouted towards the outside.

He Mei entered in response.

"Mr. Chen!"

"Let Wei Donghu, deputy director of the logistics department, come over!"

He Mei nodded, turned and left.

"Mr. Liu, let Wei Donghu go as much as possible. Su Shijia has too much involvement with the food company's processing plant. I'm really worried about ordinary people going."

Liu Weidong nodded: "President Chen, that's what I mean too, but what if he doesn't go?"

"Let's talk first. This person has a strong working ability and thinks about the factory. I think as long as his difficulties are solved, he should go."

Liu Weidong also nodded: "I think so too."

"Why hasn't Tang Min come back?" Chen Bing muttered inadvertently.

Liu Weidong laughed and said, "Mr. Chen, have you thought about it?"

Seeing Liu Weidong's appearance, Chen Bing smiled slightly and said, "I think about it, I really think about it a little bit, you think, she is so beautiful, how can you not think about it, Mr. Liu, can I find you a secretary?"

Liu Weidong nodded and said, "Okay, that secretary was fired by me, I really need to find another one!"

"Hehehe, okay, I'll search for you another day!"

"Let me do it, hehehe!"

They were talking when they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

He Mei led a man in his thirties with a fair complexion and walked in.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Liu!"

This person is Wei Donghu.

"Director Wei, please sit down!"

Wei Donghu sat down.

Wei Donghu looked at Chen Bing and Liu Weidong, and knew that today's matter must be a big deal, otherwise, the two bosses of the company would not be able to wait for him.

Liu Weidong spoke first: "Director Wei, how is your work doing recently?"

Just as Wei Donghu was about to stand up, Liu Weidong waved his hand and asked Wei Donghu to sit down.

"They are all my own people, there is no need to be polite, just sit and talk!"

Wei Donghu sat down again.

Chen Bing asked He Mei to go out and make a cup of tea for Wei Donghu.

Wei Donghu was flattered.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Liu, the work is okay recently, but the work in the logistics department is trivial, and they are busy every day. At night, when I look back, it seems that I haven't done anything!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "You are right. The logistics department is a trivial department. It is a thankless department. Do you want to change to another department!"

After hearing this, Wei Donghu said happily: "Okay, Mr. Chen, Mr. Liu, I want to charge forward, like a soldier, at the forefront!"

"Hehehe, okay, you think that department is suitable for you!"

After hearing this, Wei Donghu said: "Mr. Chen, the sales department!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing stared at Liu Weidong, hehehe laughed twice, without nodding or shaking his head.

"There really is a department that is suitable for you, allowing you to use it!"

After hearing this, Wei Donghu said, "Mr. Chen, which department?"

"You should have heard recently that we, Jiahe, are going to enter Yanjing, and it is impossible to build a factory in Yanjing. After all, that is the political center of the country, and every inch of land is expensive. It doesn't count, the most important thing Yes, you don’t necessarily have land if you have money, so, we are going to build this factory in Su City, He Province. Regarding the establishment of this factory, I have already gone to Suzhou City to negotiate clearly, and the next thing is to build the factory!"

When Chen Bing said this, Wei Donghu understood that they asked him to come today because they asked him to go to Suzhou City.

Wei Donghu's face became ugly, and he was fighting fiercely in his heart.

"How do you feel, can you do it!"

After Chen Bing asked, Wei Donghu stood up directly.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Liu, thank you for your cultivation. To be honest, I really want to go. I know that this is an opportunity, a very big opportunity. However, the two leaders should have heard about my family's situation. My wife and I divorced, leaving behind two children, both young, and an old lady, also in her 60s, and Su City is nearly [-] kilometers away from Yangqing, so if they have something to do, I won’t be able to come back!”

After hearing this, Chen Bing nodded slightly: "I know all about your problems, so I'll ask you now, if there were no such difficulties, would Suzhou City's affairs be able to be done well!"

Like a soldier, Wei Donghu immediately stood up straight: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Liu, the two leaders, don't worry, if there are no such difficulties, I will complete the task with quality and quantity!"

Chen Bing stared at Liu Weidong and smiled slightly.

"Director Wei, let me tell you that you were selected to go to Su City just now. Mr. Liu and I have discussed it for a long time. It seems that there is really no suitable person in our factory except you. In view of this, I am going to solve the problem for you!"

After hearing this, Wei Donghu said: "Mr. Chen, how to solve difficulties is a matter for my family!"

"Hehehe, didn't you just say that Su City is too far away from home? It's more than 2000 kilometers away. It's inconvenient for you to come back. If you move your family to Suzhou City and your family is by your side, can you work with peace of mind!"

Liu Weidong stared at Chen Bing suspiciously.

"Mr. Chen, it is not an easy task to set up a home in Suzhou City. As far as I know, it takes a few months to half a year at most to set up a factory. I will move my house there and move back after the construction is completed .”

"No, I have already discussed with Mr. Liu. In view of your ability, after the completion of this factory, I will let you be the factory manager, responsible for the processing and supply of goods in Yanjing and the three surrounding provinces!"

After Chen Bing spoke, Wei Donghu opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time.

"As for your family's difficulties, I know that it is difficult for you to support your family with your own salary. If you want to move again, you must not have that much money. So, the company decided to buy you a house in Su City. Let you live with your family. In addition, I will coordinate with the Suzhou Municipal Government to transfer the two children to Suzhou City to go to school. If the old man is healthy, the old man will take care of the two children. If the old man is inconvenient to take care of the two children, then the company will Funding, find a nanny for the elderly and children, and take care of the lives of the elderly and children!"

After Chen Bing said, not only Wei Donghu was surprised, but even Liu Weidong was also surprised.

This Chen Bing is too thoughtful in thinking about the problem. If it is really solved in this way, can Wei Donghu refuse?
Besides, the level of education and medical care in Su City is much higher than that of Yangqing, whoever would choose Su City!

With tears in Wei Donghu's eyes: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Liu, don't worry, if I arrive in Suzhou City, if I dare not do my best, I will suffer a terrible death!"

A big man actually cried.

Wei Donghu is an ambitious person, and he also wants to make a career out of it. However, the misfortune of his family made him think that this is the only way he can do this in his life. However, this time, he did not expect that Chen Bing would solve it like this. How could he not let him move.

(End of this chapter)

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