Military Heavy

Chapter 450 I have one thing, do you want it?

Chapter 450 I have something, do you want it?
The salesperson was a little excited and began to issue tickets.

I kept thinking in my heart: "I met the big boss today, and bought two mobile phones at once..."

Yang Fan also gave Jiang Yan the maple-red palm treasure, "Honey, take a look, do you like it?"

This phone has several colors, black, red, blue and so on.Maple red is obviously very feminine.

After taking the phone, Jiang Yan looked at it happily, and it was the kind of phone she liked more and more. She really liked this phone.

Liang Zhi is a self-employed individual with modest achievements, and he can be regarded as a small boss. He always wears a Chinese pager on his waist.

It is such a Chinese phone, which has made him a lot of limelight in the past two years. In some public places, he even likes to show it. He is proud of it and feels the eyes of people around him.

He has made a lot of money recently, and he wanted to go further, so he went to Hongtai Supermarket and wanted to see the prices of Big Brother.

In front of the counter, he was slightly excited when he saw the big brothers inside through the glass.

I thought in my heart, if I also have one, it would be great!
A scene like this appeared in my mind, holding a mobile phone in my hand, ostentatiously passing through the market, and when I went out to eat with business friends, I put the mobile phone in my hand on the table, how face-saving it was.

It's just that the price is a little expensive!

The cheapest one in the counter is seven or eight thousand, basically ten thousand or so.

There is such a small big brother!

Liang Zhi was very surprised. He always thought that the big brother was huge, like a big brick.

What he saw subverted his understanding, so he couldn't help asking: "Comrade salesman, this little one is also a big brother, can he make a phone call?"

The salesperson was very enthusiastic. He took out a "palm treasure" mobile phone from the counter and introduced it: "Not only can it make a big call, but it also has powerful functions..."

After listening to the salesperson's introduction, Liang Zhi was speechless secretly, thinking in his heart, today is an eye-opener, it turns out that it is a mobile phone, which is much bigger than his big brother.

This price...

Seeing the price tag of 19998 yuan, Liang Zhi exclaimed that this is something only super bosses can afford. Bosses of his level feel a lot of pressure with seven or eight thousand dollars.


As if he had been hit by an acupuncture point, he was stunned and motionless, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Such an expensive new mobile phone, someone bought two at a time, my God, bought two "palm treasures", two!
4 yuan!
After recovering for a long time, he saw Yang Fan take the ticket issued by the salesperson, and then saw Yang Fan go to the cash register to pay the bill.

Seeing Yang Fan take out stacks of thick banknotes from his bag, his heart trembled!
Rich man!

This is the real rich man!
There was no pressure to take out tens of thousands of dollars. The distance was not far away. Liang Zhi could see it clearly, and Yang Fan looked relaxed.

Liang Zhi had an impulse to go up and ask, Comrade, where did you get so much money from?
Really want to ask.

It's just that his rationality prevented him from doing this, and he watched Yang Fan hand over the receipt to the salesperson with envy, and then took the two mobile phones.

The styles are the same, but the colors are different, one is elegant black, and the other is maple red.

The salesperson Yuan was very polite and enthusiastic, and took two leather phone cases, "Sir, this is free, genuine leather, and the quality is very good."

Yang Fan took the two mobile phone cases, was dumbfounded, and took them away with a smile.

At the end of the 90s and until the beginning of the 21st century, it was very popular to put a mobile phone case on the waist belt and put a mobile phone inside, which is very fashionable.

Yang Fan knows this kind of fashion, but he is not going to do it for the time being, and he should get used to keeping his mobile phone in his pocket.

It has almost become a habit to put it in the pocket of clothes or trousers.

Now, we are all doing this, and there is no one who has a mobile phone case on his waist and a mobile phone on his waist.

The two free mobile phone cases are put in my handbag, and it is estimated that they will be rarely used in the future.

The same was true for Jiang Yan, who took a look at the maple-red mobile phone, liked it very much, was very happy, and then put it in her own bag.

Yang Fan's unintentional move, he put it in his pocket casually, Liang Zhi stared straight at it.


Isn't he afraid of dropping a mobile phone worth nearly 2 yuan just like that in his pocket?

Even if you're not afraid of falling, shouldn't it be pinned to your waist, the pager on the left and the cell phone on the right, what a face!
He didn't do that, just put it in his pocket like this!
Yang Fan didn't expect that an unintentional act of his would make others dumbfounded, and he didn't recover for a long time.

Yang Fan held Jiang Yan's hand, and the two happily left...


Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Yang Fan is answering the phone, using the "palm treasure" mobile phone he bought two days ago.

Luo Jianguo called from the capital. He called Yang Fan's office landline and also called Yang Fan's cell phone when he had something to do.

In his words, you Mr. Yang is a local tyrant, do you still care about these phone bills?

Yang Fan smiled, and didn't care about it anymore. After receiving a call on his mobile phone, he would never say, call my landline.

Sitting on the large and comfortable sofa, Yang Fan rested his feet comfortably on the coffee table in front of the sofa, and was answering the call.

"Commander Luo, are you really going to come here in person?"

Luo Jianguo said: "Of course, the launch of the first ship of the 054 ship, such a big event, not only I will come, but also a leader of the navy."

A leader of the Navy!
Yang Fan ran through the main leaders of the navy in his mind, and thought in his heart, he didn't know which leader it was.

No matter who came here, this specification is definitely very high, which also shows that the navy attaches great importance to the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

Luo Jianguo said: "The higher-ups are very satisfied with the 054 ship, and they are very concerned about the construction of the first ship. In order to reflect this importance, Dongjiang Shipyard will hold a grand and solemn launching ceremony..."

During the phone call, the two chatted for more than ten minutes, hung up the phone, and closed the phone. Yang Fan said with satisfaction, this phone is really good.

Thinking of the big brother I used before, I thought to myself, just put it in the drawer, it's a bit of a waste.

It is still worth a little money now, and in two or three years, with the emergence of various styles of mobile phones, such a big phone will be worthless. Few people will use such a large mobile phone, but a smaller one with better functions.

This is a bit of a waste...

Yang Fan said, give it to others.

As for the transfer, selling it, Yang Fan really has no such plan.On the one hand, it is troublesome to operate, and on the other hand, there is no shortage of money.

To whom?

Yang Fan went through the people around him in his mind, first he thought of his father-in-law, but he already had a mobile phone, and then thought of his mother-in-law.

She doesn't seem to need it either, so who should I give it to?
Yang Fan thought about Han Jiang.

As the deputy director of the Power System Design Office, he is busy with business and makes a lot of phone calls. He really needs a mobile phone, and this mobile phone can play the greatest role in his hands.

Well, give it to Han Jiang.

Having made up his mind, Yang Fan picked up the phone on his desk, dialed the number of the Power System Design Office, and called.

"Dude, come to my office."

Brother Fan summoned him, and of course Han Jiang came over without saying a word. He was so pissed, he said as soon as he entered the door: "Brother Fan, what do you want from me?"

He often comes to Yang Fan's office, he is very familiar with the situation here, and the relationship between the two is good, so he makes a cup of coffee by himself.

Yang Fan knew where to put the best coffee, so he made a cup of good coffee first, and sat down on the sofa with the coffee.

Thinking that it was a matter of the design of the power system of the 054 ship, Han Jiang said softly while drinking coffee: "Brother Fan, do you want to ask about the design improvement and perfection of the power system?"

Yang Fan is already considering the design of 054A, Han Jiang is relatively clear, he thinks it is something about this aspect.

Who knows, Yang Fan smiled and shook his head, "No, we don't talk about design."


Han Jiang was taken aback for a moment, and then said enthusiastically, "Brother Fan, what is it, tell me quickly."

Yang Fan said: "I have an obsolete item that I don't use, do you want it?"

Obsolete, unused things?
Han Jiang expressed that he was not very interested, and did not ask specifically what it was. He shook his head and said, "I don't think it should be necessary, I..."

Yang Fan interrupted: "Do you really want it? This is a good thing."

Han Jiang thought in his heart, should he ask what it is before talking about it? Hearing Brother Fan's tone, it seems that the thing is good.

Suddenly, Han Jiang saw the "palm treasure" mobile phone on the desk in Yang Fan's office.


That’s all for today’s update, it’s still written on my mobile phone, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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