Military Heavy

Chapter 193 Bearing Wear

Chapter 193 Bearing Wear
In the meeting room, the atmosphere is serious.

Very quiet.

Deputy Minister Li Chaolin is introducing the situation to everyone, "After two days and two nights of hard work and hard work by our technicians, all dimensions, key technical requirements, etc. have been re-measured and checked. I think that the next test run , should be safe."

This has been recognized by many technicians, who nodded in agreement and felt very confident.

After Li Chaolin finished speaking, Zheng Xianxue also made a speech as the minister, "Our technical system believes that the next test run is sure."

He talked for a few minutes, not only to increase everyone's confidence, but also to talk about some matters to be paid attention to in the next test drive.

The meeting lasted for nearly an hour, and Chen Shaohua made a final speech, "Comrades, since the technical system is so sure, I agree to conduct a test run of the power system and hope to pass it once."

As soon as the voice fell, there was applause in the meeting room.

The installation of the power system is not successful, and it is not up to standard. It is not just to look at the measurement data, but to have a real try. The easiest way is to test the car.

Only if the test run is successful can it show that there is no problem with the power system.

Amid everyone's applause, Chen Shaohua sat down. If you look closely, you can find that his face is not relaxed.

At this moment, he himself didn't understand why there was a vague premonition of uneasiness in his heart, as if something would go wrong in the next test drive.

However, at this time, the arrow had already been wound and had to be fired.

The technical system has already said that all the data has been checked again and is correct, there is no problem, and it can be tested. He, the chief builder, must make a decision.

That's it, get on the test run as soon as possible.

All preparations started.

Early the next morning, accompanied by Xie Xinjian and Zheng Xianxue, Chen Shaohua boarded the lead ship which was being fitted out, and walked into the ship's command room.

The command room is very large and spacious, and it is also in the process of outfitting. Some wires, data lines, and computers have been installed in place, and some are being installed, and some workers are busy.

The command room has a good view, and you can see the outside through the glass, but Chen Shaohua's mind is not on visiting the command room, but is concerned about the next test run of the power system.

It is the first time in China to adopt diesel-fuel combined power.

This key technology of shafting alignment is also the first time for Donghai Shipyard.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Shaohua attaches so much importance to boarding the 052 ship himself, hoping to know the result of the test run as soon as possible.

Not long after, a technician in charge came over, and Lang Sheng's Hui reported: "Report to the chief builder, the test run conditions have been met, do you want to test run?"

Chen Shaohua ordered: "Start the test drive immediately!"

Soon, the two imported diesel engines started up with a high speed. Even if they didn't enter the power cabin, they could feel that the power system had started on the deck or in the ship's command room.

Xie Xinjian said hopefully, "Old Chen, the power system has started."

Hearing this, Chen Shaohua nodded lightly. Of course he hoped for a one-time success, but he didn't dare to take it lightly, in case of failure or some problems.

Zheng Xianxue is quite confident, "There shouldn't be any problems. Before the test run of the power system, we conducted a test, and all the data are correct."

He introduced: "We will try two diesel engines this time, and try the working conditions of two LM2500 gas turbines under afterburning state. It will take about half an hour."

He introduced the trial run plan, Chen Shaohua listened and didn't say anything.

Inside the engine compartment.

Several technicians were here in person, watching the two diesel engines start up, driving the transmission shaft to rotate at high speed, they checked, looked here, looked there.

"There should be no problem."

"Works fine."

Because the noise is still relatively loud, they almost shouted loudly when communicating with each other. They may not be able to hear very clearly, but they can guess the meaning of each other from the eyes and expressions on their faces.

Look relaxed.

With joy.

The two diesel engines worked for about 10 minutes without any abnormality, and the two LM2500 gas turbines were also started. Suddenly, the power cabin became lively.

The sound is louder, the entire power system is fully working, and the drive shaft is driven by the two gas turbines, plus the two diesel engines.

The two gas turbines have outer covers, which isolate a large part of the noise, and they can still stay in the power cabin, and the noise is not so loud that it is unbearable.

The communication between them needs to be louder. Several technicians shouted loudly and talked about some test runs.

"It shouldn't be a big problem."

"I think so too, it's pretty normal in general."


They paid attention to the operation of the power system, and still looked here and there, or focused on the data on the instruments.

Everything seems to work.

In the command room, Chen Shaohua felt that the test drive should be completed, because the movement during the test drive seemed to stop, and he waved his hand.

"Come on, let's take a look at the power cabin."

The few of them arrived at the power cabin, and the test run was indeed completed. Chen Shaohua and others did not enter the power cabin, because although the power cabin was designed to be relatively spacious, after installing two LM2500 gas turbines, plus two imported diesel engines, plus Some ancillary equipment, several technicians are already inside, and a few more people are indeed a little crowded.

Just standing at the door, looking at the technicians, Chen Shaohua asked, "How is the test run going?"

This is what he wants to know most.

The lead technician happily said: "Report to Mr. Chen, the test run is normal, and no problems have been found for the time being."

Suddenly, many people's hearts lightened, and more than half of the stone hanging in their hearts came down.

Li Chaolin, the deputy director of the Engineering Technology Department, even said: "I said that there will be no problems. It seems that it is very necessary for us to conduct detailed inspections before the test run to ensure the success of the test run."

no problems found.

everything is normal!
Hearing such a report, to be honest, Chen Shaohua also relaxed a little, and his face eased, "It seems to be going well, Minister Zheng, what are we going to do next?"

Zheng Xianxue said: "The most critical technology in the installation of a diesel-fuel combined power system is shafting alignment. To check whether this technology meets the requirements, in addition to the test run of the power system, the transmission shaft must also be disassembled to check whether the bearing bushes are correct. wear out, or burn out."

If the bearing bush is normal without wear or burning, and if the data of the test run are normal, it means that the shafting alignment meets the technical requirements, and the installation of the power system also meets the technical requirements.

Chen Shaohua said: "When the system cools down a bit, immediately disassemble the transmission shaft and check the bearing bushes. We will not go up and wait for the results here."

Of course, Xie Xinjian, Zheng Xianxue, Li Chaolin, etc. also want to know the result, but because all the data of the test run are normal, and they have been tested before the test run, especially Li Chaolin is full of confidence.

"I speculate that there must be no problem with the bearing bush." ​​He said confidently.

After about ten minutes, the cooling of the system was not much worse. Several technicians took tools to work together. They obviously knew the structure of the drive shaft very well, and they were quite skilled in disassembly. It didn't take long for the bearing bush to be removed. .

Several technicians came over together, and their faces changed when they saw the condition of the bearing bush.

How could this be so?
why! ! !
The hearts of several technicians suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley. They were full of hope and relaxed, but now they only sighed.

Although Chen Shaohua did not enter the power cabin, he knew from the technician's reaction that there was probably something wrong, so he immediately asked in a deep voice.

"what happened?"

Xie Xinjian and Zheng Xianxue looked at each other quietly, their hearts sank, and their originally relaxed eyes suddenly became serious.

Where is Li Chaolin?

I feel very puzzled. Before the test run, I have gone through a detailed inspection and the test run is normal. Could this be a problem?
Facing Mr. Chen's inquiry from the builder, the technician in charge said bitterly: "Mr. Chen, take a look for yourself."

Regardless of the crowded power cabin, Chen Shaohua and others all came in, their eyes fell on this bush, and their hearts felt cold in an instant.

Like a bucket of ice water being poured head on.


The bearing bush is worn out quite severely, and there are very obvious wear marks. If the test run is longer, the bearing bush may be burned off.

How long has it been!
The test time is only about half an hour, and the bearing bush wears out so quickly, and under normal circumstances, the service life of the bearing bush can reach more than 5000 hours.

Only during overhaul, or when the service life is up, will the bearing bush be replaced, and the replaced bearing bush may not be worn out, but the service life has expired.

What now?
Less than half an hour! ! !

No wonder everyone's hearts are cold.

The atmosphere was oppressive and dull. For a long time, Chen Shaohua was extremely helpless. He could only sigh, shook his head, and said slowly: "Minister Zheng, carefully investigate the cause. This problem must be resolved as soon as possible."

In an instant, Zheng Xianxue felt a lot of pressure, but at this time, no matter how great the pressure is, he must face up to the difficulties and solve this problem.

Xie Xinjian looked at the bearing bush and reminded: "All the data were tested before the test run, and the deviation of the shafting alignment is required to be no more than 5 wires. If I remember correctly, our deviation is only 4 wires, which is completely within the acceptable range. Inside, the bearing bush is now worn out, is it caused by insufficient lubrication?"

Zheng Xianxue shook his head slowly.

Xie Xinjian couldn't tell whether it was insufficient lubrication, which was normal, because he was not engaged in technology, and was mainly responsible for the construction of ships.

Zheng Xianxue is engaged in technology, he knew at a glance that it was not a lubrication problem, because the bearing bush was full of lubricating oil, as for the specific reason.

He also couldn't figure it out for a while.

Happy Friday everyone!

Today is the third update, and the first update is here! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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