small farmer

Chapter 1031 The Four Wonderful Stones of China

Chapter 1031 Four Great Strange Stones in China (22)

"Hee hee, brother, I picked up this stone!" Hearing Zhang Feng say that the quality of the fast jade is very good, the little girl's face was full of joy.

This is jade. In the little girl's heart, she has always felt that gold is valuable and jade is priceless. In the hearts of ordinary people, jade is a very precious thing.

"Got it, got it, take it back and hide it quickly. After a few years of storage, it might sell for hundreds of thousands." Zhang Feng smiled lightly, and handed the stone to the little girl.

"Ah! Can it really sell for hundreds of thousands?" The little girl exclaimed in surprise.

"Of course, the value of Huanglongyu has not been fully developed yet. Put it away well and keep it for ten years. You can sell it after others stir it up. It will definitely be worth so much money by then." Zhang Feng half-true With a half-fake smile, he said,

"Brother, don't lie to me, but I've heard that only carved high-quality jade is the most valuable..." The jade girl pulled Zhang Feng and asked him to help her carve out the fast stone.

Seeing the little girl acting coquettishly, Zhang Feng couldn't laugh or cry immediately, but finally couldn't stand her request and agreed to help her carve and process.

"Yeah! Brother, you are so kind!!" The little girl jumped up excitedly, because she knew that the elder brother's carving level was better than that of ordinary masters.

Seeing such an excited little girl, Zhang Feng was very speechless, thinking that if I don't help you sculpt, will your brother and I be fine? ?
Sitting in the yard, everyone saw Zhang Feng holding the stone and kept observing, without disturbing him, knowing that he was thinking about what to carve.

Suddenly Zhang Feng's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of a good idea.

This stone is golden all over, and it is perfect for carving a chicken.

"What's the matter, lunatic, have you figured it out?" Yiyi immediately asked after seeing his expression.

"Well, how about I use it to carve a chicken?" Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, and then asked the three of them.

"Okay, okay, it's great to carve a chicken!" The little girl was the first to exclaim in surprise.

Then Zhang Feng explained to everyone with a smile and introduced his own ideas. This idea completely took the color depth and shape of the jade into consideration, and it was really thoughtful.

In fact, this is not entirely Zhang Feng's idea, to be precise, it was inspired by a work.

I remember that one of the four great stones in China is similar to this one, and it is called 'chicken out of shell'.

It was a piece of Gobi agate, which is now hidden in Yanjing. The chick came out of its shell and turned into a strange stone of natural agate.This stone looks like a fluffy chick with light yellow color looking out from the eggshell and stretching out its head. It has a lifelike image and bright color.

"Wow, this rock is so cute!" Seeing the picture of the chick hatching on Zhang Feng's phone, everyone couldn't help exclaiming, it's so cute, it's simply a miracle of nature, with ingenuity.

Some people may say, this stone can’t be fake, how can a natural stone grow like this, even if it is artificially carved, it is not so exquisite and easy to cut? ?
But according to the information on the Internet, this piece of agate is really pure natural, purely the creation of nature, without the slightest trace of artificial carving.

For this, Zhang Feng also had to lament that nature is really miraculous that it can create such an exquisite and strange stone.

"Brother, is this stone really natural??"

Seeing the picture of the chick hatching, the little girl couldn't believe it even more, because the stone was so real, it was so lifelike, the chick's eyes and mouth were so lifelike, and there was no sense of imbalance in the proportions.

"Of course, this stone is now in the collection of the government!"

This stone is produced in the area of ​​WLTHQ Agate Mountain, NMGBYNE City. It is the size of a fist and weighs 92 grams.The original collector, Mr. Zhang, transferred it to the government of Chaoyang District, BJ City in 2005 at a price of more than 500 million yuan. It is now one of the four major strange stones in China, with an estimated value of 1.3 million yuan.

Judging from its appearance, this stone is lifelike. From the lifelike eyes looking out, one can imagine its strange expression when it saw the outside world for the first time. The hatched chick is looking for food; maybe looking at the naive appearance of the chick that just jumped out of the shell in front of it; maybe it is looking for its mother with expectant eyes. The realistic, lively and cute shape is hard to imagine It is a stone, a natural agate stone.

"Oh, it would be great if this stone was mine!" Xiaoyue cried whimsically.

"It's like a dream in broad daylight, right? This stone is worth more than [-] million, and even if you give it [-] billion, they won't be willing to sell it!" Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head.

"Oh, what a pity!" The little girl said with a bit of unwillingness, pouted.

At this moment, Yiyi smiled, and then asked: "Madman, Dongpo meat seems to be one of the four strange stones, right?"

"Well, in addition to the 'Dongpo Meat-shaped Stone', there are also two strange stones, 'Yueyue' and 'Shenying', but the latter two are not well-known, and generally few people know about them." Zhang Feng smiled , In fact, he didn't know it before, but when he searched for the chick out of the shell just now, there was an introduction above.

Everyone knows that Dongpo meat-shaped stone comes from ALSZQ in Inner Mongolia. It was offered to the Inner Palace during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. It is now one of the four great stones in China.

It is now collected in the Forbidden City in Taiwan. This strange stone is a natural stone with natural color and texture, such as the size of an egg, and its mineral chemical composition is silicon dioxide.This Dongpo meat-shaped stone is all natural in color and texture. It looks like a piece of lifelike pork belly. It is also called the "Three Treasures of the Town Hall" of the Forbidden City in Taiwan.

'Suiyue' is now in the hands of a collector surnamed Zhao in Yinchuan, which belongs to the category of Gobi stones.This strange stone is about the size of an adult's fist, resembling the head of an old Western woman. The nose, mouth, wrinkles on the forehead, and hair are like real people. It is so similar to the proportion of a real person, even with wrinkles and wrinkles, it cannot but be said to be a miracle.

'Condor Eagle' is now in the hands of a senior collector in Guangdong Province. It belongs to the Huanglong jade species and comes from Zijin Nanmu Temple in Guangdong Province.This is a strange stone that is naturally formed in myths and legends. It has a curved eagle beak, sharp eyes, perfect lines, both shape and spirit, coupled with golden yellow jade, and the size is the same as that of a real eagle. It makes people have to sigh This uncanny work of nature.

After seeing the pictures of a few strange stones, everyone was amazed, wishing to keep all of them for themselves, and at the same time lamented the magic of nature.

(End of this chapter)

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