Military Heavy

Chapter 110 Design Calculation

Chapter 110 Design Calculation
Today is the weekend.

Yang Fan rode his Changjiang 750 to a bustling street in Donghai City. There is a small supermarket opened by Yang Fang, with an area of ​​more than [-] square meters, which is the largest among the several supermarkets opened so far.

A pickup truck was parked at the door.

After parking his motorcycle and looking at the pickup truck, Yang Fan thought in his heart that his sister and brother-in-law should be in this supermarket.

Go, go in and have a look.

Seeing many people shopping in the supermarket, Yang Fan was overjoyed, the business was really good, there were a lot of things for sale, and the shelves were neatly arranged.

Three cashiers at the gate are busy, and some customers are queuing up to check out.

"Yo, so much seafood!"

Yang Fan saw a lot of seafood in a certain area of ​​the supermarket, and some customers were buying.This made Yang Fan very happy.

About a month ago, she just mentioned the seafood matter to Yang Fang, and she took it as a big deal. Now every small supermarket has a seafood section, and a lot of seafood is sold to consumers. This further boosted business.

"This fish is so fresh and alive."

"Look, this swimming crab is really big, let's buy a few."

"This clam is not bad, and the price is very cheap."


Some customers said this while choosing seafood, these words floated into Yang Fan's ears, and Yang Fan smiled happily again.

The business of my sister and brother-in-law is getting bigger and bigger.

While watching the customers picking seafood, a familiar yet pleasant voice sounded in my ear, "Brother, when did you come here?"

"Sister, you are really in this store."

"Well, your brother-in-law and I are here." Yang Fan said happily, "Come on, let's sit in our office."

There is also an office.

Something like that!
Under the leadership of Yang Yangfang, they walked into a room, which was the office of Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing, where they spent most of their time.

There is a large desk in the office, with a coffee table and a sofa next to it, and a thick stack of things on the desk, which should be ledgers.

"Sister, the business here looks pretty good."

"There's nothing to say about the business, it's getting better and better." Yang Fang replied.

By the way, she told Yang Fan about the situation of each store.After Xie Guoqing warmly greeted Yang Fan, he warmly poured hot tea for Yang Fan with a water bottle.

"Our business is getting better and better, the number of stores has reached six, and dozens of people have been hired to help, but"

Xie Guoqing seemed to hesitate to speak.

Yang Fan originally thought that he had encountered some management problems, and planned to pass on some of his management experience and methods. How did he know that what they encountered was not a management problem.

"Brother-in-law, what's the matter?"

Xie Guoqing had a bitter face, "Your sister and I have been called over and talked to several times."

He gave an overview of the situation.

Hearing this, even Yang Fan became silent, which was expected, but he didn't expect that his sister and brother-in-law had been interviewed several times and kept it a secret from him.

In the 80s, although the reform and opening up had been carried out, there were still many problems. It was a stage of crossing the river by feeling the stones. Some matters were even disputed by decision-making institutions.

For example, the issue of surname capital or surname society, such as the issue of private capital development, how large the scale can be, how wide the scale can be relaxed, and so on.

The more well-known thing should be the matter of fools and melon seeds, because the issue of labor management has reached the highest decision-making level, which means "take a look first, wait later", and it has not been beaten to death with a stick.

Yang Fan, who is familiar with historical development, knows that hiring labor will no longer be a problem in a few years. At present, because of the dispute, Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing were interviewed by the relevant departments.

Yang Fan thought for a while, and comforted him: "I was expected to be interviewed, so how about it, we can follow what they say, but remember, we must operate in accordance with the law, and don't be caught by others. "

Yang Fan talked a lot.

In addition to operating in compliance with the law and completing various procedures, it is also explained that the speed of expansion must be slowed down. The first stage is to lay a good foundation, and the accumulation will be achieved later.

As long as the policy is loose, with these accumulations, the development will definitely be rapid. Now there is no need to blindly pursue the number of stores.

There are many things that need to be done, such as learning, improving management level, straightening out supply chain, cultivating suppliers and so on.

Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing recorded what Yang Fan said one by one, and they will be clearer about what to do in the future, and the bitterness on Xie Guoqing's face is also much less.

After chatting for a while, feeling almost done, Yang Fan left the office and walked around the supermarket again.

Yang Fan once had such an idea.

Whether to register a supermarket chain company in Hong Kong Island under the name of Yang Fang, open a few supermarkets in Hong Kong Island, gradually tilt the focus to Hong Kong Island, and return to Donghai City to develop after the policy is better.

But it's just thinking about it this way. The competition in Hong Kong Island is too great. Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing will be under great pressure to develop in Hong Kong Island. They might as well develop slowly in Donghai City.

"Young man, the stuff here is good. You see, the eggs are two cents a catty cheaper than those in the state-run store."

An aunt had been paying attention to Yang Fan for a while, but she only looked left and right, thinking that Yang Fan was picky.

Yang Fan smiled.

Seeing that Yang Fan was unmoved, the aunt was a little angry, and said again: "I won't lie to you, and the vegetables are fresher than those in the state-run stores, so it's more cost-effective to buy them here."

Yang Fan said in his heart, aunt, I am the boss here.

But it was just a thought in his mind, Yang Fan said very politely: "Thank you, I haven't finished eating what I bought yesterday, and I still have it at home. I just came to take a look today."

Smiling at the enthusiastic aunt, Yang Fan walked out of the supermarket, and happened to see the supply and marketing cooperative opposite, but it was much deserted, and there were not many people at all.

The supply and marketing cooperatives have already begun to decline, and some supply and marketing cooperatives will be gradually eliminated in a few years, and it is basically difficult to see them in the middle and late 90s.

After starting the Yangtze River 750, Yang Fan returned to the East China Sea.

The design of the 052 ship has entered an increasingly detailed stage, and a large number of design drawings have been drawn. In the archives of the East China Sea Institute, the design drawings of the 052 ship have gradually increased.

In the next year or the year after, there will be more design drawings and more detailed designs.

As the design progresses, some calculations are unavoidable. General calculation designers can use calculators to complete, and some more complex calculations must rely on computers.

All the computers specially used for design calculations in Donghai were imported in the 70s. That computer was so huge that it almost occupied a room.

Such a large computer is no better than the few microcomputers in the combat system design room in terms of performance.

It is such a computer that has been malfunctioning since yesterday and has been under repair.Ji Yongqing from the general design office asked several times today, and he replied that it would be difficult to fix it in a short time, and that a necessary part would have to be sent from abroad.

Ji Yongqing felt that his head was all big.

He is the leader of the design team, a senior designer, and his design team needs to use a lot of computer design calculations, all of which are gathered to him.

So what to do?

He had no choice but to go to Kuang Wei, the director of the design office. After he went to Kuang Wei, he met another leader of the design team.

It is also a matter of design calculation. The strength calculation of many structural parts needs to use the computer in the institute.

The two leaders of the design team were concerned with the calculation of structural strength. Kuang Wei thought for a while and said, "Let's do other designs first, and put the structural design aside for now."

"No way." Ji Yongqing said: "Our design team is mainly engaged in structural strength design. This stop will affect the work of the entire design team. Our design tasks for this month may not be completed at all."

Kuang Wei hesitated.

He is well aware of the urgency of the task of designing the 052 ship. The comrades are all working hard and working overtime. It is a pity to stop like this.

How to do it? ? ?

With his hands behind his back, his face was more solemn, Kuang Wei was thinking about countermeasures in the office with his hands behind his back.

What about going to a brother unit to borrow a computer for calculation?

No, there are not many brothers with computers, and such computers are in short supply in any unit.

How about reporting to Master Pan?
No, you can't bother Master Pan with everything, he is already busy enough.

After thinking for a while, Kuang Wei suddenly remembered that there were several computers in the combat system design room, could it be possible to carry out design calculations on structural strength?

All of a sudden, Kuang Wei seemed to see hope.

(End of this chapter)

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