Military Heavy

Chapter 418 The Family Property of Hongtai Group

Chapter 418 The Family Property of Hongtai Group

Yang Fan really doesn't know the family background of Hongtai Group.

The main thing is to care less.

Normally, Yang Fang is basically in charge. Yang Fan's main focus is on the design and development of the ship. He just occasionally learns about it briefly and gives guidance on the general development direction. Besides, he rarely asks questions.

"No wonder my sister said I was a hands-off shopkeeper."

Yang Fan thought so in his heart, he laughed himself, picked up the phone and dialed it, and got through quickly, "Sister, I want to know the specific assets of our Hongtai Group, such as how many supermarkets we have opened, how many supermarkets we have Real estate, how much money is on the account, etc. "

Yang Fang's happy voice came over, "You finally want to understand these things, I thought you wanted to be the shopkeeper forever."

Yang Fan also laughed.

I am afraid that this hands-off shopkeeper is a decision. It has been in the past and it will be in the future. Hongtai Group's affairs really don't mean to manage it personally. It is enough to grasp the general direction.

Yang Fang said: "I will sort out a detailed report and send it to you, or you will come to me, and I will give you an account in person."

Yang Fan said: "I know you are busy, just send someone to deliver a report."

Not long after, a detailed report was sent to Yang Fan's desk.

Sitting on the office chair, Yang Fan looked at it seriously, very carefully, and gradually, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Oh my God!

The family property of Hongtai Group is bigger than I imagined!

He had thought about Hongtai's family background more than once, but after seeing the data on this report, Yang Fan was still surprised.

For example, Hongtai Supermarket has opened hundreds of large and small stores, covering [-] to [-] major cities, many of which are well-known first-tier cities.

Hongtai Real Estate has also developed more than [-] real estate projects. In several cities, a total of nine Hongtai Plazas have been built, and five more are under construction.

The financial situation is good, and there are more than one billion funds on the books
Yang Fan read a report of more than ten pages for three or four 10 minutes. After reading it, he basically knew that Hongtai Group was richer than he imagined.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, no wonder my sister wants to build a landmark building. It turns out that her family is very rich. With such strength, it is not a big problem to build an 86-story landmark building.

After closing the report and carefully putting it into the drawer of his desk, Yang Fan thought in his heart, should he spend two or three billion yuan to invest in the research and development and manufacturing of chips?

thought long time
In the evening, Yang Fan and Jiang Yan specially invited Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing to dinner at a very high-end restaurant and asked for a luxurious box.

Yang Fang said: "It's not a Chinese New Year holiday, let alone someone's birthday. He invited us to dinner suddenly. There must be something wrong."

After ordering a sumptuous table of dishes, Yang Fan said: "There is indeed something, let's chat while eating."

The four of them ate and chatted.

Yang Fan first expressed his gratitude, "Sister, you have worked hard for me these past few years. I didn't know that Hongtai Group has grown so big and has such strength."

Yang Fang smiled proudly, "In Donghai City, although we are not the largest private enterprise, we are definitely among the top three."

The top three in Donghai City!
How arrogant.

What kind of city is Donghai City?

This is one of the best big cities in the country. If it can be ranked in the top three in such a big city, it must be in the top ten in the whole country.

No wonder Yang Fang's tone was filled with pride and a sense of accomplishment.

Xie Guoqing said: "We are tired, but we are very happy. This kind of life is meaningful. I always feel that I have done something, and I have not wasted time."

After chatting for a while, Yang Fan also got to the point, prompting: "Sister, do you still remember Lu Huaqiang who approached you a few times before and lobbied you to invest in the chip industry?"

Yang Fang said: "I remember, I remember too much. He praised the prospect of the chip industry like a flower, saying that it is more profitable than the real estate industry."

Yang Fan said: "He really didn't exaggerate. If the chips are developed, the profits will still be huge, and the future market demand for chips will also be very large."

Both Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing expressed a little disbelief.

This is understandable, after all, they are not reborn people, and they don't know that the future will be a developed information society, computers, mobile phones, etc. are highly popular, especially mobile phones.

But now, there are very few people who can own a big brick and mobile phone, not even one out of 1 people.

Yang Fan felt that it was necessary to talk to them about computers and mobile phones, so he said: "Sister, brother-in-law, in a few years, computers will be the main office equipment, many things will be processed through it, and the Internet will also be established. "

After briefly introducing the situation of future computers, Yang Fan introduced the situation of future mobile phones. Phones with better call quality, and affordable for ordinary people."

It also briefly introduces the popularity of mobile phones in the future.

It's very quiet in the box!
Not only Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing, but even Jiang Yan's eyes widened with disbelief, and he asked, "Brother Fan, will this really happen?"

Yang Fan nodded, "Yes, according to my own analysis, I think this is the case. Mobile phones will become popular and ordinary people will be able to afford them."

It really will be like this!

Both Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing believed it.

They know Yang Fan quite well, and they know that Yang Fan's vision is very comparable to others. He said that it will be like this in the future, and it is probably close to ten.

As expected of an outstanding businessman.

Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing immediately saw the huge business opportunities, and Xie Guoqing even said: "We can't give up on such a promising and profitable industry."

Yang Fan smiled.

I felt the need to remind one or two, so I said: "The chip industry is indeed good, but it is a technology-intensive and capital-intensive industry that requires a large number of professional and technical personnel, a large technical research and development team, and a large number of funds."

So demanding!
Xie Guoqing showed regret. He thought that it was similar to real estate. As long as there was funds, it would develop quickly and earn a lot of money.

Yang Fan said: "However, don't be discouraged. According to my understanding, Lu Huaqiang and the others are all professional technicians, and there are quite a few of them."

Yang Fang understood immediately, "Brother, you mean to cooperate with Lu Huaqiang and the others to jointly develop and manufacture chips, right?"

"Yes." Yang Fan admitted: "I have plans in this regard, but the demand for funds may be relatively large, which is why I consulted with you."

If it is small money, tens of millions, or even one or two hundred million, Yang Fan may just make a phone call to inform Yang Fang, and then he will make a decision by himself.

To enter the field of chip R&D and design, the investment required may be billions, or even tens of billions. The initial capital alone may require two to three hundred million yuan, and will continue to invest in the future.

With such a large investment, Yang Fan seemed very cautious.

Hongtai Group's fortunes are basically made by his sister, so it is necessary to discuss with her. Only when the two agree, Yang Fan will enter the chip research and development and manufacturing industry.

Yang Fan said: "Sister, to enter the field of chip research and development and manufacturing, the investment required may reach billions. To be honest, after careful consideration, I have the idea of ​​entering this industry. What's your opinion?"

Yang Fang thought about it for a while.

After only a few seconds, she said: "Since you want to enter this industry, then I support you, and I also believe in your vision. I am confident that Hongtai Group will definitely be able to make money for the capital investment it will need in the future. The Hongtai Group was dragged down."

She has this confidence!

Hongtai Group has formed a certain scale and has certain strength. In addition, whether it is retail or real estate, the prospects are good. Yang Fang firmly believes that even if it has to spend billions in the future, Hongtai Group will be able to do so.

Yang Fan said: "Sister, billions of dollars are not required all at once, but invested in batches. The initial investment of [-] to [-] million should be enough."

In 1995, [-] million to [-] million yuan could still do a lot of things. At this time, the money was relatively valuable. Yang Fan estimated that investing [-] million to [-] million yuan should be enough.

The brothers and sisters agreed.

Next, while eating, chatting about some details, some more in-depth things.

Today is the weekend.

Lu Huaqiang was a little anxious. After so many days, why did Chief Designer Yang remain silent?
Although he also took the initiative to call Yang Fan once or twice to hint about the investment, but it seemed that the effect was not obvious. Lu Huaqiang thought in his heart, should he talk to Yang Fan straight to the point.

There is a little tangled in my heart.

After thinking about it for a long time, he decided to wait until tomorrow. If there is no call, he will take the initiative to call.

Not long after, his phone rang, and it was Yang Fan who took the initiative to call.

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Lu, I have read the information you gave me, and recently thought of your company to take a look. I wonder if it is convenient."

Suddenly, Lu Huaqiang was pleasantly surprised!
Chief designer Yang took the initiative to call, that's great!


Lu Huaqiang was inexplicably excited, and quickly said: "It's convenient, it's very convenient, you can come over anytime, we'll wait for you."

This is something he has been looking forward to for a long time!

If Yang Fan could come and take a look, the matter would be a big step closer to success and hope would be greatly increased, which Lu Huaqiang would be very happy with.

"Mr. Lu, I'll come and have a look tomorrow morning, is that okay?"

Lu Huaqiang welcomed: "Yes, there is no problem at all. We are all waiting for your arrival at the company."

The two chatted for a while, and the matter was settled.

After the call was over, Lu Huaqiang excitedly waved his brush vigorously, thinking in his heart, oh yes, things are hopeful!
(End of this chapter)

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