Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 283 Take off

Chapter 283 Take off
Chen Bing hung up the phone with joy on his face.

"Mr. Chen, with a dozen advertisements on CCTV, our orders will definitely come overwhelming!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "For sure, the factories in Su City are being established. At present, two factories in Yangqing and a factory in Yangxian City will increase their production capacity!"

"I know!"

"Is the convoy ready to transport goods to Yanjing?"


"Okay, is the warehouse over there also rented?"

"Mr. Chen, everything is ready!"

"That's good!"

"Mr. Chen, why not transport it immediately!"

"Yes, transport it right away, and I'm a little worried!"

"What are you worried about?" Liu Weidong asked puzzled.

"After this advertisement, Jiahe Foods must be popular, but we currently only have three factories, and it is too late to build them. I am afraid that the supply of goods will exceed the demand!"

After Chen Bing spoke, Liu Weidong also showed embarrassment: "Mr. Chen, what do you think should be done?"

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "This is a difficult problem!"

Liu Weidong also fell into deep thought: "You are right, if the supply exceeds the demand, the outside world should doubt the strength of our company."

"Yes, if you doubt the strength of our company and let people with ulterior motives make such a publicity, it will definitely be detrimental to the company. Do you think this will work?"

"President Chen, what should we do?"

"Same as Yangxian City!" Chen Bing said.

"Same as Yangxian City?"


"Mr. Liu, if you want to solve the problem quickly, you can only find an OEM. In this case, let Yang Haimin come!" Chen Bing shouted towards the outside.

He Ying came in immediately: "Mr. Chen."

"Let Director Yang Haimin come to my office!"

"Okay, Mr. Chen!"

Chen Bing went out, and after a while, Yang Haimin walked in.

Yang Haimin's face was full of sweat: Mr. Chen, Mr. Liu. "

Chen Bing stared at Yang Haimin with joy on his face, Yang Haimin has changed so much during this period, if it was in the past, he would never have imagined it.

It's really unexpected that a little gangster has grown into a sales manager of a company in such a short period of time.

"Director Yang, sit down!"

Yang Haimin sat down.

"I have something for you!"

Chen Bing immediately took out the map, Liu Weidong and Yang Haimin both stood up and surrounded the map.


The two stared at the map, on which the cities were circled with red and blue pencils.

Yangqing City, Yangxian City, Qinjiang City, Harbin Province, Shencheng and Haicheng.

"Mr. Liu, Director Yang, if our products want to cover the whole country, we must have our own production factories in these places. There are three processing factories in Yangqing City and Yangxian City. These three processing factories are already in operation. We also rely on With the establishment of these three processing plants, Qinjiang City has almost been built, and it will be able to operate in another month. Now only Harbin Province, Shencheng, Haicheng and the recently added Suzhou City are left. Landing, although the Suzhou City has now negotiated, it will take several months before it can be officially put into operation, and our advertisement should be launched next Monday, so I just discussed with Mr. Liu that if our advertisement is really launched, by then the market will What should I do if there is a problem of looting goods?"

After hearing this, Yang Haimin also felt that the problem was very difficult.

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean, as soon as the advertisement is launched, our goods will be robbed!"

Chen Bing could tell from Yang Haimin's expression that he still didn't believe in the power of CCTV advertisements.

"It's very possible, even if we don't grab it now, we will grab it in the future, otherwise, how can we fight with Er Le Le Le Le!"

"Mr. Chen, Erlele's goods have not been robbed yet!"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "Who said that Er Lele's goods were not robbed, if Er Lele's goods were not robbed, Er Lele could easily give up Yangqing market, since Er Lele gave up Yangqing market so easily, it means , Er Lele's market is huge, a little Yang Qing, he doesn't care!"

When Chen Bing said this, Yang Haimin stopped talking.

"Just in case, we have to prepare early and plan ahead, otherwise, it will be bad if we are caught off guard by the market!"

Liu Weidong nodded after hearing this: "Director Yang, Mr. Chen is right. Before you came, I discussed with Mr. Chen and planned to follow the method of Yangxian Food Processing Factory."

"You mean an agent?"

Chen Bing and Liu Weidong nodded: "Yes, find an OEM!"

"Mr. Chen, but where can we find an OEM!"

"OEM does not require us to invest anything. They produce and put our trademarks on them, and then we sell them. They only earn a small difference in price. Such factories are easy to find!"

Now Yang Haimin already understood that Chen Bing and Liu Weidong asked themselves to find an OEM.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Liu, how many processing factories are needed!"

"If it is an OEM, the distance should be shortened as much as possible. Otherwise, the transportation will be inconvenient and the cost will increase. In my opinion, each province should find a processing factory to do OEM for us!"

Yang Haimin nodded again after listening.

"This time it's your hard work. The workers in the whole factory, except the production department, will be selected by your sales department. If you need anything, just ask!"

Yang Haimin said: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will make arrangements when I get back tonight!"

"Okay, since this is the case, let's start as soon as possible, don't let the market catch us off guard, don't waste the advertising we worked so hard to do!"

"Okay, Mr. Chen, don't worry!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, Yang Haimin stood up and was about to leave. Suddenly, Yang Haimin said, "Mr. Chen, the warehouse we leased is full of the purchased cans!"

As soon as Yang Haimin mentioned canned food, Chen Bing thought of Mr. Mou.

Grandma, he wants to make a lot of money with this can.

"Mr. Chen, do you still accept it?"


"But, the warehouse can't fit it!"

"In addition, rent a warehouse. In short, you can charge as much as you can!"

Yang Haimin nodded again after listening.

After Yang Haimin left, Liu Weidong was still puzzled: "Mr. Chen, our funds are so tight now, and we still accept so many cans. What if we can't sell them? Besides, cans have a shelf life. If they can't be sold within the shelf life, It becomes shit!"

"Don't worry, it will be sold, not only will it be sold, but it will also be sold to that old man Mou!"

Liu Weidong stared at Chen Bing in astonishment.

"Okay, that's it for now. Tomorrow, I'm going to fly to Yanjing. You have to take care of the factory. Besides, Mr. Liu, I have something to tell you!

"Mr. Chen, tell me!"

"Mr. Liu, you are a very capable person. Your ability is definitely not inferior to mine. In the future, in the company's operations, we will make decisions together on major issues, and you can decide on small issues by yourself. Do it boldly. You always remember us. The goal is to build the largest company in the world and become the richest person in the world!"

Liu Weidong nodded slightly after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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