Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 326 Competition

Chapter 326 Competition
Chen Bing walked forward first, Wang Wei followed behind, and the bodyguard followed behind Wang Wei in embarrassment.

Chen Bing won the first round of competition.

The two entered the Sichuan restaurant and found a private room to sit down.

Wang Wei said: "Mr. Chen, I like to eat sweets!"

"Hehehe, Mr. Wang, men don't like spicy food, so what kind of sweets should you eat? Sweets are unique to Western countries!"

Chen Bing turned to Hao Yong and said, "Captain Hao, let the waiter come over!"

At this time, a beautiful waiter came over and said, "Boss, here is the menu, please order!"

Chen Bing handed the menu to Wang Wei: "Mr. Wang, order!"

Wang Wei ordered for a while, but he didn't even order one. Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Wang is always the one who eats Western food. In China, let me order!"

Chen Bing closed the menu and said, "Miss, fish head with chopped peppers, Maoxuewang, boiled beef, boiled pork slices. That's all, definitely, the taste must be strong, spicy, absolutely spicy!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he handed the menu to the waiter, and said to the waiter, "Here are six bottles of Wuliangye!"

Chen Bing stared at Wang Wei after speaking.

"President Wang, I treat you to this meal, you are welcome!"

Wang Wei's face was gloomy.

In fact, he was going to overwhelm Chen Bing today, but instead of overpowering Chen Bing, Chen Bing overwhelmed him instead.

"Mr. Chen, I still like to eat lighter!"

"Are you Chinese?"


"Then you have to eat spicy food. I saw you. I just came back from abroad and I haven't adapted to life in China. I gradually got used to it. Our country is famous for spicy food, especially in the north. Hehehe, since you choose to live in the north How can you not eat spicy food when doing business!"

After Chen Bing spoke, the other party frowned.

At this moment, the waiter brought over six bottles of Wuliangye.

Chen Bing said: "Open them all!"

The waiter wanted to open the wine, but Wang Wei hurriedly stopped him: "Mr. Chen, what is this for? There are so many wines, we don't want to open them all, we can't finish them!"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly, opened them all, and said, "Mr. Wang, today is my treat. This is currently the most expensive liquor in China. Hehehe, I entertained you with the highest etiquette today!" '

Wang Wei's face was red with embarrassment.

However, he couldn't leave at this time, because he still had a lot of contests with Chen Bing, if he left at this time, he would lose completely.

Chen Bing took two glass jars and filled them with wine.

Chen Bing put a glass of wine in front of Wang Wei, and picked up the glass in front of himself: "Mr. Wang, look, it's full, and the food hasn't come yet, let's have a toast!"

Wang Wei waved his hand: "Mr. Chen, we can't drink like this, we will get drunk to death!"

"Hehehe, Mr. Wang, you must be timid. In China, that business tycoon is like drinking cold water if he doesn't drink alcohol! Besides, today is my treat, Mr. Wang has to show face, otherwise, I will leave! "

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he made a walking gesture.

Wang Wei was ruthless, and said: "Okay, let's drink this cup!"

"Okay, good friend, a mouthful of boredom!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he raised his neck and poured a glass of wine into his stomach!

Then turned the bottom of the cup down: "Mr. Wang, look, I'm done drinking!"

Wang Wei had no choice but to pour a glass of wine into his stomach, which was burning hot.

At this time, the dishes came, and they were all very spicy.

However, at this time, Wang Wei's mouth was already numb from the spicy wine, so he quickly put a mouthful of vegetables into his mouth.

It tastes really good!

For things like wine, if there is one glass, there will be two glasses. When you are drunk, you basically forget about yourself.

In this way, all six bottles of Wuliangye were poured into their stomachs, three bottles were poured into Chen Bing's stomach, and three bottles were poured into Wang Wei's stomach.

However, Chen Bing had yogurt and eggs to protect his stomach this time, so there was no major problem.

And Wang Wei, not only drank three bottles of Wuliangye, but also ate so many spicy things. When he left, his whole body was flushed, and he was carried away by the security guards!
Chen Bing was confident that if he hadn't prepared for the wine this time and drank it like this, if Wang Wei didn't go to the hospital, something might happen to him!
However, when Chen Bing went out, he was also supported by Hao Yong.

"Mr. Chen, you drank too much, why don't you go to the hospital for an injection!"

Chen Bing waved his hand: "The wine is still in the stomach, just spit it out!" '

As soon as Chen Bing vomited, he ran to the toilet quickly, stuffed his hand down his throat, dug vigorously, and spat all the wine into the toilet.

Just like that, Chen Bing slept all day.

On the morning of the third day, Chen Bing's phone rang again. He picked it up and saw that the phone number was very familiar. At last thought, it was Wang Wei's.

"Mr. Wang, hehehe, what's the matter, your drinking capacity is really good!"

"Mr. Chen, thank you for your hospitality!"

"Mr. Wang, do you have time today? I'll treat you to dinner later!"

"Still drinking!"

"Drink, let's drink the national wine Moutai this time!"

"Mr. Chen, you have won, you have successfully put me in the hospital!"

"Oh? You're in the hospital, so I have to come and see you!"

"Thank you, Mr. Chen, but no, Mr. Chen, I really have something to talk to you about!"

"Okay, Mr. Wang, please tell me!"

"Come to my office later!"

"Didn't you say you were in the hospital?"

"I have my own personal doctor, and I can treat diseases in any hospital!" Wang Wei said.

"Where do we meet?"

"In my office!"

"Okay, I'll be here in half an hour!"

In the first contest, Chen Bing won. Therefore, in this negotiation, Chen Bing still had the confidence to win, but he didn't know what the hell Wang Wei was going to play for himself this time.

Half an hour later, Chen Bing and Hao Yong came to Tianfei Bicycle Factory.

Chen Bing took a general look, and found that the scale is really not small, and it can compete with his own bicycle factory.

"Mr. Chen!" Wang Wei came out.

At this time, Wang Wei's face turned pale, as if he had suffered from a serious illness.

"Mr. Wang, what's the matter, I didn't expect that a drink would make you like this!"

Wang Wei hehehe smiled: "Mr. Chen please!"

Chen Bing went in and took a look at Wang Wei's office. Grandma's, his office was much better decorated than his own.

When he mentioned his office, Chen Bing was a little ashamed. To be honest, his office was not installed at all, and it was installed by the director of the silk factory.

"Mr. Wang, the office is well decorated!"

"Hehehe, time is tight, so I just decorated it casually!"

"Mr. Wang, what's the matter with me today?"

"I want to talk to Mr. Chen about the market."


"Yes!" Wang Wei said.

"I don't understand, please tell Mr. Wang!"

"Mr. Chen, since you and I are both building factories in Lingxi, we must be focusing on the bicycle market in the north, right?"

Chen Bing nodded and said, "Not bad!"

(End of this chapter)

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