small farmer

Chapter 1022 The Injured Leopard

Chapter 1022 The Injured Leopard
Since the little brats were on vacation

The village became lively again. Every day, the little ones played wantonly in the village, playing hide-and-seek, hide-and-seek, chasing each other, and playing very lively.

Even the yard of Zhang Feng's house has become one of the fixed places for the little kids to play. Every day, they go to swing under the big tree for a while, or play chasing and fighting with big black and little black.

In addition to these, the little brats also steal bait, glutinous rice cakes, or sweet potatoes from home to barbecue on the mountain, making their faces ashamed every day.

Seemingly infected by the little kids, the little animals in Zhang Feng's house also seemed to become mischievous.

It's not that just after Zhang Feng finished his breakfast, Xiao Ba and Da Hua had trouble.

"Help! Master, help!"

Zhang Feng followed the prestige and couldn't help but smile wryly. It turned out that Xiao Ba was calling for help. At this time, he was being chased by Da Hua, panicked and embarrassed.

"What's the matter? You snatched the big flower's earthworm again?"

Xiao Ba flew to the big tree, still in a state of shock. Hearing Zhang Feng's words, he flapped his wings and flew to his shoulder immediately.
"Master, the big flower is so fierce, it almost killed me just now!"

Hearing Xiao Ba's words, Da Hua immediately became furious. Facing Xiao Ba's aggressive appearance, if Xiao Ba hadn't stood on Zhang Feng, Da Hua would have pounced on him.

"Oh, master, help me, look at Da Hua is going to kill someone again!" Xiao Ba screamed and complained to the master,
But Zhang Feng ignored it, knowing that this guy is a troublemaker, he probably ate the earthworms that Dahua dug out of the soil this time, otherwise Dahua, who has always been aloof, would not be relentless towards him .

Therefore, Zhang Feng did not cover it up, but gave it a chestnut, and then severely criticized it, and let it go to the vegetable field to find insects to eat. There are so many vegetable fields outside the village, and there are many insects. , As long as you work hard, you will definitely not be hungry.

But Zhang Feng knew that it was not easy for Xiao Ba to support the whole family, so he took a hoe to the backyard, dug some earthworms and gave it to him, and Xiao Ba immediately sang "Only Mother is Good in the World" gratefully. Zhang Feng felt a little weird, as if he had raised a bird as his son.

Smiling and shaking his head, he dismissed the mischievous guy Xiaoba, and then used earthworms to appease the aloof Dahua, the courtyard finally returned to calm, and Dahua continued to take his concubines and younger brothers for private visits in the backyard .

"Hello madman!"

"Crazy brother, we are here!" I saw two little girls walking into the yard obediently with their schoolbags on their backs.

"Da Ya Er Ya is here, have you had breakfast?" Zhang Feng smiled when he saw the well-behaved sisters.

"Crazy brother, we've already eaten!" The two little girls replied in unison.

"Okay, let's go to the house, and I will teach you XX today..."

The two little girls are very eager to learn. Their parents were very happy when they heard that their children were going to learn painting from Zhang Feng. After all, children like it, and there is always nothing wrong with learning more talents.

So since the holiday, the two little girls prepared to come to Zhang Feng's house at eight o'clock every morning, no matter the weather, to learn painting from him.

Since the two little girls have some foundation and are also very interested in painting, they both learn very quickly, especially sketching. They have already learned it well in just a few days.

Zhang Feng is also very happy to have such two studious students. He assigns them some homework every day, hoping that they can learn better and faster.

"Crazy brother, look, this is the sketch we drew yesterday!"

When they came to the study room, Da Ya and Er Ya handed in yesterday's homework. Zhang Feng opened it and saw that what Da Ya drew was a sketch of a figure, and it was a portrait of his younger sister, Er Ya. Just simpler tables, chairs and teapots.

"Not bad, not bad, Da Ya's drawing is already very good. If you continue to practice for a while, you will be able to become a master. Er Ya's painting is also good, but the proportion is a little out of balance, and the perspective and brightness need to be strengthened... "

Zhang Feng put the homework of the two sisters on the desk and commented on them one by one.

After checking yesterday's homework, Zhang Feng started to hand in new things to them again. The two little girls were very serious and listened very carefully. Before they knew it, an hour passed, and today's class was too late. It's finally over.

"It's been a few days and that's the end of the class, if you don't know it, ask me quickly..."

After answering the questions of Da Ya and Er Ya, Zhang Feng assigned them today's homework as listed, and each of them drew another sketch. It was still the same as before, the subject matter was not fixed, and they could draw whatever they liked.

"Goodbye madman!"


The two little girls and Zhang Feng waved, then put on their schoolbags and left the yard with smiles on their faces.

After seeing off the two little girls, Zhang Feng and Yiyi walked towards the back mountain.

I want to see how the leopard that the expedition team rescued some time ago is doing.

When the two came to the research station hand in hand, the little kids in the village were already waiting there.

"Duckling, are you here too?" Seeing the little duck looking in, Zhang Feng patted his head and asked!

"Oh, it's you madman!" The little guy turned around and laughed happily when he saw Zhang Feng and Yiyi.

"The little duck told you to keep your voice down, you see you scared the leopard!" At this moment, Da Mao said reproachfully with his mouth raised.

"Hee hee!" The little guy smiled nonchalantly, but he didn't say anything more. It is estimated that he had been warned by the staff when he came here, otherwise the little guys would not be so law-abiding.

At this moment, Zhang Feng saw a big warning sign in the yard, which said 'no talking loudly' and 'no throwing rubbish stones at animals'.

Because the research station is built on the mountainside, people outside can clearly see the situation in the backyard as long as they stand on the side of the mountainside. I saw a leopard locked in a hut. At this time, I heard the voice from outside. Looking forward vigilantly.

This leopard was the one rescued by the expedition team a few days ago. It is said that when everyone met it, it was seriously injured, its leg was bitten and bloody, and it passed out in the woods.

Fortunately, there were animal rescue experts in the inspection team, who gave it a simple bandage immediately, otherwise this leopard would definitely not be in the end. It is estimated that it had already died of excessive blood loss before it was sent out.

After being rescued back to the research station, the leopard received good treatment immediately, because it was only a trauma, so as long as there is no infection, it will recover soon.

No, in less than a week, the leopard has been able to stand up, and can even walk a few steps with a limp. According to the estimates of the experts at the research station, the leopard can fully recover within a month or two at most , At that time, you will be able to return to the mountains and resume your free life.

(End of this chapter)

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