Chapter 40
After Chen Bing solved Li Dapeng, the Ningzheng County Scorpion acquisition fell into Chen Bing's hands again.

Chen Bing reset the price, and the scorpions fell to the previous purchase price per catty.

Although the villagers were dissatisfied at first, in the first few days, no one handed over the price. After two days, seeing that Chen Bing had no intention of raising the price, they handed it over to Chen Bing in twos and threes.

It is the weather in August now, Chen Bing knows that it will only take one or two months to collect scorpions, and he has to think about a long-term business, so he can't deal with scorpions for a long time.

Therefore, recently, Chen Bing directly handed over the acquisition of Scorpion to Zhou Dahai, and let Zhou Dahai take care of it alone, while he was running around preparing to build a new factory.

Yang Haimin, Song Hui and the others saw that Chen Bing had entrusted Zhou Dahai with such a big acquisition of Xiezi, and their teeth itch with envy.

They regret it so much now, regretting why they didn't treat Chen Bing better when they were dating Chen Bing.

During the recent period, Chen Bing has been researching and inspecting everywhere, inspecting some projects, such as supermarkets, electronics, clothing, and breeding. In the end, he has no choice but to focus on food.

For food, clothing, housing and transportation, 'eating' came first, so he chose food.

Chen Bing recalled, in his previous life, who were the relatively strong companies in the food industry?
Chen Bing took out a piece of paper and a pen, and slowly wrote: Wahaha, Mengniu, Shuanghui, Huiyuan, Master Kong, Uni-President, Jianlibao, and Coca-Cola are all big brands, and they are all big brands that are well-known in the 21st century.

Apart from Shuanghui, these enterprises are also engaged in the production of beverages. Master Kong’s green tea and Master Kong’s black tea are popular all over the world.

Chen Bing now wants to make a food that is acceptable to the public, food and beverages that are acceptable to the public, as far as the 80s are concerned, the financial resources of farmers cannot accept it.

The total population of our country in 1988 was nearly 11 billion, of which 9 million were rural population.

Therefore, no matter what business you do, you cannot give up the rural market.

Not long after the reform and opening up, a lot of waste is waiting to be done, and the products selected must be popular, not only suitable for urban areas, but also suitable for rural areas.

Chen Bing thought of this, rubbed his hands together tightly, and shouted: "Canned food!"

Starting from canned food, canned food is a food that can no longer be popular among the public. It is not only eaten by urbanites, but also by rural people. Not only rich people eat it, but also people without money.

If there are 11 billion people in the country, and the average two people consume one bottle of canned food every year, that would be hundreds of millions.

Chen Bing found the right direction.

He frowned slightly, the direction of canned food is good, so where do we start?

Certainly not in the county, there is too little room for development, so it has to be in the city.

Chen Bing is familiar with the commercial structure of Yangqing City. After all, he stayed here in his previous life, and it was here that he made his first pot of gold.

Speaking of canned food, he couldn't help but think of Jiahe Canning Factory, which was one of the giant food factories in Yangqing City in the 80s, and the annual tax paid to the finance reached 10,000+.

But the good times didn't last long. In 1985, Ye Hai Canned Food settled in Yangqing. The boss Zhang Boqing was a real ruthless character. In less than two years, Jiahe Canned Food Co., Ltd. was beaten and abandoned.

Just at the end of last year, Wang Longhu, chairman of Jiahe Canned Food, passed away unexpectedly for unknown reasons. The already sluggish factory was suddenly without a leader, which was tantamount to worsening the situation. It will soon enter the stage of asset liquidation and will soon declare bankruptcy.

When Chen Bing thought of this, he was so excited that he jumped up. Damn it, as long as he got Jiahe Cannery, he would be one step closer to his own business empire.

Chen Bing frowned slightly. This was a big problem. Not only did he need strong funds and a strong background, but he also had the ability to deal with Zhang Boqing's iron and blood methods. Otherwise, even if he got Jiahe Cannery, the consequences would be the same as Jiahe Cannery. The original chairman Wang Longhu had the same ending, he died unexpectedly.

The companies in the 80s can be described as bad streets, but most of them are leather bag companies, and there are really few entities like Jiahe Canned Food.

There is an image metaphor, the 80s is close to the 90s, throwing a brick into the sky, killing four people, at least three are the general manager, and the other is the deputy general manager.

Although it is a joke, it can reflect the large number of leather bag companies at that time.

Although Chen Bing had determined the direction, the tiger was eating the sky, so he couldn't say anything!

It seems that we have to find someone who is familiar with Jiahe and ask him.

Chen Bing frowned slightly, who to look for, he knew only a few in the whole Yangqing City, in his previous life, he was just a scorpion collector, and had no dealings with those people.

Chen Bing had no choice but to go to Lingxi to find Huang Youwei to see if Huang Youwei could do anything.

When Chen Bing thought of Huang Youwei, he felt a little funny. Such a big man was stunned by his false identity.

Chen Bing is now Huang Youwei's hope.

Chen Bing entered the Lingxi Traditional Chinese Medicine Company, and quickly surrounded a group of bowed people, and then Huang Youwei came to him in a hurry.

When Chen Bing saw Huang Youwei's appearance, he really understood what power is.

"Mr. Chen, why are you here?"

"Come to Lingxi on business, and come to see you by the way."

What Chen Bing said was simple, and Huang Youwei was flattered after hearing it: "Mr. Chen, give me a call when you come, so I can welcome you, right?"

"It's okay, we're all friends!" Chen Bing ran towards Huang Youwei's office after finishing speaking.

Like a eunuch, Huang Youwei followed behind with his head bowed.

After Huang Youwei came in, Chen Bing said, "Close the door."

Huang Youwei quickly closed the door: "Mr. Chen, what to drink, I have Dahongpao, Maojian"

Chen Bing waved his hand: "Mr. Huang, I have something to ask you."

"Mr. Chen, tell me."

Chen Bing took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. Huang Youwei quickly took out the lighter and lit it for Chen Bing.

Clouds of smoke came out of Chen Bing's mouth.

"Mr. Huang, there is a canned food factory called Jiahe in Yangqing City. How much do you know?"

Huang Youwei is an old fox. Hearing Chen Bing's words, he thought for a while and said, "Mr. Chen, the situation of this canning factory is complicated. I heard that it is in the stage of asset liquidation. The workers of the factory sleep all day in front of the municipal committee and the municipal government to petition. I advise you to Stay out of it."

"So, you know what's going on here?"

"know a little."

Chen Bing breathed a sigh of relief, and his face showed joy: "Mr. Huang, to be honest, I want to buy Jiahe Cannery. It's a pity to see a cannery as big as Jiahe close down."

Huang Youwei is smart. When asked by Chen Bing, he knew what Chen Bing was going to do. Since the old man asked him to exercise, he couldn't exercise just by buying scorpions, so sooner or later he had to transfer to the industry.

Huang Youwei sat opposite Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, the founder of Jiahe is Wang Longhu. He established Jiahe Canned Food Factory in 1981. After the establishment of Jiahe Canned Food Factory, it provided many jobs for Yangqing City and was once awarded The best private enterprise until Ye Hai Cannery was established.”

 Ask for a ticket, if you have a ticket, give a ticket, it will be recommended soon, everyone support it!

(End of this chapter)

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