small farmer

Chapter 1001 Cobblestone Painting

Chapter 1001 Cobblestone Painting (22)

"Little guys, let's go home!" Zhang Feng just picked up a basket of stones, so he shouted to the little guys running all over the river.

"Let's go home!"

"Oh, you little stones, wait for me!" One of the impatient Maoya shoes ran away, and quickly picked it up and put it on again.
"Hee hee, hurry up!" Xiao Shitou and Erdan turned their heads and waved to Mao Ya.

After returning home with his three children, Zhang Feng poured the stones into a basin to clean them, and then dried the pebbles one by one with a rag.

After the water on the cobblestones evaporated, Zhang Feng took out his brushes and paints from the study and prepared to start painting.

"Crazy brother, do you want to draw?" The little guys tilted their heads with curiosity on their faces.

"Well, yes, I want to draw something nice on the pebbles!" Zhang Feng said with a slight smile.

"Huh? You can draw on rocks?" Hearing what the madman said, the little ones were all shocked.

"Of course, you will know soon!" Zhang Feng smiled mysteriously, and then continued: "Which one of you will come first?"

"Me! I'll come first..."

"Oh, let me go first!"

The little guys quarreled again, all for the first place.

"Okay, stop arguing, let Mao Ya come first!" Hearing the twittering of the little guys, Zhang Feng quickly stopped them.

"Hee hee, madman brother, you are so kind!" Mao Ya grabbed the first one and smiled happily.

Maoya's pebbles are round at one end and pointed at the other, and can be made into a tumbler that looks like a clown.

Picking up this cobblestone, Zhang Feng already has a plan in mind, and now he uses a pencil to draw the outline of the clown on the stone, and then draws in a segmented meeting.

Pointy hats, red faces and noses, small eyes, these are quickly formed under Zhang Feng's brush, the eyes of the little guys are getting brighter and brighter, and finally the mouth is wide open, looking stunned, completely unexpected a piece of dust Such a beautiful stone can actually draw such beautiful things!

"Okay, how do you like it?" About 5 minutes later, Zhang Feng put down his brush and asked Mao Ya with a smile.

"Hee hee, I like it, Maoya likes it so much!" Maoya was overwhelmed with surprise, she didn't expect the lunatic to draw such a beautiful thing for herself.

Seeing that Mao Ya was about to reach out to grab it in a hurry, Zhang Feng quickly stopped her: "Hey! Wait a minute, it's not dry yet, don't spoil it!"

"Ah, I haven't done it yet!" Although Mao Ya was a little disappointed, she still stared closely at her clown stone, with joy in her eyes.

Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, and said to Er Dan, "Er Dan, bring your stone here!"

"Okay madman!" Erdan happily handed him the stone.

Although Xiao Shitou was in a hurry, he had no choice but to stand quietly by the side and wait, watching the lunatic brother paint Erdan.

Erdan's stone is a natural arhat stone, which is easy to process, but Zhang Feng does not intend to draw arhat on it, because it is too serious and mature, and it is different from children's hobbies, so he plans to paint it on it A cartoon-like little monk, Erdan should like it very much.

First of all, Zhang Feng put the stone map on a white background, and then painted on it. The little monk's round head, rosy face, and cute big eyes and small nose, under Zhang Feng's paintbrush, one by one A little bit of display appeared, and finally there was a white novice suit with distinct folds,

The whole painting looks full of three-dimensional sense, lifelike, just like the characters in the animation come to reality.

"Hehe..." Seeing the little monk that madman drew for him, Erdan kept giggling, very satisfied.

"Oh! It's finally me!" Xiao Shitou, who had been waiting for the flowers to wither, finally showed a smile.

"Haha, you are indispensable! Quickly bring your stone!" Seeing the cute appearance of the little guy, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Hee hee..." The little guy quickly handed him the stone, and then laughed happily.

Knowing that the little guy couldn't wait any longer, Zhang Feng didn't delay, and immediately started drawing for the little guy.

Small stone pebbles are less common and are a flat oval stone that looks like a tropical fish.

It is also very easy to draw, because the shape has already determined what kind of painting it is suitable for, and it is none other than tropical fish.

Tropical fish are bright and colorful. Seeing how beautiful the pictures on his stone are, the little guy was pleasantly surprised, and his face was full of smiles.

In less than 5 minutes, a lifelike tropical fish appeared in front of everyone.

"It's done, you can take it away when it's done!"

"Yeah! Long live the lunatic brother!" Xiao Shitou hugged Zhang Feng excitedly.

The little guy smirked, squatting on the edge of his cobblestone with a face full of joy, pouted his mouth, and blew lightly, trying to dry the paint on the stone quickly.

"Crazy brother, you draw really well!"

"Really? Maoya, do you want to learn?"

"But...but I don't have a paintbrush..." The little girl tilted her head and said in a bit of embarrassment.

"Hehe, it's okay, just watch me draw!" Zhang Feng smiled, and picked up a flat pebble the size of an egg.

This cobblestone Zhang Feng plans to draw a seven-star ladybug on it. Before painting, Zhang Feng first draws the outline on it with a pencil, and then draws every part and detail with a brush.

One or two... Zhang Feng drew five or six in a row
Feeling that it was almost done, Zhang Feng painted other insects, such as beetles, scarabs, unicorns, etc. The whole is a Zerg series, and seeing the little ones is very eye-catching.

"Brother crazy, can you give me one?"

"And me, and me!"

The little guys asked Zhang Feng one after another, looking forward to it.

Seeing the little guys looking at him eagerly, Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile, and gave another small insect to each of them.

"Hee hee, crazy brother, you are so kind!"

Mao Ya finally chose a seven-star ladybug for herself, because it was the most beautiful and colorful, and the little girl couldn't put it down when she got it.

The other two little guys were holding an insect each, with silly smiles on their faces, and their hearts were filled with joy. This is much more fun than plastic toys!
The little ones played for a while, and their stomachs growled with hunger, so they took their pebble paintings and went home to eat happily.

Zhang Feng also packed up his brushes and paints, ready to make dinner.

Meow meow……

woof woof

Smelling the scent coming from the kitchen, the gluttons all ran over and surrounded Zhang Feng, waiting for the master to prepare delicious food for them.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Zhang Feng made rice for them with vegetable soup first, then added some meat and vegetables, and dismissed the group of foodies like this.

Then Xiao Miao and Da Hei Xiao Hei ate with relish.

(End of this chapter)

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