Military Heavy

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

Careful people found that Yang Fan seemed to be full of self-confidence.

Tang Jianming also felt this confidence.

Immediately, the pressure in my heart was greatly reduced!

Xiao Yang must have a solution!
Great, great, I'm relieved if that's the case.

He knows Yang Fan very well and has great hopes for Yang Fan.On the first day of the land joint commissioning experiment, complicated electromagnetic interference appeared. He was very stressed, but he held a glimmer of hope. What if Comrade Yang Fan had a solution?

Sure enough, Yang Fan stood up, his voice was very loud, and he said straight to the point.

"I have a way!"

Director Yang really has a solution! ! !
Immediately, the atmosphere in the entire conference room was shocked, and some comrades who were familiar with Yang Fan showed joy, thinking excitedly in their hearts, Director Yang said there is a way, so there must be a way!

In the eyes of everyone, Yang Fan talked loudly, "Comrades, we have gone through the land joint commissioning experiment for nearly two years, and we have accumulated a lot of foundation, which is our biggest capital at present."

Over the past two years of dedication and hard work, we have solved a lot of problems and accumulated a lot of things, such as knowing which devices will interfere with each other and which devices will not interfere.

Yang Fan waved and said, "Push a blackboard in."

Some people didn't know why they needed a blackboard, and they were still in a daze. Tang Jianming waved his hands loudly and said, "Follow the deputy commander's order."

By the way, Yang Fan is now the interim deputy commander-in-chief of this land joint commissioning experiment.

Soon, a blackboard was wheeled into the conference room and placed at the forefront, along with chalk and chalk brushes.Yang Fan got up and walked to the blackboard.

He picked up the chalk and wrote on the blackboard while speaking. There were not only words but also some sketches, and the whole meeting room fell silent instantly.

Needless to say, many people opened their notebooks and recorded some of what they said.

Yang Fan has experience in onshore joint commissioning.

In the initial stage, it must be a test of a single device one by one, and then several devices are jointly debugged. Now it belongs to the final stage of land-based joint debugging. Of course, all the equipment is fully turned on for joint debugging.

Yang Fan said: "We already have a basic understanding of which devices have interference. For example, there is interference between the fire control radar of the main gun and the sea search radar. We can eliminate this interference, such as changing the angle of the radar antenna. The effect is good”

Yang Fan spoke earnestly, everyone listened earnestly, and recorded in detail.

Even Tang Jianming was an exception. He sat down with everyone, took a pen to write down in his notebook, and nodded in agreement from time to time.

Everyone is immersed in it.

Yang Fan explained in detail, which devices have electromagnetic interference, how to eliminate it, which ones need to change the radar antenna angle, which ones need to change the band, and so on.

One hour.

Two hours
They talked for nearly three hours without a break in between, and it seemed like just over an hour had passed for such a long time.

It wasn't until Yang Fan basically finished speaking and put down the chalk in his hand that everyone reacted and suddenly realized that someone looked at the time and became surprised.

"Wow, is my watch broken? I've been talking for almost 3 hours."

"It's so rewarding. It turns out that electromagnetic interference can be eliminated in this way."

"Deputy Commander Yang is amazing, he's so skilled!"


All the people felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Yang Fan opened a new door for them. Before that, he had no confidence in his heart, but now he has full confidence.

Some people looked at Yang Fan differently, with a kind of admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

When Tang Jianming announced Yang Fan as the temporary deputy commander-in-chief of the land joint commissioning experiment, some people were not convinced.

I once thought in my heart, everyone is a backbone technician, why can you be the deputy commander-in-chief, and I can only remain a backbone technician.

now what? ? ?
Convinced orally!

Take it, really take it!
Tang Jianming closed his notebook, and he did the same thing. He looked at Yang Fan with satisfaction, and then said in front of everyone: "Comrade Yang Fan, you have worked hard. You have spoken very well. We will follow your instructions from now on." way to operate."

After speaking, he glanced at everyone again, felt everyone's confidence, and then said loudly: "Comrades, you must have enough confidence in the next joint debugging experiment!"


"We have confidence!"

Everyone replied like this, and the loud voice filled the entire conference room, and even clearly spread outside the conference room.

After the meeting, everyone took action and continued the land joint debugging experiment.

In the control room, a key technician in charge said to several operators, "All equipment is turned on, all turned on."

The operators were stunned for a moment, and one of them reminded: "Ma Gong, if this happens, there will be serious electromagnetic interference between them."

Ma Gong waved his hands confidently: "It's okay, we already have a solution."

Is there really a solution?

Several operators were skeptical and turned on all the equipment as required. The situation in the other control rooms was similar.

All devices are turned on.

Yang Fan personally directed and guided everyone how to eliminate electromagnetic interference, either by adjusting the frequency band, or adjusting the angle of the radar antenna, or taking other methods.

Several people stood under the antenna of a large radar.

They effectively avoided the radiation of the radar antenna, trying to make the damage caused by the radiation as small as possible, and are slowly changing the angle of the antenna to conduct experiments.

Yang Fan stayed at the land joint commissioning experiment base for more than ten days. Seeing that everything was on the right track, the technicians already basically knew what to do, so they returned to Donghai City for the time being.

Take a short break and pay attention to the 052 ship under construction. After a while, I will go to the land joint commissioning experiment base.

After returning, Master Pan probably heard about Yang Fan's outstanding performance, so he specially praised him and gave Yang Fan two days off.

Yang Fan is of course very happy to have a two-day rest.

He rode his Changjiang 750 early and went out to Donghai No. [-] Garment Factory. He had already called Jiang Yan, and the two of them went shopping together today.

The National Day is only two months away, and Jiang Dahai and his wife have already arranged most of the things for the wedding, and Yang Fan plans to buy some parts by himself.

I bought TV sets, washing machines, and radios by myself. Today I am going to buy some daily necessities, mainly pots and pans.

It was less than nine o'clock in the morning when we arrived at the gate of the garment factory, more than ten minutes earlier than the time agreed by the two of them, so Yang Fan simply sat on the motorcycle and waited.

There are a few big trees next to the factory gate. Even in July, because it is not noon, it is better to be under the big trees. It is not particularly hot, and there is a little wind blowing occasionally, which feels okay.

After waiting for a while, Yang Fan thought in his heart that Jiang Yan should be coming out soon.

After waiting for a few more minutes, Yang Fan thought in his heart that it was gradually getting hotter, and it would be nice if he could eat a popsicle.

At this time, Yang Fan heard the cries of selling popsicles, followed the sound, and saw a middle-aged woman, carrying a foam box, shouting.

It's not bad to eat a popsicle.

Yang Fan waved: "Come here, I'll buy popsicles."

The middle-aged elder sister came over soon, and said enthusiastically: "There are popsicles and ice cream, do you want popsicles or ice cream?"

Ice cream is more expensive, but also delicious.

Yang Fan said: "Two ice creams."

Very cheap, a total of two cents.

The ice cream is wrapped in paper and has a milky taste.At this time, Yang Fan also saw Jiang Yan coming out, and immediately honked the motorcycle horn.

Jiang Yan smiled happily and walked over.

Yang Fan said: "Eat an ice cream first."

The weather was just right for ice cream, and the two of them each had an ice cream, and happily ate it while sitting on the motorcycle.

Yu Zhou pushed his bicycle out of the factory gate. He was in a bad mood. As far as he knew, Jiang Yan seemed to be married.

As soon as he stepped out of the factory gate, he was stunned.

I saw Jiang Yan eating ice cream on a motorcycle, and a young man. The two of them were talking and laughing, very happy.

There was obvious happiness on Jiang Yan's face.

Yu Zhou sighed, knowing that there was no hope for him, he thought in his heart, that must be Jiang Yan's husband, that boy is really lucky to marry such a beautiful wife.

Of course Yang Fan and Jiang Yan didn't notice Yu Zhou. After they finished eating the ice cream, Yang Fan started the motorcycle and said happily, "Let's go, let's go!"

Jiang Yan smiled and gently hugged Yang Fan's waist.

The place Yang Fan went to was not a certain department store in Donghai City, but a newly opened large supermarket with an area of ​​several thousand square meters, just beside the main street, and the location was very good.

At the gate of the supermarket, the four characters of "Hongtai Supermarket" are very eye-catching.

This is the largest store of Hongtai Supermarket at present, and it has just opened recently.

To buy large items such as TVs and washing machines, you can only go to state-run department stores, because Hongtai Supermarket does not have these items for the time being, and it is estimated that in two or three years, there should be these big stores for sale.

Without these big items, there are daily necessities in supermarkets, and the variety is no less than that of supply and marketing cooperatives or state-owned department stores.

"This is Hongtai Supermarket, it must be the big supermarket opened by Sister Fang."

At the entrance of the supermarket, Jiang Yan asked.

Of course she knew that Yang Fang was running a supermarket, and that it was a relatively well-known supermarket chain in Donghai City, but she didn't know that Yang Fan owned [-]% of the supermarket's shares.

Yang Fan has been looking for an opportunity to tell his wife, but on the one hand, he has never had such an opportunity, and on the other hand, he is busy.

For example, some time ago, I stayed at the land joint debugging experiment base for more than ten days, and only returned to Donghai City yesterday afternoon.

"Come on, let's go in and take a look."

Yang Fan took Jiang Yan happily into this large supermarket. As soon as he entered, Yang Fan's eyes lit up, and then he was slightly taken aback.

He actually saw a scene that he himself hadn't expected.

Today is the third update, the third update is over, thank you everyone, if you can cast a few votes, that would be great!

(End of this chapter)

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