small farmer

Chapter 1015 Learning to Cook Braised Pork

Chapter 1015 Learning to Cook Braised Pork (23)

"If you want to make stewed pork, I have brine at home!" The old man said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll do it tomorrow!" Since the old man had brine in his house, Zhang Feng was still hesitant, so he decided happily.

Then he divided the wild boar legs into seven or eight pieces, gave two pieces to the old man, kept two pieces at home, and sold the rest in the eldest sister's restaurant.

Because the taste of wild pork is not very good, not only the fishy smell is strong but also the meat is old, so it is better to save two pieces to beat the teeth and try it out.


the next morning
Zhang Feng came to the old man's house.

"Master, I'm here!"

"Xiaofeng is here, the brine is in the cupboard, I'll get it for you right now!" Seeing Zhang Feng, the old man said with a smile.

"I've never made braised pork before, and this is the first time!" Zhang Feng said with a smile while holding a big bowl of brine.

"Haha, it's okay, I can teach you!" The old man laughed happily when he heard it, just as his hands were itchy, and it was fun to make a braised pork.

Having been a chef all his life, cooking is not just a profession. For the old man, it has become an indispensable part of his life and his favorite.

If it weren't for the fact that he was too old to cope with the intensity of the restaurant, the old man would definitely be willing to cook for a lifetime, until the day he died.

Come to Zhang Feng's house
While cooking, the old man taught Zhang Feng the secret of making stewed pork.

"Hehe, look at it, it's actually very simple to make braised pork, especially when there's brine in it."

The old man cut the pork head meat into palm-sized pieces, then boiled it in cold water for a few minutes, took the meat out and washed it quickly, and then put it in brine for a second time.

"Braised meat is stewed meat, not stewed medicinal materials. Don't trust the so-called master's formula, and put as little medicinal ingredients as possible! In case your medicinal taste completely covers up the meat's taste."

"Also, the ratio of stewed soup to stewed meat should not be too different, the ratio of water to stewed meat should be balanced, and the stewed soup is slightly submerged in the stewed meat, it is best!"

"Do you know what is the most important thing in making stewed pork?" The old man smiled and asked Zhang Feng.

"Fire??" Zhang Feng answered with some uncertainty.

"Hehe, the heat is indeed very important. Any ingredient must be properly heated. Too much is not enough. It doesn't mean that the softer the better, the softer it is, the fibrous tissue of the stewed meat will be completely destroyed, and there will be no chewing at all. Therefore, master Please don't take too long to marinate your meat."

"But I think that the most important thing in making stewed pork is not the heat, but the salt. Salt is the master of all flavors. If there is no salt, everything is for nothing. Properly increasing the salty taste can increase the release of the meat's aroma and neutralize it." and!"

Hearing the old man's words, Zhang Feng suddenly realized and agreed with his words very much.

There is such a saying in Qingshan: No fragrant salt, no sesame oil
As the name suggests, if there is no salt, even meat will have no taste, which shows the important role of salt in cooking.

At this moment, the duckling Maoya, five or six little brats ran into the kitchen with a smile on their faces.

"Wow, it smells so good, Grandpa Liu, crazy brother, what are you doing?"

"Hehe, isn't it delicious? We are making braised pork!" Hearing what the little ones said, the old man was very happy.

"Yeah, the stewed pork made by Grandpa Liu smells really good!" the little guys said while swallowing.

"It's delicious, I'll give you a taste when it's ready!" The old man chatted with the little ones with a smile on his face all the time.

The wild pork was boiled in the brine for about 10 minutes, and the old man lifted the pot down, allowing the meat to continue soaking in the brine, soaking in more of the taste of the brine.

"How long will Grandpa Liu have to wait?" The little greedy cats couldn't wait.

"Hehe, come on, just wait another ten minutes or so!" The old man smiled lightly, loving all the little kids.

Hearing that the little guys squatted obediently by the side, staring at the braised pork in the pot without blinking, they were really a bunch of greedy cats, Zhang Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

"Okay, okay, the stewed meat is ready!" The old man took out the stewed meat, cut the stewed meat in the middle with a kitchen knife, and laughed when he saw that the meat inside was already tasty.

whee! !There is braised pork to eat! !

The little guys were immediately elated, jumping and jumping, very happy.

"Come on, one piece for each!" The old man cut a small piece of thin braised pork for each of the little guys.

"How is it? Is it delicious?"

"good to eat!"


The little ones gave different answers, the boys all thought it was delicious, only Mao Ya frowned bitterly and said it was not good.

"Haha, it's fine if it doesn't taste good!" The old man would not be angry with Xiaomaoya, on the contrary, he thinks such a little girl is cuter.

Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing while watching from the side.

"Let's go, let's go to the backyard and pick some shallots and coriander. Braised pork tastes better with these condiments!"

Speaking of which, the old man walked towards the backyard with five or six little kids, and Zhang Feng quickly followed.

After the old man and the little kids picked the coriander and shallots, Zhang Feng quickly cleaned them, then chopped them into pieces, and poured them into the prepared chili sauce. After stirring, it became a marinated pork dipping water.

Of course, you can also directly mix chili sauce and coriander with the chopped stewed pork. In fact, they are all the same, and the taste is very good.

At noon, the two families gathered together for dinner. The delicious fried pork liver and braised pork cooked by the old man were served together with a bowl of refreshing vegetarian vegetables. Everyone ate with great relish. The old man ate two big bowls of rice.


Just after three o'clock in the afternoon, Uncle Dashan called Zhang Feng.

"Xiaofeng, are you at home? Come to the river, I found a treasure here!"

"What baby?" Zhang Feng was taken aback and asked quickly,

"You'll know when you come! Just hang up like this!" said the third uncle in a hurry and hung up the phone.

Hearing the beeping voice, Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized that he called Dahei and walked out of the house.

"Mom, I'm going to the river!"

"What are you doing by the river?" Seeing her son in a hurry, Wang Guilan was very curious.

"Uncle Dashan said that a treasure was found on the river beach, I'll go and see what's going on!"

When Wang Guilan heard this, she was also very moved, and finally decided to go and have a look, so Xiao Hei was arrested and became a left-behind child.

"Xiaofeng, have you heard the news?"

As soon as Zhang Feng walked to the entrance of the village, he met Uncle Xiao Qi and Uncle Er Niu.

"Well, Uncle Dashan told me that the treasure was dug there, but he didn't tell me the specifics! Do you know what you dug up?"

"Looks like a fossil!"

As soon as Zhang Feng heard that everyone was unclear, he didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, the location of the incident was not far away. It was about one kilometer outside the village, and it only took three to five minutes to walk.

(End of this chapter)

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