small farmer

Chapter 1028 Clouded Leopard Attack

Chapter 1028 Clouded Leopard Attack (12)


After a busy day, the villagers finally had some free time, and everyone came to the small square at the entrance of the village to rest and chat.

While chatting, someone talked about what happened to the reserve patrol team today.

"Have you heard? Today the mountain patrol team encountered a tiger attack in the mountains, and several people died!"

"No way, what I heard is different from what you said?" Uncle Dashan is one of the most well-informed people in the village, so he has also heard about the distress of the mountain patrol team, but what Uncle Daqiao said is not the same. Same.

"I don't know about that, what did you hear?"

Uncle Daqiao didn’t know where the news came from. Everyone felt a little unreliable when they heard it. Everyone believed it when they met a tiger, but it would be an exaggeration to say how many people were killed by a tiger. Five people, and they even brought a tranquilizer gun with them!
"I heard that the mountain patrol team encountered a clouded leopard. I think they must have accidentally broken into the clouded leopard's territory, so they were attacked. It is said that the clouded leopard was lurking in the grass at that time, and it fell on a clouded leopard at once. The mountain patrol team, fortunately, the others reacted quickly and helped to scare away the clouded leopard, and the person who was knocked down also suffered a little shoulder injury, which was not fatal!"

"Hey, the job of the patrol team is not easy!"

"Of course, there are no wild beasts in this mountain. I used to think that tigers are far away from us, but didn't we even find the South China tiger a while ago?"

"Yes, this mountain is getting more and more dangerous. I will never dare to go into this deep mountain again in the future!"

"Let's not talk about you, I guess there are almost no one who dares to enter the deep mountains except the Pao Shan Ye and Lao Yao Shu!"

"How is it possible, you won't forget Xiaofeng, right?" Uncle Er Niu hurriedly reminded.

"Xiaofeng? He doesn't count. He's just a pervert. It's nothing to go into the mountains. I think the rich wolves, tigers and leopards in the mountains will run away from him when they encounter him!"

The villagers couldn't be more aware of Zhang Feng's ability, and his combat effectiveness has been verified through countless actual battles.

When I was on the mountain patrol last year, I killed the wild boar king who broke into the back mountain, and rescued the running mountain master who was hiding in the tree; In addition, the last time I went into the mountain with the expedition team, I met the policeman who was pounced by the South China tiger at the mouth of the tiger. Then, a few days ago, everyone went into the mountain together to hunt, and he singled out a It was a big wild boar weighing more than 200 kilograms, and it was killed in one move, which shocked everyone.

The villagers are very clear about these "great achievements" after each battle, so they feel that if Zhang Feng enters the mountain, it will be fine if he doesn't encounter wild beasts in the mountain. Will Zhang Feng.

As the news of the accident of the mountain patrol team in the reserve spread, everyone gradually understood the truth.

It turned out to be similar to what Uncle Dashan said. This time the mountain patrol team accidentally entered the territory of the clouded leopard and was suddenly attacked by the clouded leopard. In the end, the shoulder of the team member who was attacked was torn. After returning, more than 30 stitches were stitched, but the injury was not serious. Seriously, except for one hand that is still unable to move, other actions are not affected.

However, this incident also caused a lot of impact on the reserve and the mountain patrol team. Although everyone knew that the mountain patrol team was dangerous, they did not expect the danger to come so quickly. If the clouded leopard did not bite the shoulder this time, But what about the neck and throat? ?Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

the next morning
The people in the protected area called the old man who ran the mountain and Zhang Feng, and planned to ask the three of them for advice, hoping that they could give better advice to the mountain patrol team.

"Come! Come! Everyone please sit down!" Inviting the three to the meeting room, the station master hurriedly greeted the three to sit down with a smile, and arranged for someone to pour tea for everyone.

After everyone sat down and took a sip of tea, the stationmaster Zhang's face became serious: "Have you all heard about the mountain patrol team this time?"

"En!" The three looked at each other, then nodded.

"Well, what happened this time taught us a big lesson. It shows that we were not prepared enough before, and we didn't know enough about the danger. I called you here this time, and I hope you can give us some advice. I hope It can guarantee the safety of the patrol team." Zhang Zhang said with a sigh.

"I think we can consider increasing the weapons of the mountain patrol team, or bring a defensive shield or something?" Zhang Feng immediately said what he thought.

"I said you kid really came up with a random idea. Every time the mountain patrol team enters the mountain, it takes several days. Everyone climbs the mountain and wades, and it is enough to bring food and water. How can you have the strength to bring a shield?" Master Paoshan immediately refuted Zhang Feng's words.

"Eh..." Zhang Feng was speechless when he heard the words of the mountain master, knowing that among the three, he knew the most about the mountains, so he stopped giving everyone bad ideas and listened carefully to the mountain master and the old man. What did Uncle Yao say?

"Haha! It's okay, it's okay, Mr. Zhang's suggestion has some merits!" The station master said haha, and gave Zhang Feng a step down.

"You should be the clouded leopard you met in XXX this time, right?" Pao Shanye gave Zhang Feng a blank look, took a sip of tea, turned his gaze to the captain of the mountain patrol team and asked.

"Ah, how do you know??" The captain was very surprised when he heard Paoshan Master accurately tell the location where everyone was attacked.

"Is there anything else in Qinglong Mountain that I don't know about..."

Master Paoshan smiled slightly, and then like a few treasures, he pointed out where wild beasts often appear in Qinglong Mountain, where tigers may appear, where black bears are lairs, and where animals often appear.

Hearing Master Pao Shan's words, everyone who was not present, except for Old Yao Shu, all opened their mouths in surprise and didn't react for a long time.

Everyone didn't feel that Paoshan Lord was lying, because according to the inspections in the past month, everyone also had a preliminary understanding of the mountains, and several places have verified the authenticity of Pao Shanye's words.

"Master Paoshan, you are really amazing, no wonder you are the best hunter in Qingshan!"

The members of the mountain patrol team suddenly applauded excitedly. Before, everyone didn't think that the mountain runner was so powerful. At most, he was just an old man who often went into the mountain.

Even at the beginning, everyone looked down on him a bit, because the reserve hired Pao Shanye as a consultant for the reserve, and he didn't have to go to work for a month, and his salary was higher than theirs, so everyone felt very unconvinced.

Now that I hear Pao Shanye's words, I really understand what it means to be ginger or old hot. No wonder he can be a consultant. If this level of level is not enough to be a consultant, then who can be competent. Let's see at this time Master Paoshan's eyes were full of admiration, and he was almost cast down.

(End of this chapter)

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