industrial overlord

Chapter 460 Northeast

Chapter 460 Northeast
This is Northeast!
Even though he had fully researched the information on Northeast China before departure, even though he had heard about the decline of the old industrial base in Northeast China in his previous life, when Lin Zhenhua accompanied He Haifeng to Hunbei City in Hexi District, Hunbei City When he was outside the workers' residential area of ​​the forging machine tool factory, he was still shocked by the scene of decay before him.

This is a bungalow built in the 50s. From the house numbers of some households, you can vaguely see the words "Workers' New District", but this so-called new district has been built for 40 years, and the glamor of the past has faded away. It's just a passing cloud.

All the houses in the community are dilapidated, and you can see traces of repairs made by the residents themselves with iron sheets, wood boards, plastic sheets and other materials everywhere.Due to the lack of living space, almost every household has built a shed behind their house, compressing the road between two rows of houses to only allow one car to pass through.Some people use these sheds as kitchens, while others simply live in them.On the window of one of the sheds, Lin Zhenhua also saw a faded red happy letter. It can be imagined that it used to be a simple wedding room.

It was cold winter, and the entire community was covered in a vast expanse of white snow.It is understood that the snow fell half a month ago, but when Lin Zhenhua looked around, the snow on many roads in the community was still intact, and it didn't look like someone had walked back and forth at all.The neighborhood was lifeless. If it wasn't for some cooking smoke, Lin Zhenhua would even doubt whether he had entered an abandoned city.

Lin Zhenhua and He Haifeng came to Hunbei City a few days ago, together with He Haifeng, and some officials from the State Economic and Trade Commission, the Ministry of Labor, and the Machinery Commission.He Haifeng's trip to the Northeast this time was assigned by the State Council to lead a team to implement a plan called "Comprehensive Reform of the Northeast Old Industrial Base". The serious problem of laid-off and unemployment of workers has been realized, and the revival of the old industrial base has been realized.

In order to revitalize the Northeast, the state has formulated a series of policies, including drawing 100 billion yuan from very tight financial funds for blood transfusion and medical treatment for enterprises in trouble.In addition, when it comes to sensitive issues such as corporate reorganization, mergers, and restructuring, the state has also given extremely loose policies, authorizing He Haifeng to act accordingly.

He Haifeng carefully analyzed the situation in Northeast China in advance, and believed that in order to revive those companies on the verge of bankruptcy, it is necessary to introduce advanced corporate management concepts, and only excellent domestic companies can bring these concepts in.Out of such considerations, he approached Lin Zhenhua, hoping that Lin Zhenhua could come to the Northeast with him and help him merge or reorganize a number of enterprises.Through this process, one is to explore experience, and the other is to establish a model so that other companies can imitate the gourd.

The first stop He Haifeng and his party visited was Hunbei City, an important industrial town in Liaoning Province. This is a very large industrial city once known as "Birmingham of the East".In this city, many "firsts" in the industrial history of New China were born, including the first steam turbine generator set, the first pneumatic rock drill, the first jet plane, the first diesel locomotive, etc. .In the era of planned economy, the output of machine tools in this city accounted for nearly 3% of the country's total, and it was known as the "eldest son of the Republic".

Over the past 10 years, however, the city has begun to decline irrevocably.Due to the excessive demand from the state over the years and the neglect of repayment, the equipment of most enterprises in Hunbei City is seriously aging, and their technology and products cannot keep up with the pace of the times.Someone once walked into the workshop of a large machinery enterprise in Hunbei City, and saw domestic equipment in the 60s, Soviet-made equipment in the 50s, American equipment in the 40s, Japanese equipment in the 30s, and British and German equipment in the 20s. , people almost think that they have walked into a machine tool history museum.

In addition to the reasons for equipment, the heavy historical burden is also the main obstacle to the development of Hunbei City.In this old industrial city, the first generation of workers has entered the retirement age, and in some enterprises, the number of retirees even exceeds the number of employees.In the era of the planned economy, there was no policy for workers to withdraw pension funds. Therefore, when these workers retire, their retirement wages and medical expenses can only be borne by the on-the-job employees. No spare money for technological innovation.

Of course, there is another factor that everyone tacitly understands, but it is not easy to bring it to the table for discussion, and that is the quality of business leaders.Many factory directors and managers only adapt to the traditional system where the state guarantees everything. Under the conditions of a market economy, they are often at a loss as to what to do, so that they lead the enterprise into the abyss step by step.In addition, the corruption of business leaders is also very serious, which is also an important reason why companies cannot turn losses.

By the time He Haifeng and Lin Zhenhua came to Hunbei City, more than 6% of the enterprises in Hunbei City were in a state of suspension or semi-suspension, and millions of workers were laid off.Yu Hanqiao, director of the Hunbei City Labor Bureau, told He Haifeng in a self-deprecating tone: Hunbei City is currently the largest resort for workers in the country, because most of the workers have gone home for vacation.

He Haifeng told his subordinates to seize the time to carry out research and find out the basic situation of the current business operations in Hunbei City.He himself took the lead and personally went to various enterprises to investigate the current situation of the enterprises.Today, the Hunbei Forging Machine Tool Factory where he and Lin Zhenhua went is an old medium-sized enterprise on the verge of bankruptcy.He Haifeng rejected Yu Hanqiao's suggestion to take them to the factory to listen to the report first, and went directly to the worker's family area.

"Director Yu, is this the worker's family area of ​​Hun Forging?" Lin Zhenhua pointed to the dead residential area and asked Yu Hanqiao.

"Isn't it just?" Yu Hanqiao said, he knew that Lin Zhenhua was brought by He Haifeng, and he was also a very successful entrepreneur, so he was very polite to Lin Zhenhua, "Mr. Is it miserable? Let me tell you, in the whole Hunbei City, there is nothing worse than this."

"On the one hand, I want to know, don't you all go out? It snowed half a month ago, why can't I see the road I stepped on?" Lin Zhenhua pointed to the road with only a few blurred footprints. Snow asked.

Yu Hanqiao said: "It's snowing, everyone can stay at home, who else is willing to go out? The factory has stopped production, and everyone has no work to go to. It's so cold, where are we going?"

"They have to come buy food or take out the garbage, right?" Lin Zhenhua still didn't give up and continued to ask.

Yuan Yunmei, director of the Hexi Labor Bureau, interjected: "Mr. Lin, you don't understand the situation. Everyone is getting laid-off wages. Only those who are tight can survive. Who else goes out to buy vegetables all day long? Isn't it just a job? Just put some water and eat it. Let’s talk about taking out the garbage. When the factory was booming, there were cleaners and cars for collecting garbage. Now these are gone, and every household throws garbage on the road at the door. It’s okay in winter. One point, when it comes to summer, that fly. Sometimes in our district we can’t see it, and the whole car is taken away, and there will be another pile in a few days, which can’t be cleaned up.”

"The workers are all idle at home, don't they refuse to clean up the garbage outside the house?" He Haifeng asked.

"Director He, you don't know. Let's talk about this guy. That's the problem. The poorer he is, the lazier he is. In the past, when the factory started working, it didn't matter for everyone to do some work. Now the factory is closed, so everyone No one is willing to clean up the garbage in front of the house." Yuan Yunmei replied respectfully.Previously, she had heard from Yu Hanqiao that He Haifeng was a rather big cadre, whose rank was beyond the imagination of a cadre at her level.

"People rely on one breath to sustain themselves. When this breath is let out, people lose their energy." He Haifeng sighed softly.

"Yes, yes, Director He really deserves to be a great leader from the central government. What he said is that the small cadres in our local area are much stronger." Yuan Yunmei said.

"Director Yuan, do you have any familiar workers in this factory? Can you show us a few?" Lin Zhenhua said to Yuan Yunmei.

For Lin Zhenhua's request, Yuan Yunmei did not dare to agree casually.She turned her head to look at Yu Hanqiao. That was her immediate boss. Whether she could bring the central leadership to the home of the laid-off workers depended on Yu Hanqiao's attitude.

"What are you looking at me for?" Yu Hanqiao glared at Yuan Yunmei, and said, "Didn't I already tell you that Director He and Mr. Lin want to see something, so we should take them to see what, they are here to help us solve the problem Yes, of course we have to fully cooperate."

"Hmm..." Yuan Yunmei's IQ is not too high, and she couldn't figure out whether there were other words in Yu Hanqiao's words.However, since Yu Hanqiao has already said this, she has no burden on her mind, and she said to He Haifeng and Lin Zhenhua: "Director He, President Lin, come with me, I will take you to the home of the old model worker Li Genyuan to see Let's see."

Naturally, He Haifeng and Lin Zhenhua had no objections, so Yuan Yunmei led the way, and several people followed behind, walking towards the inside of the residential area.

Yu Hanqiao graciously stretched out her hand to help He Haifeng, but He Haifeng politely refused: "Director Yu, no need, I can walk this way by myself."

"Hehe, it's mainly because it's snowing. I'm afraid Director He will slip." Yu Hanqiao said.

He Haifeng shook his head and said, "It's okay, I can still go."

"That's that, Director He is really young and in good health, which makes me, who is a few years younger, feel envious." Yu Hanqiao flattered wildly.

"Director He, President Lin, here we are. This family is the home of Master Li Genyuan." Yuan Yunmei pointed to the door of a family and said to Lin Zhenhua and He Haifeng.

(End of this chapter)

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