Military Heavy

Chapter 475 This is cheating

Chapter 475 This is cheating
No one came to bother her, and she probably didn't dare to disturb her.

Yang Fan talked for more than an hour, and Lin Jianwei listened carefully for more than an hour. His notebook was full of records for several pages.

These are all Yang Fan's "speculation" and "analysis".

For these things, if it was before, Lin Jianwei might have been skeptical, but now he firmly believes, and his heart is full of excitement and shock.

Yang Fan successfully speculated that the Thai baht would depreciate severely, and the Thai government would announce that it would abandon the fixed exchange rate and implement a floating exchange rate. All of this happened. On the day the Thai government announced the abandonment of the fixed exchange rate, the exchange rate of the Thai baht to the US dollar fell by 17%. Financial markets are in turmoil.

According to Yang Fan's "analysis", this financial turmoil may be divided into three stages.

The first phase begins with the depreciation of the Thai baht, which will then spread to many countries in Southeast Asia.Under the influence of fluctuations in the Thai baht, the Philippine peso, Indonesian rupiah, and Malaysian ringgit have successively become targets of international speculators.

Yang Fan speculated that Malaysia might abandon its efforts to defend the ringgit.The traditionally strong Singapore dollar should also take a hit.Although Indonesia may be the latest country to be "infected", it may be the hardest hit.

In a few months, due to the impact of this financial crisis, South Korea and Japan will also be affected. The exchange rate of the Korean won against the US dollar may fall to a new record low, the yen will be affected, and a series of Japanese banks and securities companies may be affected. Will go bankrupt one after another, and the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia will evolve into the Asian financial crisis.

Yang Fan described the development of the financial turmoil in the first stage in more detail. As for the second and third stages, they are still far away, so Yang Fan didn't say anything.

In a few months, when the first phase of the financial turmoil is coming to an end, Yang Fan may tell Lin Jianwei some of his "analysis" and "speculation" about the second phase of the financial turmoil. It is too late to elaborate on those things now. morning.

On the same day, Lin Jianwei returned to Hong Kong Island in a low-key manner.

Sitting in his office, he was still immersed in that shock, as if he saw an unprecedented financial crisis.

Opening his notebook, he read the recorded things again, and then thought in his heart, with these things, it is simply a matter of opening and closing!
The future development trend is clear, and it is difficult not to make a lot of money!

I am extremely impressed.

The boss is really a genius!
The forecast and analysis are so detailed, there is no doubt that the accuracy rate must be extremely high. He said that the Thai baht will depreciate sharply, and it will depreciate sharply; he said that the Thai government will abandon the fixed exchange rate and implement a floating exchange rate, and it will implement a floating exchange rate.

This time, the boss said that after Thailand, the Philippine peso, Indonesian rupiah, and Malaysian ringgit will be targeted.

Malaysia would give up trying to defend the ringgit, the Singapore dollar would also take a hit, and Indonesia would be hardest hit.
With these in mind, Lin Jianwei was thinking about what to do next. As a professional, this would not trouble him.

In the future, all he has to do is to seize the opportunity, earn a sum of money for the boss, and lead the team to a big fight.

A few days later.

It was exactly as Yang Fan's "analysis" and "speculation" had, and it was exactly the same. The exchange rates of the Philippine peso, Indonesian rupiah, and Malaysian ringgit fluctuated significantly one after another, and then the exchange rate against the U.S. dollar dropped significantly. .

Lin Jianwei and his team are busy again, using the money in their hands to carry out a series of operations. Every day, the whole team members are excited.

Lin Jianwei saw that Yang Fan's "analysis" was not bad at all, and all the speculations appeared one after another, so he became more convinced and boldly carried out some operations.

He said more than once, this is cheating!
For a professional speculator, there is nothing more exciting than knowing the development direction of the market in advance, and it is [-]% part of the open series.

Since the last time he talked with Lin Jianwei in detail for more than an hour, Yang Fan seldom contacted Lin Jianwei.On the one hand, he knew that Lin Jianwei and others were very busy, on the other hand, he was very relieved of them and did not want to interfere with their operations.

Lin Jianwei would call to report to Yang Fan every now and then. In his words, he was full of admiration. In his mind, Yang Fan probably became his idol.

He may have thought in his heart more than once that the boss's vision is so powerful. In the financial market, he is completely at the level of a monster. It would be too wasteful for him not to play stocks and futures.

Time to enter August.

Sure enough, as Yang Fan "speculated", Malaysia really gave up its efforts to defend the ringgit, and the exchange rate of the ringgit against the US dollar fell off a cliff.

Because of "knowing" this situation in advance, Lin Jianwei's team made the layout early, and this time it will definitely make a lot of money again.

in the office.

Yang Fan received a call from Lin Jianwei again, and after hearing his report, he thought happily, this time he has made a fortune again, and he probably will never be short of money again in his life.

However, no one thinks too much money, such a good opportunity, will not let go of it, first earn billions, and sometimes, holding a large amount of capital is also a kind of strength.

"Well, Han Jiang's money can be returned to him."

Yang Fan was thinking about this matter, and was going to give him 100 million yuan with interest. Although he didn't make so much with the tens of thousands of yuan, it would be hard to say if it took a few months.

100 million is probably enough!
He can step into the ranks of millionaires at once, and the 1997 million in 100 is still very valuable. It is estimated that he will not worry about food and clothing in his life.

Go to work in the afternoon.

The first thing Yang Fan did was to pick up the phone and inform Han Jiang to come to his office.

In just a few minutes, Han Jiang came over happily. He had a principle, as long as Brother Fan called him, no matter how busy he was, he had to put it down.

As the deputy director of the power system design room, he is still quite busy. He originally planned to hold a meeting as soon as he got to work in the afternoon, but it was already notified in the morning, and Han Jiang would preside over it himself.

As soon as he received Yang Fan's call, he immediately canceled the meeting, opened the door and walked into Yang Fan's office.

"Brother Fan, you are looking for me."

Yang Fan nodded, motioned him to sit down, and reminded: "Your 6000 yuan has been left with me for more than a month."

Han Jiang quickly waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I'm not in a hurry to spend a lot of money now, and it will be fine if I leave it with you for a few months."

Yang Fan smiled comfortably, Han Jiang is really a buddy, this is tens of thousands of dollars, it is definitely a huge sum of money for ordinary people, and it is also Han Jiang's entire net worth, he is so relieved, not only does not mention the IOU, but usually Don't mention it at all.

It seems that there is no such thing, which shows how relieved he is to Yang Fan.

Yang Fan said: "I took your money to play in the stock market and made a lot of money. When the time comes, I will pay you back the principal with interest."

Han Jiang said: "There's no rush, it doesn't matter if it's a few months later."

Yang Fan smiled, opened the drawer, and took out the cash check that he had prepared a long time ago, "The money is here, I need to trouble you to go to the bank to cash them."

At first, what Han Jiang gave was cash, bundles of hundred-yuan bills, but now, what Yang Fan gave was cash checks.

In fact, I also considered giving cash, but when I think about it, a full 100 million in cash is indeed a bit too much, and it is better to give cash checks.

Han Jiang got up and took the cash check with both hands.

He thought that it was just over a month, and even if Brother Fan gave considerable interest, it should be only one or two thousand more. Maybe, it might be rounded up, probably 8 yuan.

He believes that with Fan's boldness and generosity, it is really possible to pay 8 yuan with profit.

In just over a month, there was an extra 8 yuan, including [-] yuan in profit. Han Jiang thought that if this was the case, Brother Fan would be too polite.

After receiving the cash check, Han Jiang was immediately dumbfounded.

Oh my God!

So many zeros!

This is a full 10 yuan! ! !

When I saw the capital letters, I almost trembled, and the check almost fell on the ground. It was not 10 yuan, but 100 million!
Just missed a zero.

(End of this chapter)

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