Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 309 Zhao Hui

Chapter 309 Zhao Hui
"How to get to Shencheng University?" Zhou Dahai stared at Chen Bing.

"You haven't been there?"

Zhou Dahai shook his head.

Chen Bing really wanted to slap his bald head twice, is there such a stupid man in the world?

"That's why you trust her?"

"What do you believe?" Zhou Dahai didn't understand.

"What do you believe, let me tell you the truth, have you ever thought that she is a liar?"

As soon as Chen Bing said it, Zhou Dahai immediately became angry: "What are you talking about, you say she is a liar, and I am not a fool, I will give money to a liar!"

"Then you said you never went to her school."

"Yeah, I haven't been there, she is a liar if I haven't been to her school!"

Chen Bing has always been known for his eloquence, but when this happens, he doesn't know how to refute it.

Let's talk about it after seeing it first.

"She didn't say which department she is in, which major?"

Zhou Dahai shook his head: "What major is it?"

Fuck me, you idiot, you don't know what to ask,
"I just asked, besides saying that she is in college, what else did she say?"

"She said she was a sophomore, and her name was Zhao Hui!"

Chen Bing of Shencheng University knows.

"Go, Shencheng University, I know, but how far away from here?"

After hearing this, Zhou Dahai said: "That's right, she also said that it's inconvenient to be far away!"

"Then how do you usually meet!"

"Every Saturday she comes to see me on time, and we stay together for two days!"

"Do you live together at night?"

"Well, I didn't want to at first, but she said that after she graduated, we were going to get married, and it didn't matter if we lived together now. In the end, I agreed!"

After Chen Bing heard this, he was so depressed that he died: "So, you are still being forced!"

Chen Bing was speechless.

He held out his hand to stop a taxi.

"Boss, where are you going?"

The boss spoke Cantonese, but Chen Bing could understand it.

"Shencheng University!"

"Okay, five yuan!"

"Okay." Chen Bing took out five yuan from his body and handed it to the master.

Seeing that Chen Bing was in a bad mood, Zhou Dahai said, "Bingge, when you see Zhao Hui, don't blow your beard and stare, and scare her away. I can never end with you!"

"Okay, I won't scare her, I hope she loves you!"

"She sure loves me!"

"Why are you so confident?"

"Because I treat her well, how can she have the heart to hurt me?"

Grandma's, that's why.

Chen Bing couldn't figure it out, he didn't know whether the people in the eighties and 90s were pure as a whole or Zhou Dahai alone.

He believes that if such a simple person lives in 2021, he will not even know if he is sold.

A taxi is much faster than the old man's bicycle.

Although the distance is long, it will be there in just over ten minutes.

A journey of more than ten minutes takes more than an hour by bicycle.

Grandma's, this is the result of frequent vehicle changes.

For our country, the earliest means of transportation was horseback riding, and finally there were bicycles. On the basis of bicycles, motorcycles were manufactured. Finally, in the 21st century, small cars replaced motorcycles.

However, no matter how it is replaced, the bicycle has not withdrawn from the stage of history.

Even in 2021, the sales of bicycles in the country are still very large, especially for urban people, basically every family has a mountain bike.
The bicycle is no longer the main means of transportation, but it has become a tool for weight loss and exercise.

At the gate, the taxi stopped.

Chen Bing and Zhou Dahai came down.

Grandma, the school is so big, go there and find a girl.

Besides, whether this girl is a student or not is uncertain.

Chen Bing really had doubts about this girl's identity.

Otherwise, how could a college student fall in love with Dahai? Could it be that Dahai really gave him money?

Chen Bing always felt that this matter was a bit strange.

"Dahai, has she told you any more information about her?" Chen Bing continued to ask.

"No, I just know that she is studying in this university. Her name is Zhao Hui. I don't know anything else."

"Okay, okay, let's ask each class one by one!"

At this time, it was three o'clock in the afternoon.

Grandma, time flies so fast, I'm really hungry now, but if this matter is not clear, Chen Bing can't eat.

After all, Zhou Dahai is different from others, he is the only friend and brother he can trust in this world.

"Bingge, I think you seem unhappy?" Zhou Hai said.

"No, I hope Zhao Hui is really your girlfriend!"


At this time, a man and a woman came out of the school, and Chen Bing rushed forward: "Hello, classmate, do you know someone named Zhao Hui?"

The girl frowned and thought hard: "Which grade is she in?" '


"Which department?"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly.

The girl shook her head too.

"When the school is big, there are more than ten departments, plus majors, there are dozens of them!"

"thanks, thanks."

"You're welcome, but that building is full of sophomores, you can go and have a look!"

Chen Bing quickly said thank you and walked inside.

In his previous life, Chen Bing went to university, so he is no stranger to entering university. However, to Zhou Dahai, university is like a god.

"Bingzi, is this the university?"

"Yes, your girlfriend is a college student, and you haven't seen college yet!"

After hearing this, Zhou Dahai smiled knowingly.

Chen Bing secretly said: "When it is found out that your girlfriend is fake, don't cry then!"

The two continued to walk towards the place the female classmate said.

At this time, a boy hugged a girl vigorously, and four or five boys stood beside him and made booing.

The girl was wearing a red plaid shirt, with short hair, and a fair complexion. She was quite pretty, but at first glance, she was of the Xiaojiabiyu type.

As for the man, his hair was parted, he was wearing a black jacket, and jeans with wide legs. Looking at his clothes, he was a student, but he should have a good family background.

While Chen Bing was in a daze, Zhou Dahai had already rushed forward: "You bastards, bully Zhao Hui!"

Chen Bing instantly understood that this woman was Zhao Hui.

The boy hugged Zhao Hui, unexpectedly, a Cheng Yaojin would appear on the way.

Before he could recover, Zhou Dahai punched him in the face.

Seeing that it was Zhou Dahai, Zhao Hui burst into tears and threw herself into Zhou Dahai's arms.

At this time, the men next to him saw something wrong and quickly surrounded Zhou Dahai.

The boy hugging Zhao Hui stood up and patted the dirt on his body: "You son of a bitch from there, dare to beat me, don't you want to live!"

"Who are you and why are you bullying Zhao Hui?" Zhou Dahai hugged Zhao Hui and questioned her!

The boy walked up to Zhou Dahai and Zhao Hui: "Zhao Hui, this is the boyfriend you mentioned. I thought it was what it was. He turned out to be a fool, hahahaha!"

After the boy said, everyone laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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