Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 294 Opponents

Chapter 294 Opponents
Qin Dong has a good mind, and this idea is also very lethal, but these are all leftovers from Lao Tzu's play.

When Jiahe was first established, Lao Tzu used this trick to deal Zhang Boqing a fatal blow.

In Qin An's office.

Chen Bing stared at Qin An with a serious expression.

"Mr. Chen, with Jiahe's current strength, there's really no way to go head-to-head with Erlele!"

Chen Bing frowned slightly after hearing this: "I know this, but I don't fight hard, what can I do, Qin Dong has already called at the door, can I be a tortoise and shrink my head back?"

After Qin An heard this, he hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, that's not what I meant. Enemies should be resolved rather than knotted!"

"Mr. Qin, it's not that enemies should be resolved or not. It's a business competition. Qin Dong must have sensed danger at the moment, so if you want to kill me in the bud, I ask you, do you help? If you do, we will There is a long-term cooperation, if you don't help, then from now on, we Jiahe and you Qin'an Media will not cooperate!"

Qin An didn't expect Chen Bing to be so decisive!
"Mr. Chen, I'm doing it for your own good!"


After Chen Bing finished speaking, he stood up: "Boss Qin, it seems that our cooperation is coming to an end!"

"Mr. Chen, why don't I promise you!"

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "Boss Qin, no need, you can do anything if you have money, I won't make things difficult for you, but I hope that President Qin can keep his mouth shut about today's affairs, because only you and I know about today's affairs, If I hear it from the third person, don't blame me for being rude!"

Qin An's expression also changed: "Mr. Chen, this is a threat to me!" '

"Even so!"

"Then why are you being rude to me!"

"I will bribe the killer to kill your whole family!"

Chen Bing's actions really shocked Qin An.

He thought that Chen Bing's threat was nothing more than a commercial threat, but he never expected that he would say such harsh words.

Anyone who would compromise when his life and the lives of his family were at stake.

"Mr. Chen, you are ruthless, don't worry, I will never say a word about this matter, but I hope that I will not meet Mr. Chen in the future!"

"I also hope, because Mr. Qin only wants to reap the benefits and never wants to pay. You said that you can cooperate with a partner who doesn't want to pay for a long time?"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he turned and left.

Chen Bing left Qin'an Media, returned to the hotel angrily, and met Hao Yong at the hotel entrance.

"Mr. Chen!"

"Captain Hao, how are Xiaoxue and the child?"

"watch TV!"

Grandma, since Qin An doesn't cooperate, then there is no need for Qin An.

Chen Bing thought of this and went back to the room.

Yang Xue was lying on the bed with her hand on her stomach, listening to the heartbeat of the child in her stomach, while Guoguo and Yinger were watching TV.

When the two children saw Chen Bing come back, Guoguo rushed forward immediately: "Dad, Dad, why did you go out for so long?"

"Dad is busy!"

Chen Bing waved to Yinger: "Yinger, come here, my sister is jumping into Dad's arms, why don't you rush!"

Ying Er blinked her big eyes and stared at Chen Bing.

Chen Bing knew that this child was a bit timid, so he walked over and hugged Yinger: "Yinger, don't be timid, remember, you are Chen Bing's daughter, the daughter of the big boss Chen Bing, don't be afraid of anything!"

Yinger didn't know if she could understand, but she just nodded slightly.

"Okay, go play with your sister, and call Dad!"

Chen Bing took out his phone and called Liu Weidong's office.

When he told Liu Weidong about Er Lele's recent actions, Liu Weidong was shocked: "Mr. Chen, this Qin Dong is too dark. If he succeeds this time, our Jiahe Food Co., Ltd. will go bankrupt!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Yes, Mr. Liu, so I am going to retaliate against him in his own way. I wanted Qin'an Media, which is cooperating with us this time, to help us find media, but Qin An refused. , I also had a stalemate with Qin An just now, it seems that our cooperation with Qin An Media will end in the future!"

After hearing this, Liu Weidong also said angrily: "Qin An is such a bastard, he is our partner, why doesn't he help us!"

"Forget it, the past is over, let him go!"

"Mr. Chen, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to hand this over to you!"

"Tell me specifically!"

Chen Bing expressed his thoughts!
Liu Weidong nodded slightly after hearing this: "Mr. Chen, this method is a bit familiar. If my guess is correct, you have used this method on Zhang Boqing before!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly after hearing this: "Yes, I used this method on Zhang Boqing, and the Yehai Cannery also closed down like this!"

"But, Mr. Chen, you said that this time we will set off huge waves across the country, and our expenses are too high!"

"It doesn't matter if it costs a lot, what matters is the effect. Generally, as long as one media reports this kind of news, other media will follow up and report it, and people will spread it to each other. So in the end, we don't care about it, and it will spread a lot."

Chen Bing said this, and continued: "Mr. Liu, I'm asking Gao Zhuo to get some criminal evidence against Chen He. If it goes well, the focus interview will come to Yangqing to follow up and report, so, on Yangqing's side, You need to arrange more patients, and you must be realistic during the interview!"

Liu Weidong nodded again after listening.

"Er Lele is our deadly enemy. If Er Lele gets down this time, our Jiahe will be unimpeded. So, this time, don't be afraid to spend money!"

Chen Bing explained again, and Liu Weidong agreed one by one.

Chen Bing understood Liu Weidong's ability, and after explaining it, he was relieved.

The next day, Chen Bing received a call from Liu Weidong, saying that everything was ready, and the prepared personnel had gone to all parts of the country. The media also made arrangements. Since the media were all connected, as long as something happened there, the reporters arranged here would will be in place!
This time, Chen Bing's overall situation will definitely shock the world and weep ghosts and gods!

During this period, Chen Bing also received a call from Zhang Yuanyuan, saying that Gao Zhuo had successfully contacted Chen He.

Grandma, this woman is a public relations material, and she hooked up with Chen He in such a short period of time.

A man would be much safer if he quit being a womanizer!

On the third day, Chen Bing received a call from Liu Weidong again: "Mr. Chen, all personnel have gone to various places, and they are ready now. When will it start!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Let's start now!"

"it is good!"

Two hours later, Liu Weidong called again: "Mr. Chen, because of Erlele Food, our personnel who went to all over the country have been successfully admitted to the hospital, and the reporters have successfully followed up and reported!"

Chen Bing said another good thing.

"Grandma, Qin Dong, fight with Lao Tzu, I don't even know how I made you die!"

(End of this chapter)

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