Military Heavy

Chapter 435 Sensation

Chapter 435 Sensation
No jokes are allowed on lecture day.

What you are facing is a group of professionals.

Yang Fan prepared the lesson seriously, thinking about what to say and how to say it, and wrote it down. There were several pages in the notebook.

I originally wanted to make a slideshow, but there was not enough time, so I could only do this for the time being. Combining the memories in my mind and based on my understanding of the development trend of mobile phone chips in the next few years, Yang Fan wrote the handout.

Facing the handout, I went through it in my mind, what should be said, and how should I say it.

After looking at it with satisfaction, and thinking about it again, after feeling that there was no problem, he let out a long sigh of relief.

I thought to myself, these things should be useful to you.

Two days later.

Huaqiang Technology Company finally issued an official notice, written clearly in black and white, requiring all technical supervisors and above to attend the chip technology lecture from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] am on Sunday, and must not be absent.

As soon as the notice came out, it was like pouring cold water into a hot oil pan, and the entire technical team was boiling. This is not a gossip, it is true.


"Yeah, what's going on here, the chief designer of the ship design, let him tell us about chips."

"I suddenly became interested. I must go and listen to what Chief Designer Yang can say."

"I'm also very curious about this, but the level is not enough, and a technical director or above is required."


After the official announcement came out, many people felt a sense of novelty in their hearts, and they really wanted to know what a chief designer who was engaged in ship design could talk about.

Is he also very good at chips?

If this is the case, it is too unbelievable!


This is the date agreed by Yang Fan and Lu Huaqiang.

Lu Huaqiang has already prepared all the necessary preparations, and all those who attended the lecture have been notified in place, and all the company's leadership personnel are required to attend and must not be absent.

"Old Lu, Mr. Yang is really as good as you said. He is very good in the field of chips."

Lu Huaqiang smiled and said in admiration: "It's really amazing. Anyway, I have never met such a person. Many of his ideas and opinions often make my eyes shine and benefit a lot."

"Really, then I really want to listen carefully."

Lu Huaqiang, Li Xianghong, Huang Wenlong and other people greeted them at the gate of this building. This is also a building temporarily rented by Huaqiang Technology Company. Before the design and development center was completed and used, all technical personnel worked here.

It is now used as a temporary technical design and R&D center of Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd.

Several people were chatting, when suddenly, Lu Huaqiang stopped, looked into the distance and said, "Attention everyone, Mr. Yang is here."

He is too familiar with this off-road vehicle.

Sure enough, it was Yang Fan's car. It stopped in front of this building. Yang Fan opened the door and got out of the car. Seeing Lu Huaqiang and others welcoming him, he said with satisfaction, "Everyone is here."

"Mr. Yang."

"Mr. Yang, hello!"

Everyone stepped forward to greet Yang Fan and shook hands one by one.

After shaking hands, Yang Fan waved and said, "Mr. Lu, lead the way. Let's go directly to the lecture place. It's important to get down to business first."

Yang Fan's timing was also relatively accurate, and he agreed to start the lecture at [-]:[-] in the morning, and it is now past [-]:[-], only a few minutes away from the agreed time.

Of course, if Yang Fan went to the lounge to sit first, drink tea, come later, and let the lecturers wait, then there is no problem at all, but I don't want to put on airs, and I don't want everyone to wait for a long time.

This is a training classroom.

The facilities are complete and can accommodate 200 to [-] people. There are usually some technical lectures and trainings here.

At this time, there were already more than a hundred people sitting in the classroom, all of them were technical supervisors, and they were the backbone of this technical team of more than a thousand people.

The seats in the middle of the first row were vacant. Everyone knew that they were reserved for the senior management of the company. At the beginning, some people even exclaimed.


The company's top management also came to the lecture!

Seeing Lu Huaqiang, Li Xiang, Huang Wenlong and others walking in surrounded by Yang Fan, they sat down in the first row of seats, as if preparing to listen to the lecture seriously, and everyone accepted the fact. stay position.

Yang Fan walked to the podium with a calm expression, and looked around the classroom without the slightest timidity or nervousness, his whole body seemed to exude confidence.

The whole classroom fell silent.

Everyone's eyes were on Yang Fan, and some people were curious about what Master Yang would say next.

Yang Fan spoke, his voice was very loud and spread throughout the classroom, and everyone could hear him clearly. First of all, he introduced himself.

"My name is Yang Fan. Most of you are meeting me for the first time, but it's okay. I think we will meet more often in the future."

There was a burst of good-natured laughter in the classroom.

Yang Fan continued: "Many people should know my identity. I am a chief designer of Donghai Ship Design Institute. Today, I will tell you something related to mobile phone chips."

Everyone gradually discovered that Mr. Yang's speech was very funny and well organized, and everyone gradually entered the state, so this scene appeared.

Yang Fan spoke loudly on the podium alone, and more than a hundred people sat down and listened carefully. Many people even took out their notebooks and took notes from time to time.

Yang Fan had already thought about what to talk about, and prepared the lesson in advance.

With such preparations and Yang Fan's rich experience in lecturing, today's lecture is destined to be very successful.

What did you mainly talk about?
Of course, it is not professional knowledge related to chips. Yang Fan does not need to talk about these things. It is estimated that everyone sitting here is more professional than Yang Fan in this respect.

Yang Fan talked about the future development trend of the chip, what functions will it have, what will be the main structure, design ideas and so on.

This is the most useful thing for everyone.

It's all based on knowing the next two, 30 years.

Everyone found that General Master Yang spoke very well, and many people's eyes lit up, as if they had entered a new world.

According to the plan, there is a 10-minute break in the middle of the three-hour lecture. When the time reaches 10:[-] in the morning, Yang Fan suggested to take a [-]-minute break.

But someone immediately said loudly, just rest for 5 minutes, and resting for too long is a waste of time.

A lot of people are in favor of just taking a few minutes of rest, going to the bathroom, smoking a cigarette or something, and then moving on, and they're in the middle of it, and they're getting more.

Yang Fan said with a smile, you are not tired, but I am. I only need to rest for 5 minutes. This is the rhythm of trying to exhaust me to death.

Everyone laughed again.

The original break time of 10 minutes was only less than 10 minutes, and the lecture continued. It was supposed to end at 12 o'clock, but everyone quit. I hope that Master Yang will give a more in-depth lecture, so I just went to 30 o'clock. : get out of class ends at [-].

How was the effect of this lecture?

Totally sensational!
It can be seen from the thunderous applause when class is over, and some people even couldn't help shouting excitedly.

Throughout the afternoon, the huge technical team of Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. was restless. Everyone was discussing this morning's lecture.

Those who have listened to the lecture were delighted and talked about it with delight.

"I really didn't expect that Master Yang would speak so well!"

"This is the most rewarding lecture I have ever heard. It turns out that chips will develop like this in the future."

"It was still vague before, but now I am clear about how to design mobile phone chips in the future, and I am more confident."

Those who have never been to the lecture were very curious when they heard such words, and hurriedly inquired and inquired.

"Director Zhang, tell us about what Chief Master Yang said."

Therefore, as long as a technical director who has heard the lecture starts to talk about the content of the lecture, there are often three or five people around, and as many as one or 20 people. Everyone pricks up their ears and listens carefully. Gradually, Eyes lit up.

Dongjiang Shipyard.

The outfitting work of the weapon system is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the outfitting of the radars has also begun. The phased array control radar of the Type 054 guided missile frigate is being outfitted.

Phased array control radar ah!

Sun Baoguo led several people, watching the hoisting of the phase array control radar with a slightly agitated mood.

This is the first time among all the ships built by Dongjiang Shipyard that a ship is equipped with phased array control radar. The ships built before are all ordinary radars.

There is a big difference between phased array control radar and ordinary radar.

To put it simply, the phased array control radar is more advanced.

To be a little more specific, the difference between the two is that ordinary radar detects objects through the rotation of the signal transmitter/receiver.Phased array control radar directly controls the irradiation direction of electromagnetic waves to play a scanning role. It can perform real-time observation of 120 degrees in front of the radar array, and its response speed is better than that of ordinary radar.

Phased array control radar can form multiple beams at the same time to deal with multiple targets, while ordinary radar has only one beam and it is difficult to deal with multiple targets.In addition, when the phased array control radar is working, it is equivalent to many small radars working at the same time, and they are independent of each other. The damage of some units will not affect the normal use, and the anti-jamming ability is stronger.

Seeing the outfitting of the phased array control radar, Sun Baoguo was inevitably a little emotional. He looked at the phased array control radar in the outfitting, and then at the missile vertical launch system that was nearing completion.

I thought in my heart, it is indeed a Type 054 missile frigate, the vertical missile system, and the phased array control radar.


While thinking about this, someone beside him interrupted Sun Baoguo's thoughts softly, "Mr. Sun, Mr. Yang is here, look!"


That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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