small farmer

1034 Chapter 12 Heart-numbing criticism

1034 Chapter 12 Heart-numbing criticism ([-])

Three o'clock in the afternoon
The bus carrying the experts of the inspection team finally came to the village.

Seeing so many people coming, the little kids in the village ran over to watch the excitement, wanting to see where they came from.

"Brother, where did they come from?" Mao Ya turned her black eyes and asked Da Mao beside her.

Da Mao pouted, shook his head and replied, "I don't know either!"

"Hee hee, I know! I know! You can see that it is written on the cars they are riding in!" The little duck was still smart, pointing to the route sign on the car and said to his friends.

"The provincial capital, so they came from the provincial capital!"

"I heard that the people in the provincial capital are very rich!"

"How do you know?"

"My father said, not long ago, there were a few guests from the provincial capital staying at my house..."

The experts couldn't help laughing when they saw the little kids chattering and watching, and thought the little kids were very cute, especially Maoya's fluffy hair, which made the experts feel kinder, because they The same is true for childhood playmates, as if returning to childhood.

"How old are you, little girl? What's your name?" A female expert in her forties walked towards Mao Ya with a smile.

Seeing the strange aunt approaching, Mao Ya looked a little frightened, and immediately hid behind her brother Da Mao, stuck out her small head, and looked curiously with her big eyes.

"Haha, Xiao Wu, don't scare other children!" Seeing Professor Wu hiding the timid Mao Ya in fright, the experts all laughed.

"Little friend, you are so cute. Auntie will give you sweets!" Then he took out a few chocolates from his bag and handed them to Mao Ya.

But the little girl still didn't dare to take it, because her parents said that you can't take candies from strangers.

"Haha, Mao Ya can continue if she wants, this auntie works at the protection station, she is not a stranger!" Zhang Feng just walked here, and said to Mao Ya with a smile when he saw this.

"Thank you, auntie!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Mao Ya took the candy timidly, and then thanked the strange aunt in a low voice.

"Hehe, you're welcome!" Touching Mao Ya's pink and tender face, Professor Wu showed a happy smile on his face.

Then Professor Wu distributed the remaining chocolates in his pocket to the little ones present, and the little ones were very happy.


The inspection team is very efficient
As soon as they settled down at the protection station, a meeting was held immediately.

At the meeting, Zhang Zhang informed the experts of Zhang Feng and Pao Shanye's suggestion, that is, the inspection time should not exceed ten days, otherwise they would not participate in this inspection.

"No, no, ten days is too short!"

"That is, I don't agree with what can be investigated in ten days!"

"Swapping, just change the guide directly!!"

"Yes, change guides, 500 yuan a day, are you afraid that you won't be able to find a guide??"

Professor Zhou smiled and watched the professors who came here for the first time speak, because he knew the importance of Master Paoshan and Zhang Feng. In his opinion, the entire inspection team could lack any experts, but no one could be missing. Master Paoshan, even Zhang Feng's role is more important than that of ordinary experts.

But he didn't immediately refute everyone, because there is still Zhang Zhang here.

Sure enough, upon hearing the insight of several experts, Stationmaster Zhang immediately explained: "You may not know that this Pao Shan Ye is not an ordinary guide, but he is the most famous hunter in the ten miles and eight towns around here. Other than that, no one is familiar with the situation in the depths of Qinglong Mountain."

"Besides, the other guide is not simple. He is the richest man in Qingshan, even the richest man in Guizhou Province. He is worth tens of billions. The most important thing is that he has two good dogs. It is not a problem to single out a big wild boar. When the expedition team encountered a leopard in the mountains, it was because of his dog that they drove the leopard away..."

Hearing Zhang Zhang's introduction, the experts who were clamoring to change guides were immediately stunned. They didn't expect that the two guides were better than the other. It seemed that neither of them could be changed!

"Ahem, let me say a few words!!" Then Professor Zhou coughed and smiled, ready to express his opinion.

"Actually, in my opinion, the investigation time we planned this time is a bit long. Everyone knows that the environment in the mountains is very bad. If the investigation time is too long, our supplies may not be able to keep up. Moreover, the longer the time, the more tired everyone will be. , the effect of the investigation is not good, and it is more prone to accidents and dangers, so I also agree with the opinions of the two guides, it is best not to spend more than ten days for the inspection, and it would be best if it can be controlled within a week."

"I also agree with Professor Zhou's opinion. This time, there are 30 people in our inspection team alone, plus other people, it is estimated that there are about 50 people. With so many people entering the mountain, what should we do with food and drink?? So I also I think we should shorten the inspection time, or divide into two groups, otherwise there will be too many people, which will be very unfavorable to the inspection!!"

In the end, after discussions among the experts, they agreed with Zhang Feng and the two, shortening the inspection time to ten days.


After the inspection team confirmed the new inspection time, they notified Master Paoshan and Zhang Feng to attend the meeting that night.

For the meeting in the evening, there are three items that everyone needs to determine. The first is the number of people to be inspected, the second is the objectives of the inspection, and the route, and the third is the logistical arrangement of the inspection.

The first item is very easy to determine. The 30 experts of the expedition team must enter the mountain. In addition, there are five guides, including Pa Shanye and Zhang Feng, and three members of the mountain patrol team.

In addition to these personnel, in order to protect everyone's safety, the county also sent three armed special police officers to follow.

Calculated in this way, there are a total of 38 people who entered the mountain. There are really too many people. The running mountain master frowned, and Zhang Feng wanted to scold his mother even more.

There are so many people, how do you take care of them after entering the mountain? Not only is the safety issue more difficult to guarantee, especially the daily board and lodging is not something ordinary people can handle, because in the mountains, even if Zhang Feng has the best cooking skills, but coincidentally It's hard for a woman to cook without rice!

Fortunately, some idiots proposed to bring their own dry food in order to go to the mountains for investigation and to mix up the research results! !
For this, Zhang Feng couldn't help clapping and applauding. It's good to bring your own dry food. It's much easier for him. He drinks millet porridge every day, boils a pot of fish soup, and eats an apple after dinner. Thinking about it, he feels happy.

The personnel and logistics were barely resolved, but the second item was in big trouble.

Because each expert has his own project that he wants to investigate, and the last statistics show that there are more than 100 items.

Oh My God! !Faced with so many things to investigate, Master Paoshan is going crazy, because he needs to plan the inspection route! !
(End of this chapter)

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