Chapter 97

Yang Fan showed a dignified look, standing by the side, watching Gilman and Andrew seriously as they troubleshoot.

Obviously, both of them are very professional.

But even so, there is a feeling of being overwhelmed, and the root cause of the problem has not been found.As the director and the person in charge of the delivery of this LM2500 gas turbine, Gilman felt a little bit crazy.

It is estimated that Andrew is similar, and it will not be easier than Gilman.

God, what is the problem? ? ?
Damn, we've been ruling it out for hours and still have no clue.

Yang Fan didn't know what was going on in Gilman's mind for the time being, but it could be seen from his expression that he was not relaxed and was under a lot of pressure.

About two or three 10 minutes later, Yang Fan also patiently stood by and watched the two or three 10 minutes.

Gilman was finally defeated, with a look of discouragement on his face.

"Chen, let me take a break, and let us think about where the problem is." Gilman said to Chen Shaohua.

Even Gilman looked at Yang Fan.

Yesterday, he was so impressed with Yang Fan that he never expected that some Orientals would be so familiar with the LM2500 gas turbine and pick out so many faults at once, even the problem of insufficient turnaround time was discovered by Yang Fan.

and many more! ! !

Gilman suddenly had the feeling of grasping at straws, lowered his posture, and asked for help in his tone, "Yang, can you give us some advice, what is the problem?"

Andulu next to him was stunned.

After regaining his senses, he said in his heart, what happened to Mr. Gilman, we two have been busy for so long and haven't found out where the problem is, how could Yang Fan know?

To his surprise, Yang Fan nodded.

"Mr. Gilman, I have roughly several inferences in my mind, where the problem may lie."

what! ! !
Inferred where the problem is!
Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Andrew stared at Yang Fan dumbfounded, seriously suspecting that he had misheard, but Yang Fan actually said that he roughly knew what the problem was.

After watching it for so long, and knowing the LM2500 gas turbine very well, Yang Fan really deduced several possibilities, but he still can't be sure, and needs to check and verify.

When he was at the pier yesterday, Yang Fan turned the rotor of the gas turbine by himself, and Yang Fan also discovered the lack of rotation.

Based on the hand feel at that time, coupled with the idle rotation, the rotor of the gas turbine did not have any obvious sticking phenomenon, so there should be no problems with the main parts that make up the rotor, such as the bearings, the fan blades, and the pressure plates of the compressor. There will be rubbing phenomenon, and there should be no problem with parts such as sealing ring and ruler.

Where is the problem most likely to arise?
Accessory drive mechanism!

The problem is most likely to lie there, this is Yang Fan's inference.

Whether it is true or not requires careful inspection.

Gilman was really like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw and seeing hope all at once.

If he can't solve the problem and needs GE to send someone from the United States, it will not only be a shame, but his ability will be questioned by his superiors.

"Yang, you really know roughly where the problem is!" Gilman asked hopefully, even a little excited deep in his heart.

Beside Chen Shaohua, Ma Jun, Hu Shijun, Kang Hua, etc., including the technicians and workers on Donghai Shipbuilding, looked at Yang Fan one after another.

At this moment, Yang Fan has become the absolute focus, everyone's eyes are focused on Yang Fan, and everyone's eyes have different meanings.

Chen Shaohua's eyes seemed to say, "Director Yang, do you really know what the problem is?"

Ma Jun's eyes seemed to say, "Director Yang really has two tricks, the Yankees can't figure out where the problem is, and he actually knows."

Kang Hua's eyes seemed to say, "Our Director Yang is not bragging, so don't exaggerate."

Hu Shijun
Faced with so many gazes, Yang Fan didn't feel nervous or guilty, but said confidently, "I'll check first, and then I'll give you the answer."

Gilman nodded and quickly moved out of his position.

Yang Fan walked to the front of the gas turbine, started to turn the fan blades, and said loudly: "Everyone be quiet, keep absolutely quiet."

Chen Shaohua waved his hands quickly and shouted at the top of his voice, "Don't talk, don't make a sound, don't affect Director Yang."

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Yesterday at the Donghai Port Wharf, the scene was quite noisy, with all kinds of noises. It is different here. This is an empty workshop. After everyone quiets down, it really quiets down.

Yang Fan turned his fan blades and pricked up his ears.

What is this doing?

Of course, it is to listen to whether there is any abnormal sound, and focus on listening to the abnormal sound of the accessory mechanism.


It seems that there is such an abnormal sound coming from the accessory mechanism, but it is inaudible, and I am not sure, maybe my ears have heard it wrong.

The people around held their breaths!

In order to hear more clearly, Yang Fan put his ear almost on the attachment mechanism, and then reached out and turned the fan blade gently.

This time I heard it very clearly, this abnormal, inaudible "click" sound came from the attachment mechanism, there is nothing wrong with it!
When the gas turbine is working, the rotor rotates at high speed, and the huge power is transmitted through the gears in the attachment mechanism. Yang Fan can drive these gears for transmission by gently turning the fan blades like this.

Of course, Yang Fan knows what the sound of the gear transmission is like, and there is absolutely no such soft "click" sound.

There is a problem with the gear transmission in the accessory drive mechanism!

Definitely the problem here!

Yang Fan was almost [-]% sure. Then, he moved his ears away from the attachment mechanism and looked at Gilman and Andrew meaningfully.

What does it mean?
How can you look at the people of General Electric with such eyes.

Chen Shaohua wondered, Ma Jun couldn't understand, and Kang Hua and Hu Shijun were also at a loss.

Our director Yang has found out the problem, what is wrong with this gas turbine, why does he put his ear on the attachment mechanism and listen for a while? This is the expression.

Everyone thought so in their hearts.

In fact, Yang Fan was still a little angry in his heart. This is a gas turbine that we bought at a high price. Even though it is only used for teaching and training, it is still a LM2500 gas turbine manufactured by General Electric.

There was no test run when it left the factory, and it was shipped like this after it was installed.

After listening with his ears for a while, Yang Fan had a good idea, and he had judged that such a slight "click" sound should be due to poor gear transmission, and the cause of poor transmission was mostly foreign objects in the attachment mechanism.

Like aero-engines, gas turbines, etc., the occurrence of foreign objects is a very small probability event, because they must pass the test run before leaving the factory, and once there are foreign objects, they can be found before leaving the factory.

There may be foreign objects in the accessory mechanism of this LM2500 gas turbine, which may not have been tested, or at most it was only a hasty test, so that this problem was not found.

When Gilman saw Yang Fan like this, he felt a little nervous and felt weak for a while.

"Yang me."

Yang Fan sighed softly, something has already happened, blindly blaming him, even grabbing Gilman and scolding him all over the head can't solve the problem, what needs to be done now is to troubleshoot as soon as possible, of course, not too much Cheaper for Americans.

"Mr. Gilman, I think the malfunction has been found."

Gilman, who was feeling guilty for a while, immediately put the guilt behind him, as long as the fault is found, as long as it is found!
For him, this is more important than anything else.

"Really, that's great!"

Gilman felt relieved, and obvious surprise appeared on his face.

Yang Fan smiled meaningfully again, and said lightly: "I found out the fault problem. I had no obligation to help you find the fault problem. This is not within the scope of my duties."

What does it mean? ? ?
Gilman felt that his brain circuit was not enough, and he couldn't react for a while, and didn't understand what Yang Fan meant by these words.

(End of this chapter)

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