Chapter 384
The operation of the Siya Refinery does not require Lin Zhenhua to be in charge in person. Kong Haijiang and Cao Wenqiang, who were in charge of equipment installation here in the early stage, have done a good job in management, and there are some masters to check, which is enough.

Lin Zhenhua arranged for Kong Haijiang and Cao Wenqiang to serve as the Chinese managers of the Siya Oil Refinery and to be stationed in Africa in turn, each time for half a year, and they both readily accepted.The personnel stationed in Africa have high subsidies for going abroad. Kong Haijiang is a model husband who takes care of his family very much. Cao Wenqiang has just married and just had a child. They are all people who care about income. Let them continue to stay in Africa. Naturally, they are very happy to.

It is said that the living conditions in Africa are poor, but in fact, the living conditions of the Chinese personnel at the Siya Oil Refinery are not bad.Hanhua Heavy Industry is a company that is very particular about labor protection. It has built spacious and comfortable housing for its employees, and built facilities such as canteens, bathrooms, and cultural rooms. The various conditions are even better than those in China.

As technical experts from foreign countries, Chinese personnel still enjoy the treatment of VIPs in the local area. Vasil once hinted to them that they can find some local girls to sleep with them. However, all Chinese cadres and workers Rejected flatly on grounds of discipline.

After arranging these matters, Zhu Tiejun, Jiang Yajing, Li Hui and his party set off to return to China, while Lin Zhenhua, Chen Tian, ​​Lao Dao and others stayed behind, intending to see Hanhua Heavy Industry's construction projects in other parts of Africa.

The first stop Lin Zhenhua and others arrived at was the northern province of Usang. Four years ago, Lin Zhenhua put forward a slogan of "building an industrial system plan with 4 million US dollars" at the Frankfurt Equipment Exhibition, and Northern Province was the first responder.Now, 1000 years have passed, and the industrial seeds sown that year have now blossomed and borne fruit.

Hearing that Lin Zhenhua was coming to Northern Province, Minister of Industry Halloy drove hundreds of miles with his entourage to the border of Northern Province to meet him.In order to import all kinds of industrial equipment from China, Halloy has been to China several times. Lin Zhenhua also received him at that time, so they are very familiar with each other.As soon as the two sides met, Haroley rushed forward and gave Lin Zhenhua a bear hug.However, when he tried to kiss Lin Zhenhua's face to show his affection, Lin Zhenhua quickly moved away.

"Uh, Mr. Halloley, I'm very sorry, but we Chinese are not used to such etiquette." Lin Zhenhua said with trepidation.

Halloy laughed loudly: "Oh, I know, when I went to China, I found that you Chinese are very reserved."

"This is Chen Tian, ​​the general manager of Beijing Yidong Trading Co., Ltd., and this is Mr. Lao Dao, a technician of our company." Lin Zhenhua introduced to Halloy.

Haroley hugged Chen Tian and Lao Dao separately again.There was a little trouble when carrying Lao Dao, that is, Lao Dao's waist was not something that Haroley could carry.

"Let's go, I'll show you the construction achievements of our northern province." After exchanging greetings, Haroley said to Lin Zhenhua and others.

A group of people boarded the car again, and Lin Zhenhua sat on the off-road jeep in Harore.Halore drove the car himself, and led the crowd along the newly built road to inspect the entire Northern Province.

Northern Province is called a province, but its area is only the size of a prefecture-level city in China, and its population is only 80.The first place Harrowey took Lin Zhenhua and his party to go was their industrial park, where Lin Zhenhua and others saw a factory with Chinese characteristics, which was the African version of the "Five Local Small Industries" designed by Zhu Jinwen for Harrowley. ".

"This is our fertilizer factory, which was built by Hanhua Heavy Industries. It was put into operation the year before last. Now the fertilizer produced by our factory can not only meet the agricultural production needs of the northern province, but also be exported to other provinces." Halloley introduced Lin Zhenhua enthusiastically.

Lin Zhenhua asked: "So, the farmers in our northern province have already used chemical fertilizers?"

"Using it, our agricultural output has risen sharply since the year before last. It increased by 30% the year before last and another 30% last year. If there is no problem with the weather this year, we are sure to increase by another 30%." Halloy road.

"Three 30%, doesn't that mean the grain has doubled?" Lin Zhenhua said.

Halloley said: "Yes, since last year, our local hunger problem has been completely solved. At the beginning of this year, a team from the United Nations came to investigate and said that the malnutrition rate of our children under 5 years old has dropped below 20%. , belonging to the best level in sub-Saharan Africa."

The child malnutrition rate has been reduced to below 20%, which is indeed a good achievement.It should be known that the average level of this indicator in the whole of southern Africa at that time was about 25%. Usan was a relatively backward country in southern Africa, and this figure had reached more than 30% in the past.

Of course, this indicator in Africa is not the highest. According to the statistics of the United Nations, the malnutrition rate of children under 5 years old in India was 66% at that time, and that in Bangladesh was 68%.As for China, this indicator was as high as 16% in that year.

"So the Northern Province has solved the problem of food and clothing?" Lin Zhenhua asked with a smile.

"It's been resolved." Halloy said confidently, "Now our goal is not to solve food and clothing, but to become rich. Our Governor Nale said that during his tenure, we will let the people in the Northern Province live like A rich life like America."

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult?" Lin Zhenhua said bluntly.

"Look at that slogan." Haroley pointed to a huge placard in front of him and said to Lin Zhenhua.

"Uh... I don't understand." Lin Zhenhua said.

It was only then that Hallore remembered that the local official language was French, and Lin Zhenhua didn't understand French.He quickly explained to Lin Zhenhua in English: "That said, what was written on it was the promise that our Governor Nale made to the voters during the campaign, give me 20 years, and return you a miraculous northern province."

Lin Zhenhua only felt that his vest felt cold for a while, and he suddenly wanted to meet this Governor Nale. This gentleman has the characteristics of a time traveler.

"Mr. Lin, you see, just four years have passed, and miraculous changes have taken place in our northern province. We used to be unable to produce even a single screw, but now we can produce tractors." Hallore said.

As if to comment on his words, with a loud rumble like a tanker passing by, a walk-behind tractor full of goods slowly drove up from the horizon, spraying thick air from the exhaust pipe vertically into the sky. Smoke, as majestic as an 18th century battleship.

"This is the tractor produced by our agricultural machinery factory." Haroley said proudly. After finishing speaking, he quickly explained: "Of course, the drawing of the tractor was provided to us by your director Zhu Jinwen. Now our The agricultural machinery factory has been able to produce three such tractors per month."

"Well, this can be regarded as a zero breakthrough. Congratulations." Lin Zhenhua said dully.This tractor does look a bit too sci-fi, but for a place with no industrial foundation like the northern province of Usang, it is indeed a very remarkable thing to be able to independently produce tractors.

"This is our steel plant with an annual output of 2000 tons of crude steel."

"This is our cement factory. At present, our northern province is completely self-sufficient in the cement used."


Along the way, Haroley introduced the factories in Northern Province to Lin Zhenhua in detail. All these factories were built with the help of China in the past few years.Most of the people who came in and out of the factory were local black workers. They wore blue overalls and looked proud.Among the many black people, Lin Zhenhua could occasionally see one or two Chinese faces. He knew that these should be technicians sent by various Chinese companies. At present, the core technology of these factories is still in the hands of Chinese companies. .

After leaving the industrial area, Halloy took Lin Zhenhua and others to see the new look of the countryside. Due to two consecutive years of bumper harvests, the living conditions in the countryside have also been greatly improved, and farmers who are building new houses can be seen everywhere.Halloy introduced that the bricks, tiles, steel bars, and cement used by these farmers to build new houses are also produced in the province itself, and the prices are much lower than in the past.It is said that some wealthy families have started to use wrought iron doors and windows, which is of course also due to the commissioning of the local steel factory.

"I didn't expect that the appearance of this place has changed so much after only a few new factories were built." Lin Zhenhua expressed his heartfelt emotion. He used as a comparison the situation of the Woheni tribe. , looks much poorer than here.

"This is just the beginning!" Halloy said, "In the next step, we will build more factories. Our people need electrical appliances and motorcycles. They want to live a modern life."

"I think they can live such a life." Lin Zhenhua said, "However, to build an electrical appliance factory and a motorcycle factory, the investment is much larger than that of the previous factories. Your current agricultural machinery factory, build a few cars It’s fine for tractors, but it’s probably much worse for motorcycles.”

"It doesn't matter, we will continue to introduce more advanced equipment. Mr. Lin, can you Chinese provide complete sets of equipment for manufacturing motorcycles?" Halloy asked.

Lin Zhenhua nodded and said, "If you can afford the fee, I think we can provide it."

"Great, we only trust Chinese equipment now, and Chinese equipment is the best." Haroley said, after saying this, he also realized that his flattery was a bit too much, after all, he was in Educated people in the West know that China's industrial technology is far behind that of the West.So, he quickly added: "Of course, I mean that under the same quotation conditions, for example, at a price of 1000 million US dollars, no western country can provide us with a complete set of industrial equipment."

"In our Chinese language, this is called high quality and low price." Lin Zhenhua said with a smile.

"Yes, yes," said Halloy.

After making a big circle in Northern Province, Halloy finally brought everyone back to Cango City, the capital of Northern Province. He told Lin Zhenhua and others that Governor Nale had prepared a banquet at the official residence to welcome distinguished guests from China .

 ...After reading the book, everyone check to see if there are any remaining recommendation tickets, and vote for a few.At the beginning of the week, referral votes are also important.


(End of this chapter)

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