Military Heavy

Chapter 337 This is the bill

Chapter 337 This is the bill
In this era, to have a private car is definitely a very remarkable thing!
It's also a very face-saving thing. Driving out, it's so cool!

Jiang Dahai knew that his daughter and son-in-law would buy him a car sooner or later, but he never expected that happiness would come so suddenly.

It has only been two days since he got his driver's license, and he thought it would take at least a year and a half before he considered buying a car.

"Really buy me a car! Will you go this morning?"

The surprise in his tone was so obvious that he couldn't believe it.

Is this buying a car?
It's not buying a bicycle, and it's not that motorcycle!

Seeing his father-in-law's excited reaction, Yang Fan said, "Dad, Jiang Yan and I came here so early because we are going to buy you a car at noon today."

This is real!

not kidding!

Jiang Hai said: "Okay, okay."

He even said two words of "good", which shows how agitated his mood is at the moment.

Sitting down, eating noodles happily, I wish I could finish it in a few mouthfuls, and go to buy the car right away.

Li Xiuzhen glanced at him dumbfounded, and reminded: "Slow down, it's still early, there's plenty of time."

After reminding Jiang Dahai, she also asked with concern, "Girl, it costs a lot of money to buy a car, at least 4 to [-] yuan."

Although the daughter and son-in-law paid for it, but thinking that it might cost 4 to [-] yuan, I really feel a little pain in my heart, it is too expensive!
A household with ten thousand yuan is an enviable existence. Thirty to forty thousand yuan is indeed too much.

Jiang Yan said: "Mom, it may be more than that, it should be 10,000+!"

what! ! !
10,000+! ! !
Li Xiuzhen was stunned. She didn't expect to ask for so much money, 10,000+, not the [-] to [-] she imagined.

Jiang Dahai, who was in a hurry to eat noodles, also stopped, with a surprised expression on his face, "Yang Fan, it really costs 10,000+, not 4 to [-] yuan."

Yang Fan said: "There are also 10,000 to [-] yuan, but since we are going to buy a car, we must buy a better one. I will buy you at least a [-]+ car."

Really so expensive!
This is too expensive!
Jiang Dahai said with difficulty: "I...let's not go, it's too...too expensive."

Li Xiuzhen also said: "Your father already has a motorcycle anyway, let's buy it in a few years."

The old couple love money!
Yang Fan knew that his father-in-law had wanted a small car for a long time, otherwise he wouldn't be learning to drive when he was 60 or [-] years old.

"Dad, Mom, don't worry about money, we have money." Yang Fan said.

Jiang Yan also said: "Dad, just treat it as our filial piety to you, and don't have any burden on your heart."

After a while of persuasion, Jiang Dahai nodded and agreed. He really likes cars, and even in his dream he wants to own a car.

After eating the noodles, the three of them were ready to go out.

Li Xiuzhen took Yang Hao at home, and she warned: "Don't buy too expensive ones, tens of thousands of dollars is fine."

Yang Fan drove towards a car city in Donghai City, where there are many types and brands of cars, and there is a lot of choice.

Riding in the car, Jiang Dahai couldn't calm down, because he would soon have a car of his own.

I even wondered in my heart that I had two lively tables at noon and invited some relatives and friends, and how they would react when they saw me driving a new car back.

Thinking of the happy place, he couldn't help laughing.

This is the largest automobile city in Donghai City. Since he wanted to buy a car, Yang Fan came straight here.

After finding a place to park the car, Yang Fan said loudly, "Dad, you can get out of the car now."

After getting off the car, Jiang Dahai looked around, "This place is really big!"

Of course it is big, this is the largest automobile city in Donghai City, and it has only been built for less than two years.

There are almost all models on the market here, from large trucks to small trucks to various private cars.

"Brother Fan, what's going on over there, let's take a look." Jiang Yan pointed not far away.

Yang Fan shook his head when he saw the car logo and said, "We don't buy Japanese cars, but there seems to be Santanas over there. Let's go and have a look."

Yang Fan walked in front, and after walking 30 to [-] meters, he could see clearly that he was indeed selling Poussin.

"Come on, let's go in!"

The area inside is not small, there are at least a dozen cars parked in the hall, and some sales consultants wearing duty suits can be seen.

It looks like there is no obvious difference from the current 4S shop.

Peng Fang is a sales consultant. However, she can only be regarded as a newcomer in this industry, because she has only been employed for two days. She joined the job yesterday, and today is her first day of work.

Seeing the three of Yang Fan coming in, she immediately greeted them enthusiastically, and said proactively, "You three, is there anything I can do for you?"

It can be seen that she seems a little nervous and not very sophisticated.

Yang Fan nodded lightly, his reaction was calm.It was probably the first time Jiang Dahai encountered someone so enthusiastic, and he seemed a little stiff.

It's normal. In the middle and early 90s, even in a big city like Donghai City, the service awareness is not strong, especially in some state-run units, when going to state-run department stores, there are still ugly faces and poor service.

Yang Fan saw a black Poussin, pointed at it and said, "How much is this car?"

Peng Fang quickly took out a small notebook from her pocket, "Sorry, it's my first day at work today, I'll check the price."

Immediately, Wang Fan smiled, his "luck" was so good, it seemed that he had met a novice.

Peng Fang looked at the price in the notebook, and said, "Sir, the price of this car is 19."

For this price, Yang Fan did not have much reaction. In this era, a slightly better car does cost 10,000+.

Up to now, Poussin is not a good car, even discontinued, but it is definitely a classic model in the 90s.

Jiang Dahai was intimidated, it was so expensive, nearly 20!

He hurriedly said softly: "It's too expensive, let's change to another one, and just buy a car worth [-] to [-] yuan."

Yang Fan said: "No hurry, let's take a look at this car first."

Poussin is no stranger. Before his rebirth, Yang Fandao drove Poussin several times, but it was not a new car, but an old car that was more than ten years old.

Now that it's here, it's a brand new car, so of course you have to take a look.

Yang Fan said, "Can I take a test drive?"

Peng Fang looked distressed. On her first day at work, she remembered that there was no test drive service. "Sir, you can take a look in the car."

You can't test drive, you can only get in the car and take a look.

Well, then just watch.

Yang Fan walked over, opened the car door, and sat in the driving position. He took a look here and there, feeling the classic car of this era.

Jiang Yan said, "Dad, take a look too, do you like it?"

Jiang Dahai rubbed his hands a little excitedly, looked outside the car, and reached out to touch here and there.

There are only three customers in this store, Yang Fan and the others. After all, few people buy cars these days, and they are usually purchased by work units.

Not far away, other sales consultants had nothing to do for the time being. They looked at Peng Fang and talked in low voices.

"You said, can Peng Zhou make an order today?"

"How can it be so easy? It's her first day at work today. If she bills on the first day of work, wouldn't it be a record for our store?"

"Well, I remember our store's record was set by Manager Chen. She sold her first car on the eighth day of work. The boss was alarmed at that time."

"Tell me, what do those three do? The two young ones are obviously husband and wife. Can they afford a car?"


These few sales consultants had nothing to do, so they were talking in a low voice.

Yang Fan had finished looking at the car, and got down from the driver's seat, "Dad, sit in it and feel it."

Jiang Dahai also sat in the driver's seat.

Yang Fan didn't ask Jiang Dahai if he liked the car at all, because it could be seen from his expression that he liked it very much.

So, Yang Fan made the decision directly and asked Peng Fang, "If we pay for this car now, what is the cheapest price?"

Peng Fang was stunned!
I thought in my heart, I am going to work on the first day today, can I sell a car and bill it today?

The surprise came too suddenly!
After reacting, Peng Fang said a little excitedly: "Sir, wait a moment, I will ask our manager right away."

After finishing speaking, he almost ran all the way towards the manager's office.

While running, Peng Fang kept repeating in her heart, I am not dreaming, am I not dreaming...

After her colleagues knew what was going on, they fell into a sluggish collective!
It took me a long time to come back to my senses!
"My God, what a surprise."

"Peng Fang's luck is really good. If I had known this, I would have gone to receive them."


While envious of Peng Fang, they all regretted it in their hearts.

Some people quietly looked at the three of Yang Fan from a distance. They can afford a car worth nearly 20 yuan. What are they doing?
Peng Fang soon came over, and with her was a woman about [-] years old, who was their sales manager.

"Hello, sir. My name is Chen. You want to buy this black Poussin, right?"

Wang Fan said: "Yes, give me the lowest price, and if I am satisfied, I will buy it."

Manager Chen gave a lowest price, the landing price was 19 yuan, which was 6000 yuan cheaper than the previous quotation.

Satisfied with the price.

Yang Fan waved his hand, and said proudly: "Yes, I bought it, let's go through the formalities."


Manager Chen also had a happy face, and ordered the people below to prepare for the relevant procedures.

Jiang Dahai quickly took out his ID card, and Yang Fan said, "Buy a car for my father-in-law and drive it."

Not you buy the car yourself!
The sales consultants who were looking at this side were collectively stunned, and the situation was once again beyond their expectations.

They are buying a car for their father-in-law.

My brother, this is a small car worth nearly 20 yuan. You can buy it as soon as you say it, but it’s not for yourself, but for your father-in-law.

What the hell are you doing!

Where did you get so much money from!


There are two updates today, and the first one will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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