Military Heavy

Chapter 195

Chapter 195
For a while, the scene was very quiet.

No one spoke, no one made a sound, only the sound of the two technicians dismantling the drive shaft. Many people were full of confidence, but at this moment they were uncontrollably nervous.

Time seemed to freeze.

It was not a long time, but everyone felt that it seemed to be a long time. In the relatively cool and not hot power cabin, many people began to feel hot and sweaty.

Finally, the bearing bush was removed.

Immediately, many people felt relieved, and the originally quiet power cabin became noisy. They couldn't help but squeeze forward, hoping to see the condition of the bearing bush.

"How about it?"

"There should be no wear and tear or anything like that."


Because of the limited space, it is impossible for everyone to see the bearing bush and not see the specific situation, so they couldn't help asking.

Chen Shaohua, Xie Xinjian, Zheng Xianxue, Li Zhengjun and others leaned forward, their eyes all focused on the bearing.

Zheng Xianxue was engaged in technology. He squatted down, looked at it carefully, and touched the smooth surface of the bearing bush with his hand, his expression became a little serious.

A heart sinks slowly
"Old Zheng, how is the situation?"

Xie Xinjian couldn't bear it anymore and asked.

Zheng Xianxue sighed, with a very heavy tone, "Although the situation is much better than last time, there are still slight wear and tear."

Many people were shocked, and then instantly became cold!

There will also be wear and tear.

Regardless of whether it is severe wear or slight wear, technical people know that it is actually the same, because the test run is only [-] minutes, and the entire power system is idling.

But on the weather-changing sea, sometimes it has to sail at high speed, sometimes it has to reverse, and sometimes it has to sail continuously for several days and nights.

It is definitely not acceptable if there is slight wear after only [-] minutes of the test run. As long as the time is longer, the slight wear will turn into severe wear, and the bearing bush may even be burned in the end, which cannot meet the requirements of sea navigation at all.

Chen Shaohua also looked at the condition of the bearing bush and remained silent for a long time.

The atmosphere of the whole scene became dull and depressing invisibly, and it was no longer the relaxed and full of hope just now.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for the entire Donghai Shipyard.

After hearing the news, Lu Guodong, Zhang Guoxin and other high-level leaders all came, entered the power cabin in person, and saw the condition of the bearing bush with their own eyes.

The technicians of Donghai Shipyard began to investigate the root cause of the problem. They worked all night long. There were many people in the power cabin throughout the night, even after dawn.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Yang Fan was reading a book in his office, and when he saw Han Jiang pushing the door in, he immediately put down the book in his hand, with a look of surprise on his face.

"How did you do this, didn't you sleep all night last night?"

Han Jiang smiled bitterly, "Almost, I only slept for three or four hours last night, you know? Donghai Shipyard failed the second test run last night."

He briefly explained the situation.

Hearing this, Yang Fan was taken aback and stood up, "No way, the bearing bush was worn out again in the second test run, how could this happen?"

This was a bit beyond Yang Fan's expectation.

Yesterday, I learned that Li Zhengjun, the deputy director of the power system design office, took several technicians to Donghai Shipyard. To be honest, Yang Fan felt relieved.

It was once guessed that Li Zhengjun went, and there should be no problems with the second test run of the first ship, because he knew that Li Zhengjun was a very strict person, and he probably asked Donghai Factory to adjust the shafting deviation to 4 wires, or even It is within 3 and a half wires.

Surprised, Yang Fan asked about some of the situation at that time, and then fell into deep thought without saying a word for a long time.

Han Jiang got up, yawned, and said loudly: "Anyway, the situation is like this, I'm so sleepy, I have to go back to sleep first."

Watching Han Jiang leave, Yang Fan was thinking in his mind, but he didn't know the reason for a while, maybe he needed to go there in person to see the situation.

He raised his hand to look at the time, it was almost noon, and it was unrealistic to go to Donghai Shipyard immediately, so he could only go there in the afternoon after lunch, or simply go there early tomorrow morning.

After get off work at noon, Yang Fan did not ride a bicycle, but walked, walking towards home, while thinking about the wear and tear of bearing bushes.

It was only at the door of the house that I came back to my senses this time, and with a dumb smile, I temporarily put this matter behind me, opened the door and entered the house.

The food has just been prepared, thanks to Li Xiuzhen.

She basically lives here, takes care of Jiang Yan, helps with housework, and prepares meals every day, which makes Yang Fan a lot easier.

"Mom, thank you for your hard work again."

"Where." Li Xiuzhen said happily, "I don't work hard at all, come, wash your hands and eat, today I made sweet and sour pork ribs, you have a taste."

Li Xiuzhen's cooking skills are good, especially a few dishes, including the sweet and sour pork ribs that Yang Fan likes to eat.

Yang Fan nodded, he didn't see Jiang Yan in the living room, knowing that she was probably sleeping or reading in the bedroom, so he called out, wife, it's time to eat.

Then he walked towards the bedroom. Sure enough, Jiang Yan was reading a book. He must have put down the book in his hand when he heard the noise, and said with a smile, "It's time to eat again. This will make you a little fat pig."

Yang Fan smiled happily, "You are pregnant now, you should eat more, even if you eat a little fatter, I like it too."

After finishing speaking, his eyes fell on the book Jiang Yan was reading.

It was still the professional book on accounting, which was majored in accounting in a technical secondary school. She had been reading it for more than ten days, and it seemed that she was almost done.

Yang Fan asked: "How is it? After reading this book, it is very rewarding."

"Yeah." Jiang Yan nodded, "Your suggestion is correct. Start with the simple ones first, and slowly progress step by step. Fortunately, this is the case. Otherwise, if it is too profound, I won't be able to stick to it."

Yang Fan gently supported Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan said: "It's okay, I don't need to help, I can walk by myself."

She has only been pregnant for more than 6 months, her belly is not too big, she can walk by herself, Yang Fan supports her, just caring.

During the period when Jiang Yan was at home, he was bored. Apart from going out for a walk, he mainly read or slept at home.

It should be influenced by Yang Fan, she has become more and more fond of reading, and even read professional books on accounting. In her words, after giving birth, she is going to help Sister Fang, starting with the most basic Accounting starts.

The three sat down to eat lunch.

Yang Fan put two pieces of sweet and sour pork ribs into Jiang Yan's bowl, and then put another piece into Li Xiuzhen's bowl, "Mom, you can eat too."

Li Xiuzhen was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, and quickly said, "Don't worry, I will do it myself."

She is more and more satisfied with this son-in-law, helping with housework, although sometimes it is a bit hard, but she is very happy to do housework and is full of energy.

Go to work in the afternoon.

Originally, I was considering whether to go to Donghai Shipyard to take a look, but not long after I entered the office and sat down, General Master Pan called.

"Xiao Yang, come to my place."

Putting down the phone, Yang Fan quickly knocked on the door and entered Pan Jinfu's office. As soon as he entered, he saw Chen Shaohua, and was slightly taken aback, a little surprised.

Chen Shaohua is here?
At this time, he should stay at Donghai Shipyard and investigate the problem with their technicians, find out the problem, and solve the problem.

Although there was a bit of surprise in his heart, he didn't show it at all on his face. Instead, he smiled and said loudly: "General Master Pan, you are looking for me."

Then, he greeted Chen Shaohua again, "Mr. Chen, you are here."

Pan Jinfu waved his hand to signal Yang Fan to sit down, and then said with a straight face: "The second test run of the power system failed again, Xiao Yang, you have heard."

Yang Fan nodded, "I heard."

Chen Shaohua even explained the situation in more detail, which is more detailed than what Han Jiang said today.
After introducing the situation, Chen Shaohua frowned, and said in a very puzzled way: "We have adjusted the shafting deviation within 0.035, but the bearing bush is still worn out. The entire technical system of our Donghai Shipyard is at a loss. No reason was found."

Sighing slightly, he continued: "We haven't found the root of the problem so far. Some technicians suspect that there is a flaw in the design that caused this problem."

Design flaw? ? ?

Yang Fan smiled confidently. He is very familiar with the power system of the 052 ship. He personally checked most of the important and key design drawings. How could there be design defects.

The excuse is that some technicians in Donghai factory have this kind of doubt, probably not some, maybe even Chen Shaohua himself has this kind of doubt.

It's just hard to say clearly, it's just certain technicians.

Pan Jinfu pondered for a while, and then said: "It is unlikely that there are design flaws, how about this, Xiao Yang will go and have a look at it early tomorrow morning."

He attaches great importance to Yang Fan, and he knows that the level is high. The key is that many design drawings of the power system were checked by Yang Fan. Yang Fan is very familiar with the power system of the 052 ship.

Director Yang went to help take a look!
Gradually, Chen Shaohua's eyes became eager, he wanted to slap his thigh, and said in his heart, yes, why did I forget Comrade Yang Fan?
Alas, I'm really confused, such a great god, I actually forgot, damn it, damn it!
In his mind, Yang Fan helped Donghai Factory solve a lot of problems, some of which were as difficult as the current problem.

Gradually, gradually.
Chen Shaohua's eyes became more and more eager
Yang Fan smiled and thought in his heart, Mr. Chen, your eyes are too warm, I won't be able to bear it.

Chen Shaohua didn't care about these, as if he had caught a life-saving straw, he held Yang Fan's hand tightly, and said a little excitedly: "Director Yang, then we will count on you."

Yang Fan said modestly: "Don't, I'm still good at the design of the power system. When I went to Donghai Factory, I only looked at the problem from the perspective of design. I'm not sure where the problem is."

"Director Yang, you are too modest." Chen Shaohua said.

It can be seen that he does not believe that Yang Fan does not know what the problem is, but has full confidence in Yang Fan.

Today is the third update, and the third update is over, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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