small farmer

Chapter 1013 One Strike Instant Kill

Chapter 1013 One Trick to Kill (22)

Everyone walked for another ten minutes

Dahei stopped suddenly, looking at the woods in front of him warily.

There is a situation! !

Everyone stopped, clutching their shoulder poles and big knives tightly, ready to defend against the wild boar's surprise attack at any time.

Only Zhang Feng looks the most relaxed, because he is confident in his own strength, even if he fights against the wild boar one-on-one, he will definitely win in the end.

Gradually, the sound of wild boar humming came from the woods not far away. Everyone tensed up when they heard it, and the timid fat man trembled with his hands. If there were not so many people around, he would definitely run away.

Zhang Feng signaled everyone to hide. Fortunately, there are rocks nearby. Everyone quickly climbed onto the boulder and watched Zhang Feng approaching the wild boar step by step.

There are two big wild boars, one male and one female. The boar weighs about 150 jin, the wild boar weighs about [-] jin, and there are three small wild boars of [-] to [-] jin. Yes, unaware of the imminent danger.

After spotting the leisurely wild boar not far away, Zhang Feng didn't act immediately, because Dahei had already approached quietly, his eyes full of murderous intent, and he was ready to attack at any time.

at that moment
A black bolt of lightning rushed towards the largest wild boar, rushed in front of the wild boar in three or two steps, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the wild boar's neck with one bite.

Aww... Aww...

Before the big wild boar could react, it was bitten by one bite, and then screamed miserably, and several other wild boars in the wild boar herd also fled in panic.

Although the wild boar was bitten by Dahei, he didn't accept his fate. Instead, he became even crazier and led Dahei on a rampage.

After getting rid of Dahei's bite, the wild boar wanted to escape. At this moment, Zhang Feng finally made a move. The cold steel fork in his hand, like a dragon sailing into the sea, plunged into the wild boar's wound in an instant.

oooooooo! ! !
The wild boar couldn't react in time, and was stabbed by the steel fork. The sharp steel fork pierced through the thick pig skin and fat, almost piercing the wild boar's neck.

The huge inertia of the steel fork pushed the wild boar to the ground, and suffered such serious injuries. The blood-red blood rushed like running water. The wild boar struggled for a long time, staggered a few steps, and finally fell in a pool of blood among!
"Dahei, are you okay?" Seeing that the wild boar had fallen to the ground, Zhang Feng hurried over to check on Dahei's injuries.

Woooooo... The poor big black eyes looked at the master helplessly, as if saying, Master, I have something to do, my whole body hurts to death!

Zhang Feng looked carefully, and found that Dahei had no trauma at all, so he let him walk a few more steps, and preliminarily determined that he had not suffered any serious injuries, but that he had been knocked down, and some fell to his waist, just rest for a while.

Fuck!That's it! !A complete instant kill!
Zhang Feng and Dahei, one person and one dog, took down such a big wild boar in one shot, and the people hiding not far away opened their mouths wide, terrified beyond measure.

Is this still a boar?I'm afraid it's not Hello Kitty, otherwise how can it be done so easily? ? ?With one move, he was caught in seconds!
A group of people were still in a daze, and they never expected that Zhang Feng and Dahei would take down the ferocious big wild boar with one move.

"How long are you going to hide, hurry up and help!" Zhang Feng turned around, saw everyone still crawling on the rocks in a daze, and immediately smiled and shook his head and shouted.

"Ah... good good good good good good good!" Several people finally woke up, and when they saw the wild boar on the ground, they all cheered and rushed over.

"Tsk tsk! You are such a beast! You almost nailed the wild boar to the ground with one fork!" Er Niu uncle looked at Zhang Feng and said with a smile after kicking the wild boar on the ground.

Hearing Uncle Er Niu's words, Zhang Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes, thinking that you are the animal.

"Xiaofeng, what kind of feed did you grow up on? Your strength is even worse than that of a wild boar!" Uncle Dashan also said with a smile.

"I'm taking Shiquan Dabu Wan. If you want to eat it, I'll make one for you." As he said that, Zhang Feng stretched out his hand to the creaking nest, like Monk Jigong, ready to rub some elixir for everyone .

"Go away, don't be disgusting, kid, okay?"

Seeing Zhang Feng's actions, Uncle Er Niu slapped him on the back, and the others shook their heads and walked away.

Then everyone came to the wild boar, looking at the big wild boar on the ground, their faces were full of joy.

"Tsk tsk, this wild boar should weigh more than 200 catties."

"Well, it weighs about 150 to [-] catties. If the blood is removed and the internal organs are removed, the meat should weigh about [-] catties."

"Okay, Ah Hong, bring the butcher's knife you brought over, and quickly bleed the wild boar!"

"Okay! Look at me!"

Ah Hong took out the shining butcher knife and stabbed the wild boar in the neck.

The next moment, a stream of red and black blood flowed out.

The wild boar should be bled as soon as possible after death, otherwise the blood will remain in the meat and affect the quality and taste of the pork.

"Quick! Uncle Er Niu, bring the rope!"

Then everyone hurriedly tied up the wild boar, put on the shoulder poles, carried by Uncle Dashan and Uncle Erniu, and walked back quickly.

Zhang Feng walked last, covering the bloodstains on the ground with soil, otherwise the nearby beasts might catch up with them smelling the blood.

"Dahei, let's go!" After dealing with the blood on the ground, Zhang Feng waved and chased everyone with Dahei.

After resting for such a long time, Dahei finally recovered, became alive and kicking again, followed his master quickly through the mountain forest, and walked out of the mountain with big strides.

After everyone left, there was silence in the woods. The herd of wild boars had already fled without a trace, and they might never dare to come back here again.

No matter where the wild boars escaped to, it had nothing to do with everyone. Everyone wanted to go back to the village as soon as possible.

"Xiaofeng Zhangyi, you two, come and change!" After walking for about an hour on the mountain road, Uncle Dashan and Uncle Erniu finally couldn't hold on, and quickly asked them to change shifts.

As for Pangdun and Ah Hong, as long as they can walk back, they are fine. If they want to lift a big wild boar weighing more than 200 kilograms, they will probably be tired and lie on the ground after just two steps.

Zhang Feng and his brother were also unambiguous, they insisted on practicing gymnastics, not to mention Zhang Feng himself, as far as that cousin is concerned, the strength of the sound is beyond everyone's imagination.

So the two carried the big wild boar with relaxed expressions, as if they were carrying a ball of cotton. Uncle Dashan and Uncle Er Niu shook their heads, thinking that they were really two animals, and they couldn't compare.

The journey went very smoothly, and everyone finally rushed back to the village before dark.

When everyone had just carried the wild boar into the courtyard of Uncle Erniu's house, the villagers who heard the news quickly filled the courtyard and rushed to watch the excitement, becoming melon-eating crowds.

"What a big wild boar, it's probably about three hundred catties!"

"What's that look on your face? This pig can weigh three hundred catties and I'll swallow it alive!"

"Haha, do you still want to swallow it alive?? The wild boar has already lost its soul, okay?"

The villagers also talked and joked with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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