Military Heavy

Chapter 415 Let me take a look first

Chapter 415 Let me take a look first

Such a big thing happened at Hongqi Factory!
Yang Fan was startled for a while.

Realizing that the seriousness of the matter might affect the construction of the first ship, he asked, "Does Commander Luo know?"

Gu Zhengxin said in a low voice: "He doesn't know yet, we haven't reported to the general headquarters yet."

Obviously, Hongqi factory was going to solve it by itself, and felt that there was no need to report to Luo Jianguo for the time being. They also thought of many ways, such as contacting brother manufacturers, trying to process on ordinary equipment, and so on.

It's time to report to the headquarters.

After being reminded by Yang Fan, Gu Zhengxin nodded and replied, "I will report to Commander Luo later."

After finishing speaking, he said apologetically, "Then I'll go back to the factory first, I'll come over in the evening, and we'll have dinner together, how about it?"

Yang Fan said: "Go and do your work, we can check into the room by ourselves."

After watching Gu Zhengxin leave, the three of Yang Fan asked for a room at the front desk of the hotel. They should have greeted them in advance. Once the three of them showed their identities, the receptionist was very enthusiastic.

"Hello, Mr. Yang, the room is ready, I'll take you up there."

There are a total of three adjacent rooms, and the environment is very good. Gu Zhengxin has already ordered the hotel to prepare it.

After putting away his luggage and checking into the room, Yang Fan picked up his mobile phone and called home to report that he was safe.

After making this phone call, I sat on the sofa and thought to myself, Mr. Gu should have reported to Commander Luo at this time. I don’t know when this problem will be resolved. I really hope that the remaining two boxes will be completed earlier. Gai, I hope that Hongqi Factory will complete the delivery of the four diesel engines as soon as possible.

If there is no diesel engine, the power system of the first ship cannot be installed, which will inevitably affect the construction process of the first ship.

After thinking about it, I was really bored. I took out my wallet and looked at the photos in it. This is a family portrait. It was taken a few years ago. Yang Hao was just over three years old, and Jiang Yan smiled like a flower, with a happy face, very beautiful.

After looking at it for a while, when I was about to put away the wallet, I accidentally saw a few business cards in the wallet, including Lu Huaqiang's business card.

"Their main business now is to act as an agent for various chips, including various industrial control chips required by imported CNC machine tools, etc. I don't know if there are any industrial control chips needed for the vertical CNC machining center in Hongqi Factory. If there is such an industrial control chip , then things will be much easier.”

After thinking so in his heart, Yang Fan picked up the phone in the room and dialed the number of Lu Huaqiang's eldest brother on the business card.

The call was connected soon, and Lu Huaqiang's familiar voice came, "Hi, I'm Lu Huaqiang, who are you?"

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Lu, I am Yang Fan from Donghai Ship Design Institute."


It turned out to be Chief Designer Yang, who actually took the initiative to call me. Lu Huaqiang was pleasantly surprised, and immediately said: "Chief Designer Yang, hello, hello, I didn't expect it to be you."

Yang Fan cut to the chase and asked, "We have a problem with an imported vertical CNC machining center. The industrial control chip on its main board is broken."

After briefly explaining the situation, he continued to ask, "Do you have this kind of industrial control chip?"

For the time being, I don't know the model of the vertical CNC machine tool, and I don't even know the model of the industrial control chip, but Lu Huaqiang said with full confidence: "There should be such an industrial control chip. We have industrial control chips for most imported CNC machine tools."

In fact, there may be various models of CNC machine tools, but there are not many models of industrial control chips, just a few, just like our computers.

There are various models of computers, including desktops, portables, imported brands, and domestic brands, but there are only a few models of CUP.

Hearing that Lu Huaqiang was so confident, Yang Fan felt relieved, and said happily, "Okay, that's it for now. I'll call you when I know the model of the industrial control chip."

"Okay, okay."

Lu Huaqiang quickly replied that although he didn't talk about financing, Yang Fan took the initiative to call, which is undoubtedly a positive signal. He was in a good mood and very happy all of a sudden.

After making this phone call, Yang Fan felt a lot more relaxed.

There seems to be hope for a solution to the problem.

If Lu Huaqiang really had this kind of chip in his hand, that would be great!

Yang Fan, who had a good idea in mind, thought about it for a while, and was about to pick up the phone, but when he looked at the time, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon, so he had to wait a little longer, Gu Zhengxin would probably come over soon.

At this moment, Gu Zhengxin was smoking in his office.

Luo Jianguo has already made a telephone report to inform him of this matter, so he can only wait for the news for the time being.

Just now, the person in charge of the assembly workshop came to give a work report. The assembly of the diesel engine has been completed. Please ask whether the first diesel engine will be assembled tomorrow morning.

According to the plan, the final assembly of the first diesel engine will start tomorrow, and the final assembly of the second diesel engine will start two days later, one every two days, until the first batch of four diesel engines are all assembled.

The assembly cycle of each diesel engine takes about ten days. In the next 20 days at least, the assembly workshop will be very lively and busy.

However, now it seems that the final assembly of three diesel engines can only be carried out one after another. No one knows when the final assembly of the fourth diesel engine will start.

Gu Zhengxin instructed that the final assembly should be carried out according to the original plan, three diesel engines should be three, and the final assembly of the three diesel engines should be completed first, and then the test run should be carried out to reach the delivery status.

As for the missing cover of the fourth diesel engine assembly, maybe Commander Luo will have a solution.

Not long after the person in charge of the assembly workshop left, Luo Jianguo called with a very solemn tone.

"Mr. Gu, we have used some resources and channels, and the situation is not optimistic. There are only two large-scale vertical CNC machining centers like yours in China. Other units have vertical CNC machining centers, but the models are much smaller and the size It is not enough to process our box cover.”

The speed is really fast enough, and I immediately found out that there are two such devices in China.

Gu Zhengxin quickly asked: "What about the other one, can it help us process the box cover?"

Luo Jianguo said: "I'm afraid it won't work. This equipment is also produced in a military enterprise, and a batch of emergency parts are currently being processed on the machine tool. It will take at least 20 days before we can help process our two Lid."

It will be 20 days later!
If you wait for so long, the day lily will be cold, which will inevitably affect the delivery of this batch of diesel engines, and even affect the construction process of the first ship.

Luo Jianguo obviously knew this too, "Well, let's think about a way and try to get an industrial control chip like this. However, it may take time, and it won't be returned in three or five days."

After all, they came back from doing things abroad, and the general headquarters was a little bit beyond their reach.

After answering the call, Gu Zhengxin thought in his heart that he hoped to get back such an industrial control chip in about ten days, if not in ten days, it should be possible in fifteen days.

Compared with [-] days, we can always save a few days and minimize the impact on the construction of the first ship. We can deliver the fourth diesel engine a few days earlier.

Alas, that's the only way to go.

It is estimated that there is no better way.

This feeling is really uncomfortable. The final assembly of the fourth diesel engine only lacks such a part, so it can only be watched helplessly, and the final assembly cannot be carried out.

After sitting and thinking for a while, Gu Zhengxin saw that it was getting late, so he got up and left the office, and arrived in the hotel not long after.

Soon after meeting Yang Fan, and temporarily hiding the pressure in his heart, Gu Zhengxin said enthusiastically, "Master Yang, let's go to eat now, I've prepared the place."

Yang Fan said: "Okay, then let's go there now."

It was not far from the hotel, and within seven or eight minutes, he arrived at the entrance of a restaurant, and under the guidance of Gu Zhengxin, he entered a box on the second floor.

Everything has been prepared, the food and drinks have been ordered early, Gu Zhengxin ordered that the food can be served now.

The dishes started to be served soon, and they were very rich, almost a big table full, Yang Fan quickly smiled and said: "Mr. Gu, you are too polite, we may not be able to finish all the food."

Gu Zhengxin said: "It's just a working lunch, the place is a little rough, so don't mind it."

After finishing speaking, he picked up a bottle of wine and was about to open it to pour. Yang Fan quickly said, "Enough is enough for tonight's wine. You don't have to get drunk."


Gu Zhengxin was slightly puzzled, "Why, is there something else to do at night?"

Yang Fan said: "There are no activities. I want to go to your factory after dinner to take a look, especially to see the malfunctioning processing center."

Gu Zhengxin was even more puzzled.

Yang Fan smiled and said: "I have a friend who is engaged in chips. He has many types of industrial control chips in his hand. Maybe he has the chips that this machine tool needs."

So awesome!

I am not dreaming!
Gu Zhengxin was holding the wine glass and was about to pour the wine, but he stopped in mid-air, as if he had been frozen, and it took several seconds to react.

It was a surprise in an instant!
"Master Yang, what you said is true, there are really industrial control chips we need."

Yang Fan said: "Maybe there is. I need to see your machine tool, especially the model of the industrial control chip."

"Good, good, great!"

Gu Zhengxin's joy was beyond words, he even said a few "good" words, and then happily poured everyone a glass of wine.

Just one cup is enough.

"Mr. Yang, we will drink so much tonight. After we solve the problem of the machine tool, I will accompany you to have a good drink."

Yang Fan said: "A glass of wine is enough. After the meal, we will enter the factory right away and take a look at the machine tool first."

"Okay, okay, I'll take you into the factory after dinner." Gu Zhengxin replied.

Han Jiang looked at Yang Fan in surprise, and thought in his heart, Brother Fan is amazing, he has such friends, and there are industrial control chips for imported machine tools.


That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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