small farmer

Chapter 1011 Being Criticized

Chapter 1011 Being Criticized (22)

After sending batch after batch of brats
Zhang Feng couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. These skinny monkeys are really thick-skinned, and they couldn't refuse to give gifts when they came to ask for gifts. Fortunately, he bought a lot of snacks, otherwise he really didn't know how to deal with these little guys.

"Crazy brother! Crazy brother..."

Hearing the cry again from outside the courtyard, Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile wryly, and saw that it was time to leave school, no wonder the ducklings rushed over.

Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing when he saw the wobbly faces of the little guys. He knew exactly what these monkeys were up to, and they must have come here when they heard that they were handing out gifts today!
But Zhang Feng was still going to tease these little guys: "Little duck, can you get out of school?"

"Yeah, it's almost twelve o'clock now, of course school is over!" Although the little guy was itchy, he still couldn't help it. He wanted to ask the crazy brother for a gift directly, but he was a little embarrassed, and didn't know what to do for a while. It's good to do it.

Da Mao and Tie Dan also looked at each other, but in the end the three of them didn't ask for it, and could only play in the room by themselves.

Zhang Feng thought that the little guys were really calm, but within 2 minutes, the little duck finally spoke, but the little guy was not so direct, but asked sideways:
"Crazy brother, did you go to the provincial capital to buy a lot of delicious and fun things?"

"Well, do you want it?" Hearing what the little guy said, Zhang Feng finally smiled.

"Hee hee, I want it! Of course I want it!" The three of them were very excited and jumped up immediately.

Zhang Feng also stopped teasing them, and went back to the house to take out the prepared gifts.

One of them gave a small Transformer and a handful of candies. The little ones were very happy when they got the presents. Although the presents were not as good as Maoya and Xiaoshi, the three of them were very satisfied.

"Thank you madman!"

"Thank you madman!"

The little guys got the gifts, thanked the crazy brother happily, and then ran home happily.

"Xiaofeng has eaten!" As soon as the little ones left, the elder sister walked in.

The business of the homestay has not been good in the past two days. It may be that New Year's Day has just passed and everyone is busy with work, so the number of tourists in the village has suddenly decreased, less than half of what it used to be.

In the past, even in the off-season, the occupancy rate of Shanshui Farmhouse could reach [-]%, but in the past two days, the occupancy rate was only [-]% to [-]%, and there were only five or six tourists a day, and the business of the restaurant was much worse. I can't come here, but there are only a dozen guests today, and it's over early after cooking a few dishes.

This is not a bad business, the time for eating today is much earlier.

Zhang Feng responded and called the kittens and puppies at home.

"Da Hei and Xiao Hei take your jobs! Don't forget Xiao Miao and yours too!"

Meow... woof...

All of a sudden, the house became lively, and the foodie dogs and cats quickly crawled out of the warm nest, and ran to the next door with their rice bowls in their mouths.

Seeing the appearance of the three little guys, Zhang Feng couldn't help shaking his head: "These three little bastards don't know how to wait for me."

After closing the door, Zhang Feng quickly walked towards the restaurant.


That night
Uncle once again informs everyone to go to the village committee for a meeting

Everyone was at a loss, and they were very curious about the content of today's meeting, because there seems to be nothing going on in the village recently?
When Zhang Feng came to the meeting room, he found that the atmosphere inside was not right. He looked up at the rostrum, and saw his uncle sitting there with a serious face.

The villagers below were also silent. Even if some spoke, their voices were very low, for fear of causing the uncle to go crazy.

Zhang Feng went to Er Niu Shu and Zhang Yi and sat down, then asked Er Niu Uncle in a low voice:

"What's wrong? Why is the atmosphere so serious today?"

"I don't know, but I don't think it's a good thing!" Uncle Er Niu shook his head.

Hearing this, Zhang Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes. You don't need to say it, the uncle's face in the stands can tell, okay?

"Everyone is here, right? Where's the bridge? Has it arrived yet?" Seeing that almost everyone had arrived, the uncle stood up and glanced at the audience with a haughty face.

Hearing what the uncle said, he raised one hand timidly, and at the same time answered in a low voice.

Seeing this situation, everyone had some guesses in their hearts, thinking that the village head must deal with Uncle Daqiao's addiction to playing mahjong and gambling.

Sure enough, the village head slapped the table!
"Hmph, I've been giving you repeated orders, telling you to play less mahjong, let alone gamble, but some people go in one ear and out the other, pretending they didn't hear it..."

"Especially this morning, I only warned some people, but in the afternoon he fell into a gambling addiction, and even sneaked to the next village to gamble, okay, you are very rich, and lost 10 yuan in one afternoon."

Hearing that someone lost 10 yuan, everyone couldn't help but gasp, my dear, 10 yuan, how much farm work does it take to earn it.

"Daqiao!" The uncle trembled with anger when he said this, he slammed the table and shouted to Uncle Daqiao loudly.

"You said, did I warn you today??"

"Brother, I was wrong, I really don't gamble anymore, I swear to God that I really don't gamble again..." Uncle Daqiao stood up dejectedly, and assured his uncle with a bitter face.

"Hmph, I won't gamble anymore. I might as well believe that sows can climb trees?" The uncle snorted coldly, knowing that the gambler's addiction to gambling is not so easy to quit. If he doesn't give some unforgettable lessons, he Where can I quit.

"After discussing with the village committee and your family, the following punishment decision has been made on you"

"First, write a [-]-character written guarantee to the village committee and family members, and report to the whole village"

"Second, a fine of 1 yuan"

"Third, the cooperative will be warned once, and if it is committed again, its membership will be suspended"

"Are you willing to accept these punishments?" After reading the punishment, the uncle looked at Uncle Daqiao coldly and asked.

"I obey, I obey the decision of the village committee!" Uncle Daqiao lowered his head and nodded dejectedly.

"Hmph, just accept it, and correct it, or next time..." The uncle snorted coldly, and then warned the villagers below.

"Don't take chances. Our village likes to play mahjong and gamble a lot. I won't name them all here,"

"Next, let me talk about the latest regulations on playing mahjong..."

"First, each win or loss of playing mahjong should not exceed five yuan, and second, the time spent playing mahjong should not exceed three hours a day..."


Hearing the latest regulations in the village, those who like to play mahjong have bitter faces, knowing that the good days in the future are gone.

As for those who participate in gambling, it is even worse. As long as the amount exceeds 1000 yuan, the membership of the cooperative will be suspended immediately. In addition, they will be fined and publicly reviewed.

If he refuses to change after repeated admonitions, there will be more and more severe punishments. Hearing this, the villagers are all awe-inspiring, knowing that the village chief is serious this time!

(End of this chapter)

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