Military Heavy

Chapter 525 Acting Director

Chapter 525 Acting Director

Shen Changhai knocked on the door and entered Yang Fan's office, and happened to be seen by Xiao Sun, who was in charge. He rubbed his eyes, thinking he had misread.

That's right!

It's really Deputy Director Shen.

God what did I see!
Today was his first day in office, how could it be possible that he knocked on the door and walked into Deputy Director Yang's office.How is it possible!

Shen Changhai had already opened the door and entered, Xiao Sun was still there in a daze, and it took a while to recover, unable to calmly return to his big office.

Many people in the big office were working, and no one noticed Xiao Sun's abnormal expression at first, and Lao Liu also saw it by accident.

Feeling that there seemed to be something wrong with Xiaosun, Lao Liu hurriedly asked with concern, "Xiaosun, what's the matter, what's the matter like this?"

Xiao Sun took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and said, "Brother Liu, just now I saw Deputy Director Shen knock on the door and enter Deputy Director Yang's office."

There is such a thing!
Old Liu was surprised at first, and then asked, "You are not mistaken, it is indeed Deputy Director Shen who knocked on the door and entered Deputy Director Yang's office."

The sound was a bit loud, and the big office was originally relatively quiet, so many people heard it.

Many people stopped working and looked towards this side with astonishment.

Xiao Sun said affirmatively: "That's right, I'm definitely not mistaken."

Old Liu is thoughtful, that's it.
Some of them were more gossipy, especially those who were very interested in such things, so they immediately came over and kept asking.

Xiao Sun recounted the scene he saw again, and gradually, the big office became lively, and it was no longer as quiet as it was just now.

"This is interesting. Deputy Director Shen went to Deputy Director Yang's office on the first day he took office."

"Tell me, is this a demonstration against Deputy Director Yang?"

"Well, there is a possibility that Deputy Director Shen will be transferred, and it is likely that he will take over the top leader. Maybe he wants to beat Deputy Director Yang."

"I don't think so, whether he can really be the top leader, the horoscope has not been written yet."


The big office was bustling, especially with a few people spitting, talking about this matter as if they had been stimulanted.

Compared with the hustle and bustle here, Yang Fan's office is much quieter.

Yang Fan and Shen Changhai chatted.

There is no tension as everyone imagined, no smell of gunpowder, it is really like chatting with old friends.

Why is the atmosphere so good?
The main reason was that Shen Changhai seemed very humble, with a very low profile. Where some people guessed that he was here to demonstrate, it seemed that he came to visit specially.

With such a good attitude, Yang Fan naturally wouldn't put on airs and seemed very enthusiastic.

Shen Changhai said: "Director Yang, you are really amazing. The design of 054A is very good, representing the highest level of our domestic frigate design."

Yang Fan said: "This is the result of everyone's joint efforts. The design of 054A is finally not satisfactory, and it did not disappoint us."

The two chatted about the 054 ship.

Between the lines, it is not difficult to hear Shen Changhai's yearning for this missile frigate. He even said that it would be great if he could participate in the design and development of the 054 ship.

"Director Yang, I am also engaged in frigates. It is a great pity in my life that I failed to participate in the design and development of the most advanced guided missile frigate in China."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "You are working here now, as the deputy director. In the future, you will have the opportunity to participate in the design of the 054 ship, including future perfection, improvement, upgrade, etc."

"Really, I really can!"

Shen Changhai was very pleasantly surprised, and he was really worried that Yang Fan would exclude him from the Type 054 ship and prevent him from participating in the design work of the future improvement and upgrade of the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

it's good now.

A stone in my heart can fall to the ground.

Shen Changhai finally told the truth about why he was transferred to work in Donghai.

"Director Yang, you may find it rather strange why I was transferred to Donghai Institute at this time."

Yang Fan nodded lightly, feeling a little strange indeed, and didn't know the actual reason.

Shen Changhai said: "It's actually very simple. Many people have been transferred or their jobs have been adjusted during the big integration this time. I saw this opportunity and specially submitted a written application, hoping to work in Donghai Institute."

"Why do you have to come to the Donghai Institute? Because this is not only the cradle of design for the Type 052 guided missile destroyer, but also the Type 054 guided missile frigate. I think there is a lot to do here, and I can participate in the design of these two ships. Come, then It's something I've dreamed of.”

"At the beginning, I encountered a lot of difficulties after submitting the written application, but I persevered and persisted. Finally, I was transferred and joined the big team of Donghai Institute."

That's it!

Yang Fan finally understood what was going on.

Just to put it bluntly, how could a deputy director be transferred over suddenly at this period? It turned out that Shen Changhai himself applied for it on his own initiative.

Since this is the case, it is not what other people guessed at all, it is not here to pick peaches at all, Yang Fan feels inexplicably relieved.

Shen Changhai has always been very modest, maybe he guessed that after Pan Jinfu was promoted, Yang Fan would probably take over.

In addition, he really admired Yang Fan very much, he didn't dare to have the slightest airs, and kept his posture very low, which made him appear more humble.

Sitting here with Yang Fan for about half an hour, the two chatted about a lot of things, the focus of which was of course the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

Shen Changhai asked a lot about the design of the 054 ship, and had an in-depth understanding. He said that it was just right to work at the Donghai Institute. Two ships.

When Shen Changhai got up to say goodbye, Yang Fan especially warmly sent him to the door.

After get off work in the afternoon.

Yang Fan drove home, first had dinner at his father-in-law's house, and then returned to his own home, sitting on the sofa and preparing to watch TV for a while.

Jiang Yan was also sitting on the sofa, and couldn't help asking with concern, "Brother Fan, I heard that a new deputy director has been transferred to your institute, so he's here to take over the position of Director Pan, right?"

Even Jiang Yan knew about this.

It can be seen that she is very concerned about Yang Fan's work, and she probably hopes that Yang Fan can go further and become the leader of the Donghai Institute.

Yang Fan nodded lightly, "Well, it is true that a deputy director was transferred, but not to take over the position of director Pan."

Jiang Yan didn't believe it at all, and suggested: "Brother Fan, in terms of ability and level, the position of director is yours. If you don't become the director this time, we won't do it. Just go back to Hongtai Group to be yours." The boss is much nicer."

Yang Fan shook his head and said, "How can I have such an idea? The shipbuilding business is my lifelong pursuit. No matter what difficulties I encounter, I will never give up."

Jiang Yan understood his husband quite well, knowing that the possibility of persuading Yang Fan to return to Hongtai Group as the boss was almost zero, so he stopped persuading him.

I just sighed softly, feeling a little lost in my heart.

Yang Fan pulled Jiang Yan over, hugged him gently, and said softly: "Don't think too much, the position of director should be mine."

In order not to worry his wife, Yang Fan simply reviewed Pan Jinfu's recommendation and Shen Changhai's application for transfer.

After listening, Jiang Yan was surprised and completely relieved.

"Brother Fan, that's great, it made me worry for nothing."

Yang Fan smiled happily.

Several days passed.

The East China Sea Institute is still not peaceful, especially after Shen Changhai took office, all kinds of discussions behind the scenes have not stopped, and many people think that Shen Changhai is likely to be the leader in the future.

Sometimes, Shen Changhai really wanted to explain, but every time he swallowed the words, it was really hard for him to explain this kind of thing.

As a result, some quiet discussions never stopped, some words drifted into Shen Changhai's ears, and he could only smile helplessly.

All kinds of discussions have never stopped, and there are always some good people who will talk about it behind their backs.

This kind of discussion didn't come to an abrupt end until a formal appointment and dismissal document came out!

It was written very clearly in the document that Yang Fan acted as the director.

That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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