small farmer

Chapter 1043 Insects Worth Tens of Thousands

Chapter 1043 Insects Worth Hundreds of Thousands (22)

"Ah! Everyone, come and see what this is?"

After lunch, everyone began to explore the valley and study the species in the valley. After about a quarter of an hour, Professor Wu was the first to make a discovery.

Hearing that Professor Wu had made a discovery, the experts immediately ran over.

"Huh? This... this seems to be a dung beetle!!"

"No, this is not a dung beetle, this should be a unicorn!"

"Unicorns? How is it possible? Isn't there no unicorns in Guizhou Province?"

"Haha, there wasn't one before, but isn't there now?"

The first time the unicorn was found in Guizhou Province, the experts were very excited and carefully captured it in a special container, and then everyone continued to search in the nearby woods.

The one-horned fairy, also known as the two-pronged rhinoceros beetle, is a kind of insect of the family Scarabidae and the genus Cetaceae. It is named after the male has a well-developed head horn.Distributed in the eastern part of Jihuaxia, the island country, Taiguo and other places, living in the forest.

The larvae feed on the humus formed by leaf mold or rotten wood, and the adults also feed on the sap from tree wounds or ripe fruits.The life cycle is about one year.Often kept as pets.

The unicorn fairy has a single horn on its head, which is shaped like antlers, so it is called the unicorn fairy.

Its body length is about 30-50mm (excluding the frontal horn), body width is 20-30mm, the body is long oval, the body surface is smooth or slightly hairy on the back, and the ventral surface is more hairy.Body color varies greatly among individuals, ranging from dark red to reddish brown to pure black, and sometimes the color of the cephalothorax and elytra of the same individual will also be different.

The unicorn mostly inhabits evergreen or deciduous broad-leaved forests. Because the larvae depend on the leaf humus or the humus formed by the rotten wood under the forest, they have higher requirements on the originality of the forest. They especially like Fagaceae plants, such as Quercus qinggang .In addition, larvae can also live in rotting grass piles, sawdust piles in lumber mills, and sawdust medium in mushroom farms.

Its larvae live inside humus or sawdust piles and generally do not expose themselves to the outside.Because the air valve is open, it must live in a humid environment, otherwise it is easy to die due to rapid dehydration of the body.

The optimum temperature for larvae is 23-25°C, at this temperature the eating is most active and the growth is the best; although it can tolerate high temperatures of 30°C, it will have adverse effects on growth; below 20°C, the amount of food intake will decrease and the growth will be slow; 10°C After that, it enters a dormant state, basically does not eat, and loses weight; it can tolerate low temperatures around 0°C for a short period of time, but it will cause death if it is lower than -2°C.

The natural enemies of the larvae are mainly predators that can dig, such as moles and badgers, and carnivorous larvae such as beetles and bumblebees, which are also easily parasitized and killed by fungi.

The natural enemies of adults are mainly carnivores or omnivores in forests such as crows, raccoon dogs and wild boars.There are often a large number of mites attached to the body surface, but they are generally not life-threatening.

"It's so weird!! Isn't the unicorn only found in June and July? Why can it be found in winter!!"

When everyone found several unicorn queens in the small woods in the valley, many experts were surprised. You must know that as soon as autumn comes in October, the unicorns will die completely.

"It's probably related to the unique climate in the valley!" Professor Zhou reminded everyone with a smile.

"That's right! We didn't expect there to be a hot spring here!!" The experts who were puzzled just now suddenly realized.

Because there are hot springs in the valley, the temperature here is kept at around [-] degrees all year round, which is very suitable for the growth of unicorns. No wonder people can still find them in winter.

Seeing that the experts were happy to catch a few dung beetles, several mountain patrol members were puzzled.

"Professor Zhou, isn't this a cow dung bug? Why are you all so excited?"

Cow dung worms are the local name for dung beetles in Qingshan. When we were young, after the cattle herding meeting, we would often gather together to pee and feed cow dung beetles. Every time we could get a cow dung beetle, everyone was very happy. As happy as getting a good toy.

"Hehe, this thing is not a cow dung worm, it is a unicorn fairy, he is not the same as a cow dung worm..."

Then Professor Zhou patiently explained to everyone the difference between the unicorn and the dung beetle.

To put it simply, dung beetles are the most powerful insects. They have two 'pincers' on their heads, and use their powerful hind legs to carry feces and make food for themselves or the next generation.

The unicorn is a beautiful beetle with a long forked horn growing in front of its head, and it sucks the juice of trees or fruits.

So as long as you look at the appearance, you can see the difference between them.

"Hey! It seems to be so!!"

"That's right, cow dung worms do have two horns!"

"No, there are also ones with only one horn?"

Several mountain patrol members argued again, arguing endlessly about how many horns the dung beetle had.

"Haha, stop arguing, dung beetles have one horn and two horns! And there are not only two kinds of dung beetles, there are more than 300 species in the world, and we in China alone can hardly count them. !!"

Seeing that everyone was arguing so lively, as an expert in insect research, Professor Wu quickly explained with a smile.

"Ah! There are so many kinds of dung beetles?" Zhang Feng was already overwhelmed. He never thought that such an inconspicuous little thing like dung beetles could be divided into so many kinds.

"Of course!!" Professor Wu nodded slightly.

Then Zhang Feng checked the information of the Unicorn Fairy.

Zhang Feng was shocked when he saw it. According to the introduction on the Internet, some unique unicorns can be bought for 10,000+, and the most common ones can be sold for hundreds or thousands of dollars. , It's really too scary, too crazy, isn't this just a beetle in Zhang Feng's opinion?How could it be sold for so much money?

But then Zhang Feng saw a piece of news that listed the most expensive animals in the world. Among them was a beetle similar to the unicorn, which ranked sixth at 89000 yuan.

Fuck! !This is 89000 yuan, not 89000 Nandong! !
Zhang Feng made a rough calculation, and converted 89000 meters into RMB, that is about [-] yuan.

Only now did Zhang Feng discover that there are so many rich people in the world, and a single beetle can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Knowing that beetles are so valuable, Zhang Feng is a little ready to move, wanting to catch a few to sell.

Unfortunately, this is just a thought.

Because taking the unicorn fairy as an example, this thing is a three-dimensional animal. If you catch a few more, the police will come to check the water meter!
He took a deep breath and calmed himself down. After a while, Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head. He didn't expect that even he would be affected. It seems that the ancients said that good money is touching people's hearts!

Then the experts discovered many precious insects in the valley, including not only beetles, but also several rare butterflies.

And Zhang Feng's favorite is one of them called the dead leaf butterfly. They are very good at camouflaging and hiding themselves. As long as they are hidden in the fallen leaves, they are completely integrated with the environment. If you don't observe carefully, it is impossible Spotting them is a master of camouflage for animals.

(End of this chapter)

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