small farmer

Chapter 1020 Salted bacon stuffed sausage

Chapter 1020 Salted bacon stuffed sausage (12)

sent away the villagers
Zhang Feng's family began to clean up and clean up the mess.

"Mom, sister, go and rest, and leave the rest to me!"

After tidying up the house, it is already early morning, because they have to get up early tomorrow, especially the eldest sister, their restaurant will serve breakfast in the morning, so they need to go to bed early.

"Well, let's go first, and you should rest early!" The eldest sister yawned, and she and her brother-in-law left.

Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, reassuring everyone that his physical fitness is as strong as a superman, even if he does not sleep for three days and three nights, there will be no problem.

After everyone left, he began to pack today's freshly killed pork. Since it was already late, he put the pork in the freezer and was about to go upstairs to rest.

Since there were still some pig intestines hanging in the kitchen, before leaving, Zhang Feng told the two dogs:

"Da Hei Xiao Hei, you guys help me watch it, you can't let wild cats come in and eat it, you know?"

"Wang Wang... Wang Wang..."

Big Black and Little Black were sleeping in the nest. Hearing what the owner said, he quickly nodded in response and nodded in satisfaction. Zhang Feng then told the little cat next to him not to steal it. Everyone knows that cats like to eat fish. Also really fond of offal.

Facing the owner's precautions, Xiao Miao looked at the large intestine hanging on the wall, and turned her head coldly, expressing her disdain, thinking that I would not eat that stinky thing!
Seeing this, Zhang Feng couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, then simply took a shower, climbed upstairs and fell asleep until the next morning.

Whoa whoa! ! !
The big flower in the backyard screamed, got up early, and led his Sangong Sixth Court and a group of youngsters to plan food in the wasteland.

Hearing Dahua's loud cry, Zhang Feng also woke up. After sleeping, his body fatigue was relieved, and he felt refreshed.

"Xiaofeng woke up? There is hot water in the kitchen!" Wang Guilan walked in from the yard when she heard her son's utterance.

"Understood, Mom!" Zhang Feng nodded, and walked towards the kitchen with a washbasin and towel.

I scooped two scoops of hot water with a gourd ladle. The high temperature was seventy to eighty degrees. Although it was a little hot, I felt very happy.

After washing his face, he ate breakfast next door, and when he got home, he was preparing to marinate bacon when the old man's family walked in.

"Crazy here we come!"

"Hehe, it's good to be here, just to help me marinate bacon!" Seeing Yiyi and grandpa and grandma walk in, Zhang Feng immediately showed a smile on his face.

"Haha, Xiaofeng, you are responsible for cutting. Each piece should not be too big. It should be about two or three catties. It will be easier to taste. I will teach them how to apply pepper and salt!"

Then everyone worked together, Zhang Feng cut all the pork legs into small pieces, and the old man and Grandma Liu took Yiyi to marinate them.

The local bacon in Qingshan is similar to that in other places. After the pork is rubbed with pepper and salt, it will be marinated in a large sealed vat. It will be like this for about three to five days.

The rest is to dry in the sun, or smoked with firewood, and the bacon dried with firewood has a special flavor.

"Ah, it's finally done!!"

Everyone worked for about two hours, and finally finished marinating about [-] catties of pork from two pigs, and the remaining pork belly was used to stuff sausages. Lean meat, the sausage made is as hard as dry wood, and the taste is very poor.

"Let's rest for a while!" Seeing that everyone was a little tired, Zhang Feng suggested with a smile.

"Hehe, it's okay, there are still so many pork belly to cut!"

The old man waved his hand indifferently, and insisted on cutting up the remaining pork belly with Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng no longer insisted on this, but asked Yiyi to boil some water and make a cup of honey water for everyone.

Because Zhang Feng and the old man's knife skills are at the pinnacle level, and with the help of Grandma Liu and Yiyi, the four of them acted together. In less than an hour, five or sixty catties of pork belly were all cut into slices.

After the meat was cut, grandparents mixed with pepper and salt, Zhang Feng and Yiyi also washed the small intestine seven or eight times, and finally it was clean.

Filling bacon is a meticulous job that requires time and patience. Although machines are used now, somehow, the taste of manual filling is better.

In order to keep the original taste of the sausage, as long as there is time, everyone is still willing to do it by themselves, so that the sausage filled by hand tastes better.

Fortunately, big ya er ya, little duck and big hairy monkeys came one after another.

How could Zhang Feng let these free child laborers go, he captured the little ones, and filled sausages with everyone.

"Oh, little duck, please slow down!" Da Mao complained to the little duck because the little duck was pouring too fast.

"Hee hee, I see, let me slow down!"

The little ones were arguing and stuffing sausages, as if they regarded it as a game. Although the speed of playing around was not very fast, it could also help everyone share some work.

Seeing a few little kids making noise, the adults couldn't help but smile. These little guys are everyone's pistachio, and they make everyone laugh from time to time, which makes everyone feel very happy.

Just like the little ducklings, the two sisters, Da Ya and Er Ya, have always been very quiet, and they are also very serious and careful in their work. Everyone likes them very much because of their gentle personality.

Although a group of little guys helped, it still couldn't be finished by noon.

"Beep!" At this moment, Zhang Feng's phone rang.
Wiping his hands, he quickly opened it and saw that it was Uncle Er Niu calling, probably looking for Duckling.

"Hey! Uncle Erniu, what's the matter with you?"

"Xiaofeng, is that little duck at your house? If he is, tell him to go home and have dinner!" Sure enough, Uncle Er Niu really asked the little duck to go home for dinner.

"Hehe, I'm here. The little duck is helping me pack the sausages. I'll eat it at my house at noon. Don't wait for him!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Uncle Er Niu immediately "invoked the teacher to ask the crime": "Okay, you kid actually dare to treat my son like a cow and horse, let's see if I have time to not deal with you!"

"Hey, whatever you want, you can do whatever you want!" Zhang Feng was not afraid of his threat,
The two chatted for a few words before hanging up the phone.

Then Zhang Feng called the little guys' homes one by one, saying that the little kids were eating at home at noon, and told the parents not to worry. Everyone knew that their sons and daughters were at his home, so they were relieved.

"Little guys, wash your hands and rest for a while, we are going to eat!" After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng clapped his hands and said to the little guys with a smile.

"Oh, it's time to eat!!" The little kids jumped up happily, and then happily went outside to wash their oily paws.

(End of this chapter)

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