Chapter 290

After hearing this, Chen Bing smiled slightly: "You are right, Yang Xue not only won't let me go to bed now, but she doesn't care about me at all."

"Oh, why?"

"Hehehe, you should have heard of the child I adopted?"

Zhang Yuan nodded and raised her thumb: "I heard that Mr. Chen is not only capable, but also a kind person. In this world, there is no shortage of capable businessmen, but there is a lack of kind businessmen!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "You may think that I am a kind businessman, but tell you, I am not, I am just kind to that child!"

Zhang Yuan shook her head slightly: "Let's go, I'll take you to a good place!"



"You will know when you go!"

As Chen Bing was walking, Zhang Yuan came over suddenly, took Chen Bing's arm, and a woman's unique fragrance came to her nostrils.

Chen Bing felt drunk, grandma's, why does she smell so good.

Yang Xue also has a smell, but it's a little different. Yang Xue's smell is like a faint orchid, while hers smells directly like a rose, pure and strong.

"Miss Zhang, this is not good!"

"Nothing bad!"

"I drank alcohol today, don't be like this, I will bully you later, don't blame me!"

After Zhang Yuanyuan heard this, her smile trembled wildly: "You will bully me? You won't. In fact, I hope you will bully me!"

Grandma, it's only been a few years since the reform and opening up, why are these women so crazy.

Chen Bing broke free from Zhang Yuanyuan's arm: "I'm really afraid I'll make a mistake!"

"Okay, let me add one more sentence today, you are not only a kind businessman, but also a decent businessman!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

At this moment, Zhang Yuanyuan pointed to a building covered in neon lights.

"What is this place?"

"Big Regal Ballroom!"

"What did you bring me here for?"


"I don't like this!"

"No, I'll take you with me!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he was about to leave, but was grabbed by Zhang Yuanyuan.

"No, no, I don't like it, this place is very messy!"

"I'll take you with me, so it won't be a mess!"

Chen Bing had no choice but to follow Zhang Yuan in.

As soon as I entered, I heard a familiar melody "Dancing Girl Tears".

"Hello sir, hello miss!"

"How about it?"

"not so good?"

"As long as you have worries, come here and dance a song, and all your worries will disappear. As long as you are very tired, come here, dance a song, and all your fatigue will disappear, why don't you come to a song!"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly.

"Find a place to sit!"

In fact, Chen Bing didn't like this kind of noisy place. There were too many places like this in his previous life, so he was a little tired of it.

In this world, although they pursue more money and higher status, they don't like this kind of turbulent place at all.

Chen Bing found a relatively secluded place.

Seeing that Chen Bing was not interested, Zhang Yuanyuan had no choice but to follow and ordered two bottles of wine.

Chen Bing shook his head again: "Miss Zhang, you really want me to bully you tonight!"

"There's a joke, I don't know if you will listen to it or not?"

Chen Bing said, "Tell me about it!"

"Say, there is a boy who loves a girl very much. Every time the girl's birthday comes, he will give the girl roses. This gift lasts for seven years! When the eighth year, the boy sends roses to the girl again, and the girl beats her hard. Step on the roses, and shout loudly, you give roses, you give roses, why don't you give a bottle of wine, I'm not drunk, when will you get it!"

After Zhang Yuanyuan said, Chen Bing laughed, and Zhang Yuanyuan also laughed.

Chen Bing was not a fool, he knew exactly what Zhang Yuanyuan was going to do.

After Zhang Yuanyuan said, she closed her eyes slightly, and leaned her body in front of Chen Bing: "Bingzi, didn't you say that I smell good, then you should smell it more, I am a star now, and I may smell it in the future if I want to! "

Men chasing women, separated by heavy mountains, women chasing men, interlayer yarn!
How could Chen Bing refuse such a beautiful beauty to come to her door on her own initiative?

Coupled with their current location, it is very remote, and their actions are a bit excessive, and no one said anything.

Chen Bing gently stretched out his arms and held Zhang Yuanyuan in his arms.

Zhang Yuanyuan fell into Chen Bing's arms, and Chen Bing felt a ball of cotton inside. The feeling was so soft that it couldn't be described in words.

At this moment, Chen Bing was shocked when a familiar figure came in from the gate.

Chen Bing quickly pulled out his arms.

"what happened?"

"Look who it is?"

Zhang Yuanyuan also watched intently.

Qin Dong and Chen He!
This place is really small, Chen Bing never dreamed that Qin Dong and Chen He would appear here, and the two of them would appear here together!

Zhang Yuanyuan saw Chen Bing's surprised look: "Chen He and who, why are you so nervous!"

"Don't talk, let's see where they went?"

Qin Dong knew Chen Bing but not Zhang Yuanyuan.

"You asked me to watch him for you!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Hurry up, don't let Chen He find you!"

"okay, got it!"

Zhang Yuanyuan started and slowly followed behind them.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Yuanyuan returned to Chen Bing.

"what happened?"

"I went to private room No. [-] and asked for two women, both of whom looked like gentlemen"

Zhang Yuanyuan didn't say what she said later.

"Don't be angry, in this place, women are flavoring agents, tools for venting, you should understand!"

"Hey, in this world, it's really hard to find a good man!"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly after hearing this: "It's not that it's difficult to find a good man, but it's difficult to find a man who will be good all his life. Society is a big dye vat. As long as this man is not a fool, he will be in this big dye vat sooner or later. Change!"

"You will change too?"

"Don't talk about me, who else went in?"

"Just the two of them, apart from those two women, there's not even a waiter!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly.

"Miss, come here!"

A waiter came to Chen Bing with a wine glass.

Chen Bing took out 1000 yuan from his body and stuffed it into her hand.

The girl hurriedly said: "Sir, I'm not doing that, if you want it"

Chen Bing hurriedly said: "Look at this one, this is my girlfriend, am I doing that?"

When the girl heard whether she was asked to do that, she hurriedly asked, "Sir, what are you?"

"Miss Zhang, what's the name of that private room?"

"Rose Square!" Zhang Yuan replied.

"There are two guests in Rose Workshop. Now go in and you two colleagues. I hope you can contact your two colleagues and ask them to tell me exactly what the two bosses said. I will reward you!"

(End of this chapter)

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